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单词 As against
(1) He earns $80 000 a year, as against my $40 000.
(2) Profits this year are $2.5 million as against $4 million last year.
(3) We had twelve hours of sunshine yesterday, as against a forecast of continuous rain.
(4) She gets Saturdays off in her new job as against working alternate weekends in her last one.
(5) Over 50% of divorced men regretted their divorce, as against 25% of women.
(6) They got 27% of the vote as against 32% at the last election.
(7) This represented 8 percent of the total as against an earlier estimate of 5.6 percent.
(8) The only real risk to regiments, as against the programme that we have set out, is a change of Government.
(9) The Judicature Act decided that as against a stranger the mortgagor in possession must be treated as owner.
(10) We are considering the rights of individuals as against the rights of the state and of corporate bodies.
(11) During 1985 there were 50 attacks on shipping as against 62 the previous year.
(12) You might as well appeal against the thunderstorm as against these terrible hardships of war.
(13) As against the classical, the serenely beautiful, Nietzsche was opting for the archaic.
(14) The virtues of instruments as against human memory are simply their greater capacity for preserving indefinitely a huge mass of detail.
(15) There are now over 8,000 black elected officials as against 103 in 1964.
(16) Creatinine clearance rate was 67.4 % as against 50 %.
(17) Her assets are only 640 as against liability of 24000.
(18) It'seems as if we were barracking for home team as against the visiting team.
(19) All three writers are at pains to stress the unquantifiable advantages of purchase as against borrowing.
(20) The domino effect can work for us as well as against us if we play our cards right.
(21) But the battles in each market are as often against nationalism as against rival firms.
(22) Thus between 1966 and 1976 net overseas earnings rose on average by 5.3 times as against 2.3 times for manufacturing.
(23) It is reason, he argued, that is the distinguishing feature of human beings as against other examples of creation.
(24) There tactics were strongly influenced by reliance on line formation and fire-power, as against attack at close quarters.
(25) He claimed to be entitled to rectification of the register both as against the Hammonds and as against the building society.
(26) Similarly, he has the rights and obligations of a buyer as against the person from whom he purchases his raw materials.
(27) A war may exist where one of the belligerents claims sovereign rights as against the other....
(28) The production of various stereo recorders has been increased four as against 1977.
(29) In this paper, produced from the mold, mold toxins, as well as against the control measures on their face, such as the Quartet for the generality of mycotoxin elaboration.
(30) Ethical misconducts in science constitute serious crimes against individuals as well as against society.
(1) It'seems as if we were barracking for home team as against the visiting team.
(31) Accordingly, the end for multiple regression as against linear regression appeared quite reasonable.
(32) They tied pillows on top of their heads as against the shower of rocks.
(33) Only 41 percent of the women, as against 62 percent of the men, preferred to retire at the pensionable AGE.
(34) As against an inlet manifold engine of the same power, the turbo engine requires a smaller installation space and as such has a better power-weight ratio.
(35) The business done this year amounts to 50,000 dollars as against 30,000 dollars last year.
(35) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(36) A The production of various stereo recorders has been increased four times as against 1977.
(37) The incremental cost - effectiveness ratio of group B was —437.00 yuan as against group A.
(38) Liberalism is regarded as against the autocratically monarchical power in its early appearance in which Spinoza, Locke are the early representatives of that thought.
(39) Forex is traded with a high degree of leverage, which can work for you as well as against you, and it is possible to loss more than you invest.
(40) The production of various electron tubes has been increased four times as against 1958.
(41) As to this, Occam agrees with Aquinas, as against Averroes, Avicenna, and theAugustinians.
(42) He got 54 % of the vote as against 22 % at the last election.
(43) More and more humans are now telecommuting one or added canicule a anniversary as against to traveling to the appointment accustomed.
(44) It provided an idiom for those non-Westernized people who take their Islam seriously, as against the technocrat Mamlukes who govern them in virtue of their access to Western technology.
(45) There are 25 girl students in our class as against only 5 in Class Two.
(46) Biology A physiological reaction of an organism used in self-protection, as against infection.
(47) The factory has produced 34,000 tractors this year as against 30,000 last year.
(48) The special risks policy covers the goods irrespective of percentage, as well as against pilferage , short delivery, breakage and leakage, damage by water, hooks oil and so on.
(49) The incremental cost - effectiveness ratios of Group A and B were 69.30 yuan and 48.26 yuan, respectively as against Group C.




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