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单词 Sit by
(1) Come and sit by me.
(2) On a cold evening it is pleasant to sit by the fire.
(3) Don't just sit by while the other children are all busy.
(4) Come sit by me, precious.
(5) I'm not going to sit by and watch a man go to prison for something I've done.
(6) I can't just sit by and watch you waste all our money.
(7) You must be frozen! Come and sit by the fire.
(8) He was too shy to come sit by me in class.
(9) Come and sit by the fire - you look chilled to the bone.
(10) We can't just sit by and watch you throw your life away.
(11) We cannot just sit by and watch this tragedy happen.
(12) Come and sit by the fire. You look cold.
(13) He told us to sit by the fire.
(14) To sit by fires and watch the moon rise.
(15) Come and sit by the fire.
(16) I sit by Raymond on the footstool of the easy chair he is occupying.
(17) I sort of sit by her bed till she falls asleep.
(18) There she could sit by her husband's side among the beer-drinkers(http://), and forget that the children existed.
(19) Given a straight choice, I'd rather sit by a slug.
(20) Then Brian would sit by me and read it through.
(21) Nessie went to sit by her son and Nellie turned again to the window.
(22) Water to skate on in the winter, to sit by in the summer.
(23) We can't sit by and let it go on.
(24) Sit by the radiator and get warm.
(25) I will sit by her bedside day and night.
(26) Don't just sit by while your rights are violated!
(27) I happened to sit by her in the cinema.
(28) An old woman who was lying on her side mistook me for a doctor, and called me to sit by her.
(29) It's so hot in here. Shall we go and sit by the window?
(30) ButIdid not come to Mitford to join the club and sit by the pool.
(1) Come and sit by me.
(2) On a cold evening it is pleasant to sit by the fire.
(3) Don't just sit by while the other children are all busy.
(31) Some people are born to sit by a river.
(32) Please sit by my side.
(33) Most green thumbs sit by the fire and dream of spring blossoms, or pore over their computers, planning future plantings.
(34) We mustn't sit by while our factory is short of manpower.
(35) I experience again the deep-felt wish to be part of a married couple, to sit by the fire in winter with the man who is my husband.
(36) When you are getting on in years it is nice to sit by the fire and drink a cup of tea and listen to the school bell sounding dinner, call-over, prep, and lights out.
(37) Santos : You want me to just sit by and watch him play with chenille and not say something about it?
(38) We mustn't sit by while our neighbouring commune is short of manpower.
(39) I'd sit by Kim's head,[] a sheet shielding her abdomen.
(40) Her time was running out , but she continued to sit by the window ,leaning her head against the window curtain , inhaling the odour of dusty cretonne .
(41) I will not sit by and watch the destruction of our project.
(42) Sit by the pavilion , need not raise the head, just visible its entireness .
(43) After supper we would wash up and she'd sit by the fire.
(44) Why do you sit by the window and dream away?
(45) She picture to herself the family sit by the fire.
(46) We can't just sit by while these people break the law.
(47) I will not sit by when you are in trouble.
(48) I could not see my father weep, and sit by , careless.
(49) I experience again the deep-felt wish to be part of a married couple. To sit by the fire in winter with the man who is my husband.




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