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单词 Grouped
1) He grouped students according to ability.
2) The police grouped about the demonstrators.
3) The family grouped together for the photograph.
4) We've grouped the questions under three headings.
5) The books are grouped together by subject.
6) The data can be grouped under four heads.
7) We all grouped around the tree for a photograph.
8) These stories can be loosely grouped into three types.
9) Works in the exhibition are grouped thematically.
10) The children were grouped by age.
11) Contestants were grouped according to age and ability.
12) Most of the houses were grouped around the church.
13) The books were grouped by size.
14) The family was grouped together for the photograph.
15) The photo shows four men grouped round a jeep.
16) The children grouped about him.
17) The children grouped round the teacher.
18) The men were grouped in a close formation.
19) We were grouped into six age bands.
20) Eggs were grouped according to colour and size.
21) I grouped the children according to age.
22) The police grouped round the demonstrators.
23) The children grouped themselves around their teacher.
24) The fact sheets are grouped into seven sections.
25) The England team was grouped with Uruguay and Holland.
26) The data can be grouped under three heads.
27) How many classes are earthquakes grouped into?
28) They sat grouped around the fire.
29) All these books should be grouped under theater.
30) The patient has been grouped.
1) He grouped students according to ability.
2) The police grouped about the demonstrators.
3) The family grouped together for the photograph.
4) All these books should be grouped under theater.
5) Earthquakes are grouped according to their origin, into three classes.
6) Theatres and cinemas were grouped mainly on the two streets.
31) We grouped in two rows.
32) The books have been grouped thematically.
33) The names were grouped under four different headings.
34) The children grouped about their teacher whenever she took them out on a trip.
35) Different flowers can be grouped together to make a colourful display.
36) We all grouped together round the bride for a family photograph.
37) The colleges grouped together to offer a wider range of courses.
38) The company's aims can be grouped under three main headings.sentence dictionary
39) Earthquakes are grouped according to their origin, into three classes.
40) The paintings have been grouped together according to the style of different periods of the artist's life.
41) Theatres and cinemas were grouped mainly on the two streets.
42) Non-fiction books are grouped together by subject.
43) The main body spots are grouped in rosettes.
44) The plates were grouped according to color and size.
45) The groined vault is carried on grouped piers.
46) Can they be grouped together under titles?
47) More often apparel is grouped by color.
48) Grouped around the eggs are many stamens producing pollen.
49) Levine and Siegel grouped these excuses into four categories.
50) They are grouped around radios, singing samba songs.
51) Since materials are classified and grouped first by language, all literary forms such as poetry are scattered according to language. 4.
52) Because all controls and control units are connected by flexible wires, controls can be grouped conveniently around the handles.
53) Several stood at the bar, and eight or ten others were grouped in twos and threes at dark wooden tables.
54) For collectors there was a splendid array of miscellaneous artefacts grouped together in sections.
55) These will be grouped under four heads decentralisation, consumerism and participation, self help and joint action.
56) These forces can be grouped into four major categories: political considerations, socio-demographic factors, economic change and financial constraint.
57) Julia sat down at the piano, and the others grouped together to sing.
58) Over 227 measurable objectives grouped under 15 priority areas were identified.
59) The choir arcade piers are grouped with large carved foliated capitals.
60) Twenty steel barrels grouped on the north side of the clearing pointed eagerly toward the sky in the south.
61) Grouped around one car in a respectful semicircle, they stared, their eyes fixed to one window.
62) There are obviously more overheads when the client group is geographically dispersed rather than grouped together in a home.
63) Think of rock concerts where they have those banks of giant speakers grouped together on the stage.
64) Second, services were grouped together with respect to the scale upon which they needed to be provided.
65) Members are organised in local branches grouped together in regions that are overseen by voluntary Regional Directors.
66) The material for a given vehicle was split up for convenience under various grouped headings.
67) We chose our routes, grouped our divisions, and mapped our opening move.
