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单词 Justice department
1. The DEA and the Justice Department put a full-court press on the drug barons.
2. David Turetsky, a senior counsel in the Justice Department.
3. The Justice Department likewise is investigating.
4. The matter then goes to Justice Department superiors in the office of the deputy attorney general.
5. Wilson said the Justice Department believes it has now caught everyone involved in perpetrating the fraud.
6. The Justice Department sued to block the merger in June 1994.
7. Last week, the Justice Department said investigators would check for evidence of collusion and price-fixing in the industry.
8. But Justice Department spokesperson Myron Marlin said the investigation of the church fires has been a top priority for several months.
9. Two Republican leaders asked the Justice Department to investigate the incident.
10. The challenge had come from Justice Department lawyers with top secret security clearances and from civilian Army drug counsellors.
11. In response, the Justice Department stated that these legal problems were all matters under state jurisdiction.
12. The Institute, the research arm of the Justice Department, commissioned the private study on witness intimidation.
13. The Justice Department files of the twenties and thirties bulge with letters from blacks and whites on the subject.
14. We expect that we'll have clearance from the Justice Department for the buyout in the first quarter of the year.
15. The Justice Department negotiated a settlement in 1994 of charges that Microsoft enforced anticompetitive software licensing terms computer manufacturers.
16. The Justice Department alleges the winnings are ill-gotten gains from a money-laundering scheme.
17. She said the Justice Department is investigating the matter itself.
18. The Justice Department also obtained guilty pleas in several cases.
19. Some are under scrutiny by a Justice Department task force.
20. The calls are now being scrutinized by the Justice Department task force.
21. Reagan's testimony was released on Feb. 22 after the Justice Department ruled that it contained no classified information.
22. United Airlines' acquisition of the company is being investigated by the Justice Department.
23. That would be like putting mobster John Gotti at the head of the Justice Department.
24. The panel also could recommend Gingrich be fined and the matter be referred to the Justice Department.
25. The court decision represents an issue on which the president and the Justice Department strongly disagree.
26. Witness intimidation in cases involving gangs and drugs has been hampering many criminal prosecutions, the Justice Department report said.
26. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
27. Such rules are already starting to raise antitrust eyebrows at the justice department.
28. The merger already has been approved by shareholders and by the Justice Department.
29. The sharpest decline, 7 percent, was among children aged 10-14, according to the Justice Department figures released Thursday.
30. The panel could also ask that Gingrich be fined and that his case be referred to the Justice Department.
31. Debate within the Justice Department has focused in part on analyzing the constitutionality of Proposition 209, the Justice official said.
32. He might have understood that the Justice Department needed to take a stand.
33. Justice Department spokesman Charles Miller said the government is reviewing the ruling and hasn't decided whether to appeal.
34. The Justice Department could not ask for damages or seek penalties against the guilty parties.
35. The Justice Department ordered additional contingents of marshals to the campus and continued negotiation with Barnett.
36. At that time, Robert Kennedy was head of the Justice Department.
37. Cole, a former Justice Department prosecutor, is equally thorough in the documents he is requesting.
38. In the letter, del Junco said the project was put on hold after the board learned of the Justice Department investigation.
39. The commission clearance follows approval by the U. S. Justice Department and shareholders of the two companies last month.
40. The Justice Department began an internal investigation, and Republicans began aiming for Coffey.
41. As whites responded to black voter registration drives with bombings, arson, and shootings, the Justice Department did practically nothing.
42. But the deal also led the Justice Department to sue in April 1995 to block the merger on antitrust grounds.
43. The Justice Department has launched a broader inquiry into the alleged solicitation of foreign donors by the Democrats, particularly Huang.
44. The problem for Jackson and the justice department is that times have changed since the case against Microsoft began in May 1998.
45. The fund is overseen by Aileen Adams of the Justice Department, who doles out money to states according to population.
46. The immediate responses to complaints made by Justice Department officials in the new administration seemed cold-blooded and callous.
47. She decided this month not to seek the outside inquiry and instead formed a Justice Department task force to investigate the allegations.
48. Keating wondered if the Justice Department could seek an injunction against those harassing the marchers.
49. The Justice Department must consider whether dry kibble and those waxy, doggy burger meals provide direct competition with canned food.
50. The Justice Department says all this was legal, denying that it involved wholesale and flagrant violations of the campaign finance laws.
51. Wilson said the Justice Department will begin distributing the money to fraud victims after sentencing in August.
52. The next day, at two o'clock, everyone assembled at the Justice Department.
53. Even if she were replaced, her example demonstrates that party identification is not the only key to a clean Justice Department.
54. He also faces a possible Justice Department investigation on lying to Congress.
55. However, there was no mechanism for the Justice Department to get the State Department moving.
56. Even within regions,[Sentencedict] there are wide disparities in the rate at which the IRS sends cases off to the Justice Department.
