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单词 hokum
释义  ho·kum /ˈhəʊkəm $ ˈhoʊ-/ noun [uncountable]  informalUNTRUE something that seems true or impressive but that is wrong or not sincere 空话,废话,胡扯,花言巧语 All that talk is just a bunch of hokum. 那统统不过是一堆空话而已。Examples from the Corpushokum• Do not be tempted to dismiss such corporate homilies as boardroom hokum.• The movie is nonstop, state-of-the-art, over-the-top Hollywood hokum.• One could tolerate this kind of hokum, if only the movie had some fun with it.• But one was left wondering at the decision to commit time, money and talent to this dingy piece of hokum.• Cowboys, trail dust and great six-stringed hokum converge on Tucson this week with the ninth-annual Western Music Festival.• Similarly the rise of Existentialism in the 1950s made an interest in matters spiritual seem like so much unfashionable hokum.• Jackson said the entire plan was hokum.Origin hokum (1900-2000) Probably from hocus-pocus + bunkumho·kum nounChineseSyllable  that that is something or seems impressive Corpus but true




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