68) Once foci have been grouped into facets,[http:///grouped.html] they must be ordered.
69) Even the broader categories in which we have traditionally grouped people are breaking down.
70) They are arranged by faculty with all the degrees offered by a particular faculty grouped together.
71) One metric by which collocations may be measured and grouped is to rate them on a scale of probability.
72) The Poole family, grouped rather self-consciously round the birthday cake on Earth, lapsed into a sudden silence.
73) Taxes may be grouped by the administrative arrangement for their collection.
74) Over the crossing is a lantern, supported on lofty grouped piers with small, foliated capitals.
75) Macromolecular crystals may be grouped into three types: chain structures(), layer structures and giant three-dimensional structures.
76) These were grouped into four sets of four placed at 90 intervals round the circumference of the module.
77) Hospitals often grouped iron lungs in the open space around the nurses' station or even in view in the hallways.
78) Three others - all of an equally modest size - grouped around it.
79) The criticisms that users gave can be grouped under four headings.
80) These business units are grouped together into divisions which represent areas of similar business interest.
81) The rooms are all grouped around one or more peristyles.
82) Your reference materials should be sorted out and grouped together around each subheading within the proposal outline.
83) We give them greater credence if we allow them to be grouped with other less controversial policies.
84) Many planning systems exist whereby consumers with similar characteristics of purchasing behaviour are grouped.
85) The brief comprised a list of about 80 species for each chart, grouped according to pollution tolerance.
86) Students grouped around the notice board to read their exam results.
87) We have arbitrarily grouped them in three categories: Many of these methods can be used in combination.
88) Here and there the anti-Fascists were grouped together and running fights broke out with the Blackshirts.
89) Then, when the data have been collected, the respondents are grouped into homogeneous categories according to their scores for selected variables.
90) These breakdowns in the neat E/P/R logic are often grouped together as signs of dissatisfaction.
91) The third and honours years offer a wide range of subjects grouped under four headings - Compositional Studies.
92) At Hollybush we took information on board in a democratic, communal fashion, grouped with notebooks and pencils around visual aids.
93) This mass of material can be grouped into a number of key areas.
94) Several plants grouped together will create their own humid micro-climate, though overcrowding may make the combined effect too much.
95) Its position indicates that in the past houses were grouped around this area rather than in the lengthy one-street formation as now.
96) On the greater part of the body the spots are grouped in rosettes.
97) The photograph on the facing page shows various ways in which miniatures can be grouped together to make an effective display.
98) It was said that armed mounted troopers were grouped outside the oval to quell a possible riot.
99) The words are grouped into sets,[] with ten words per set and twelve sets in all.
100) Secondly, this particular immunity is much less ancient than others grouped under the rubric of the right of silence.
101) The indexes are grouped to form a hierarchical structure whose root is the Master Level Index shown in figure 2.1.
102) They were grouped around ala white metal table piled with gewgaws, hair ornaments, earrings, a necklace.
103) The standing stones were grouped round him like sentinels, their heads bowed, their feet rooted in the earth.
104) Small farms in the public sector have been grouped together in cooperatives to gain all the benefits possible from size and concentration.
105) All were greeted by a splendid reflecting pool, the centerpiece around which many of the most memorable buildings were grouped.
106) The analytical procedure is to use each theme as an axis around which different elements of empirical data are grouped.
107) This in turn led to the arm and gun junction boxes being redesigned horizontally next to each other rather than grouped centrally at the front.
108) A highly repetitive, textured and grouped baseline is promoted by a series of small mutations that do not interrupt its continuity.
109) Finally, the divisions are grouped into the total corporate entity.
110) The data were then grouped according to the mean value.
111) These may be grouped together while the multiple statement scales may be set off one from another in subsections.
112) From that small beginning over 3,300 churches and 650,000 members have grown, grouped into Associations and co-ordinated at State level.
113) Slightly larger objects, however different and unrelated, should be grouped so that they have something in common like colour or national origin.
