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单词 Major currencies
1. For four months all major currencies floated.
2. The dollar slid against other major currencies.
3. Meanwhile, the dollar was higher against other major currencies.
4. The dollar rose against a basket of 10 major currencies tracked by Finex, a financial futures exchange.
5. Problem No. 3 is that they accept only major currencies.
6. The dollar fell against a basket of 10 major currencies tracked by Finex, a financial futures exchange.
7. The world's major currencies are all convertible into other currencies on demand by residents and non-residents of those countries.
8. The value is based on several major currencies.
9. The dollar has been weakening against several major currencies.
10. The dollar has been weakening against major currencies.
11. Financial'fashions'can trigger big moves in major currencies.
12. Short term rates on hold in major currencies.
13. The dollar against most other major currencies, while gold advanced.
13. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
14. The dollar fell against most major currencies Monday, as Wall Street retreated.
15. The dollar has been weakening weaking against serval major currencies.
16. But major currencies can have any maturity up to a year and sometimes longer.
17. The dollar was mostly lower against other major currencies, while gold prices fell.
18. S . dollar against other major currencies in the exchange rate generally lower.
19. The dollar was mixed against other major currencies, while gold prices fell.
20. The dollar was higher against other major currencies, while gold prices fell.
21. The U.S. dollar against other major currencies, exchange rate weakening, the dollar index fell 0.4 %.
22. Modern communications have created a truly worldwide market for major currencies.
23. The minimum balance is the equivalent of US$10,000 in major currencies and US$15,000 otherwise.
24. Moreover, technically speaking, this would be the perfect moment to amalgamate the three major currencies into one.
25. During this period the dollar appreciated by 55 percent as an average against major currencies.
26. The minimum balance is US$1,000 or the equivalent in the major currencies and US$3,000 otherwise.
27. Indeed, one aim of this commitment is to keep long-term rates low and therefore the USD's expected yield advantage over other major currencies will be far smaller.
28. The single euro zone currency is still down more than 5 percent against the dollar and 4.6 against the yen in 2010 to date, making it an underperformer among major currencies.
29. Economists agree that the euro is weaker against other major currencies than the German deutsche mark would be.
30. The real effective exchange rate is the weighted average of a country's currency relative to a basket of other major currencies adjusted for the effects of inflation.
31. The yen has gained 11.5 percent against the dollar this year, the most among major currencies.
32. The dollar has been weakening aganist the several major currencies.
33. The dollar tumbled to its lowest level against major currencies.
34. Investors should sell the Singapore dollar against a basket of major currencies consisting of the greenback, euro, New Zealand's dollar and yen in a ratio of 56:28:11:5, Chia wrote.
35. SYDNEY (XFN-ASIA) - The US dollar was slightly higher against the major currencies here as trade tensions between the US and China reemerge, weighing on the US currency, dealers said.
36. Competitive devaluation of the major currencies appears to have started.
37. Since the economic crisis, the US dollar has dropped compared to other major currencies, particularly the Swiss franc, Canadian dollar and Brazilian real.
38. China's banks were hit by the fast pace of yuan appreciation against major currencies last year.
39. But floating rates eventually prevailed, particularly for the major currencies of the dollar, yen and D - mark.




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更新时间:2024/7/9 5:14:19