57. The Justice Department is pursuing criminal charges against the company as a result of the deaths.
58. A Justice Department spokesman said Tuesday he could not discuss the subject.
59. The committee has the authority to grant immunity to witnesses without the approval of the Justice Department.
60. The agreement is contingent upon approval by the Justice Department.
61. They were raised and analyzed, some in Justice Department investigations, some in tough but fair questioning during the hearings.
62. In the past month, the Justice Department granted Disney a 12-month waiver when it approved the deal.
63. Three years later, four cabinet secretaries have faced Justice Department investigations on ethics charges.
64. But in 1988, the Supreme Court upheld the procedure for appointing a special prosecutor outside the Justice Department.
65. A Justice Department official said there was no record of any formal request by Wynn for a pardon.
66. Justice Department officials who reviewed his statement found it to be truthful.
67. Sean Connelly, on assignment from the Justice Department, where he handles appellate work in the criminal division.
68. The Justice Department had spent tens of millions of dollars to investigate and prosecute.
69. A prosecutor was caught up in Justice Department scandal.
70. Justice Department files antitrust against AT & T.
71. The Justice Department continues to investigate other companies.
72. A Justice Department spokeswoman declined to comment.
73. The FBI is an organ of the Justice Department.
74. The solicitor general, an official in the U.S. Justice Department, represents the government when cases are brought to the Supreme Court.
75. The Justice Department is responsible for enforcing federal laws in the United States.
76. In 1995, the Justice Department formally charged the ABA with fixing law professors' salaries, among other Sherman Anti-Trust Act violations.
77. Olson later became the solicitor general in President George W. Bush's Justice Department after a Senate hearing in which he was less than candid about his work for the Arkansas Project.
78. Republican leader Charles Evans Hughes and other leading Americans called for the Justice Department to obey the law in arresting and charging people.
79. Some publishers want the Justice Department to reinterpret the law in a way that would encourage newspaper mergers or joint ventures.
80. The unprecedented coziness that once existed between the Justice Department and the White House now remains solely in the person of Gonzales.
81. Bryan Sierra , a spokesman for the Justice Department, declined to comment.
82. "The object of the nondisclosure provision is not to censor private speech," the Justice Department says in its filings.
83. Demjanjuk was extradited to Israel in 1986, when the US justice department believed he was the sadistic Nazi guard known as Ivan the Terrible from the Treblinka death camp.
84. The Justice Department says those dismissals were based on poor performance.
85. In 1974 the Justice Department sued AT & T for attempting to monopolize the telephone industry.
86. The Justice Department probes can be particularly extensive during merger and - acquisition activity.
86. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
87. According to the US Justice Department, Mr. Chung sent 24 manuals relating to the B - 1 Bomber.
88. If the judge refuses, the Justice Department said it would seek a ruling blocking the judge's decision from the 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco.
89. Eventually, Netscape was reduced to also-ran status — and the Justice Department took Microsoft to court on antitrust violations.
90. Yet, in 2006, the Justice Department charged the ABA with violating provisions of the decree and called for it to take remedial action as well as to pay Justice $185,000 for its enforcement troubles.
91. Officials are worried that tests may violate anti-trust laws. The Justice Department is reportedly focused on a phone call...
92. On 23 rd this month, the US Justice Department charged five Abu Sayyaf leaders of abduction.
93. Bloomberg said the SEC and the Justice Department declined to comment.
94. The Justice Department has charged the five with operating illegally as Venezuelan government agents.
95. The Supreme Court upheld Oregon's law on physician-assisted suicide yesterday, ruling that the Justice Department may not punish doctors who help terminally ill patients end their lives.
96. Solicitor General Elena Kagan of the U.S. Justice Department, the administration's lawyer before the high court, said in a written argument that blocking the sale could force Chrysler's liquidation.
97. How would you like to go to Washington and work for the Justice Department?
98. The Justice Department is planning to introduce 'detailed new guidance' on the law sometime next year, Mr. Breuer said.
99. The results of this quiet rightward revolution within the Justice Department may be apparent as soon as the November election.
100. The Justice Department also said the pharmaceutical giant provided kickbacks to health-care providers to encourage them to prescribe other drugs, including Lipitor( ), Viagra and Zoloft.
101. He was certain that the Justice Department could use the evidence to obtain a perjury indictment.
102. Eventually, Netscape was also - ran status - and the Justice Department took Microsoft to court on antitrust violations.
103. As solicitor general, Elena Kagan was appointed by President Obama and reported to the Attorney General in the U.S. Justice Department.
104. The Justice Department suffered a setback last year with the failure of the first major criminal case to arise from the financial crisis: the prosecution of two Bear Stearns hedge fund managers.
105. Separately, the Justice Department and Federal Bureau of Investigation announced the results of Operation Malicious Mortgage.
106. At press time, a press officer for the Justice Department told Psychiatric News that a decision to appeal was still under consideration.
107. CIA.'s interrogation Methods: Were declared legal by the Justice Department under President George W . Bush.
108. Also this week, the Obama administration named a former Justice Department official as so - called border czar.
109. Dean is fending off three antitrust lawsuits, the most recent filed by the Justice Department itself.




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