114) Comfortable sofas and armchairs should be grouped to allow a semblance of privacy for each couple or party.
115) If individuals of similar income were grouped together, the outcome might be unstable.
116) Eight nickel cadmium batteries are grouped together inside the handle pack.
117) After their last printing all the plates were mounted in extremely heavy mahogany and leather frames, grouped together by subject.
118) The consonants are grouped together phonetically, depending on the kind of sound they make.
119) The National Front, where most leading opponents l had grouped, could not operate at home, but it re-formed abroad.
120) Set apart from the rest of the town, the palaces were grouped near that of the Shogun.
121) Top left Four Piranesi prints grouped above a concealed radiator that sports two ostrich eggs.
122) These new military technologies can be grouped under three main headings.
123) Why are engineering, medicine and agriculture not all grouped together as applied sciences?
124) Relevant statutory provisions may be grouped together or scattered through the judgment.
125) The chaperon grouped the younger children together.
126) Usually the rudder information is grouped into two curves.
127) Hospital groups can be grouped into 2 types- horizontal integration and vertical integration.
128) In this part, we give the description of the competing risk mixture model and the likelihood function with grouped data. 3. Asymptotic properties of MLE.
129) The pieces on view are not grouped around any one theme, but rather represent superb examples from various periods.
130) Factories are grouped in the southern suburb of the city.
131) There's a further problem with databases: All database records are of a single, predefined type, and all instances of a record type are grouped together.
132) The two species are grouped together within the family Crocodylidae.
133) RB : Well , we have grouped the development this year.
134) A central European primrose Primula auricula having large yellow flowers grouped in umbels.
135) Psychoactive substances are commonly grouped toare stimulants , depressants,[] or hallucinogens.
136) To frighten off potential predators, enormous shoal of sardines grouped together into the shape of an 80-feet dolphin below the suce in Cebu in the Philippines.
137) The cells are arranged in Beadlike chains grouped together in a gelatinous mass.
138) His classification system looked at food and grouped together by the nutrients that each food produced.
139) Thus classes should correspond to naturally occurring sets of things in a domain of discourse, and individuals should correspond to actual entities that can be grouped into these classes.
140) The precision measurement methods are further grouped into the ring gauge measurement, the high gauge measurement and the stride edge gauge measurement.
141) To that end, astrophysical topics are grouped to the relevant areas of physics.
142) The various combustion domains that we have identified are grouped schematically in Fig 5 - 52.
143) The use of the brackets ensures the commands are grouped and executed in a subshell.
144) The various theories can be grouped into astronomical and terrestrial hypotheses.
145) To that end, astrophysical topics are grouped according to the relevant areas of physics.
146) Patients were grouped according to etiology, and the clinical and radiographic outcomes for each and compared.
147) Have the data been appropriately analysed , sorted, categorised , grouped, prioritised etc.
148) There are a number of ways these dominance - types may be grouped into broader units.
149) Regional political parties in India can be grouped into such three types of ethnic nationalist parties, communalist -oriented parties and caste-oriented parties.
150) Psychoactive substances are commonly grouped toare stimulants, depressant, or hallucinogens.
151) The hierarchical structure of a sentence:sentences are organized with words of the same syntactic category, such as noun phrase(NP), or verb phrase (VP), grouped together.
152) Any of various Australian evergreen trees or shrubs of the genus Casuarina, having jointed stems, scalelike whorled leaves, and small fruits grouped in woody, conelike structures.
153) An ATM term. A collection of managed entities grouped for administrative reasons.
154) The Mesozoic and Cenozoic plutonic intrusive rocks are grouped into the Lhagoi Kangri and Gangdise granite zones.
155) Any of several New World plants of the genus Gaillardia in the composite family, having red or yellow florets grouped into large solitary flower heads.
156) Theand the anti - grouped ideal of BZ - algebra were introduced and the homomorphism theorem of BZ - algebras was proved.
157) Channels can be grouped together to create a channel group.




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