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单词 Farmyard
1. The cock crows in the farmyard.
2. The farmyard was snugly sheltered with buildings on three sides.
3. She peered round into the farmyard.
4. They caught him rustling cattle in their farmyard.
5. As we entered the farmyard we were met with a cacophony of animal sounds.
6. Children's books often depict farmyard animals as gentle, lovable creatures.
7. He made his way back to the farmyard where his regiment was encamped.
8. The farmyard was quiet(), with just a few chickens scratching about.
9. We're coming to a farmyard I suppose we can just walk through.
10. The road passes a farmyard.
11. The lane had given way to a farmyard.
12. We were just about to turn into the farmyard when our eyes fell on something that hadn't been there this morning.
13. Unlike the aerobic reaction that produces farmyard manure, anaerobic fermentation gives off little heat, so disease organisms thrive.
14. A farmyard midden may become waterlogged, its decomposition anaerobic, and substances may be leached out by rain.
15. Later, I made my way into the farmyard and joined a group having something to eat.
16. Sewage,[http://] farmyard waste and fertilizer leaching into the river could also be to blame.
17. Even in the farmyard, which was snugly sheltered with buildings on three sides, the snow lay deeply.
18. Along the side of the track, from the farmyard to the front gate, some one had built a brand new fence.
19. The route goes through Treleidir farmyard, over a stile and towards the hill of Penberi.
20. Puppies will herd hens in a farmyard, just as a pack of wolves will encircle an ailing prey.
21. Standing in the farmyard, Giles Aplin also spoke to Seb at some length.
22. She searches the farmyard and is frightened when Cain emerges out of the shadows.
23. We could hear the piglets squealing as we entered the farmyard.
24. The largest dabbling duck, the commonest and most widespread duck of the region, and the origin of the farmyard duck.
25. Also - wherever possible keep valuable livestock, feedstuffs or other bulk materials as close to the farmyard as you can.
26. I entered the barn at the corner of the farmyard.
27. It seemed a long time since we had first set eyes on that huge pile of posts and wire in the farmyard.
28. The four-wheel started first go and he reversed out into the farmyard.
29. Every other crop was grazed off and large quantities of well-rotted farmyard manure were returned before cereals were sown.
30. Opening the door, he splashed his way across the farmyard to the milking parlour.
1. The cock crows in the farmyard.
2. We could hear the piglets squealing as we entered the farmyard.
3. The farmyard was snugly sheltered with buildings on three sides.
31. As we squelched along the road and into the farmyard I felt a feeling of utter exhaustion.
32. Enter farmyard, turn right and keep right, to pass through gate and on to road.
33. Tess followed the red and white animals, with their great bags of milk under them, into the farmyard.
34. From 1942 to 1961, two consecutive fields were treated variously with farmyard manure, fertilizers and sewage sludge.
35. The men in the farmyard were all Fallschirmjager, hard young men, old before their time with cropped hair.
36. I saluted him and then made my way back to the farmyard and the comparative safety of the farm buildings.
36. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
37. Above left Angela's favourite farmyard painting, embroidered kettle holders and children's drawings stud the wall above the kitchen sink.
38. In the afternoon, Jack woke from his sleep and went out into the farmyard.
39. By the time Edward and Cara turned into the farmyard she and David were there to greet them.
40. Protected by officers, the team staked out a farmyard where the goatsucker was believed to have attacked.
41. They dug the farmyard manure in every year.
42. Let's go to the farmyard.
43. You can pat the cow in the farmyard.
44. The cock crowed in the farmyard.
45. There is a tractor in this farmyard.
46. Certainly Noddy and the Farmyard Muddle could not boast a better lineage.
47. Tony and his mother arrived at the farmhouse and walked through the farmyard.
48. It'seems to me the same in the vast human farmyard.
49. Retreating to the farmyard, the mouse proclaimed the warning: There is a mousetrap in the house!
50. Scarlett, a curly-haired swine, was invited to watch the family film, which features lots of farmyard animals.
51. The West Country dialect smacks as much of the farmyard as the patois of the French peasant, or the even more deliberate drawl of the Texan cattleman.
52. Our farmyard serves many village's specialties. For example, Sauteed fresh water shrimps.
53. The animals were in the fields, and the hens were pecking in farmyard.
54. Two game cocks were fiercely fighting for the mastery of the farmyard.




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