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单词 Militancy
(1) The government responded to militancy in the traditional ways.
(2) Before 1914, neither peasant land hunger nor working-class militancy were abating.
(3) The militancy of sectarian party orthodoxy is fused with the militancy of rebellion against personal oppression.
(4) The enthusiasm and militancy of 1919 no longer existed in the areas and industries where it had mattered most.
(5) Ten percent would threaten him, as Inkatha's militancy is not matched by mass support throughout the country.
(6) Worse still, the epicentre of labour militancy was the capital itself.
(7) Concerns have been mounting about the increasing militancy of animal rights activists.
(8) Yet deprivation alone does not explain the militancy and relatively strong political consciousness of the factory proletariat.
(9) Industrial militancy naturally declined, and the problem of the unemployed almost completely preoccupied the labour movement until 1934.
(10) To what extent does the increasing militancy of other civil servants influence policy making?
(11) The slightest hint of militancy was enough to bar a group from being funded.
(12) In the aftermath of both these outbursts of militancy stoppages of work declined dramatically.
(13) Is it valiance and militancy or justice and peace?
(14) Full of militancy and revolutionary ardour, the people of all nationalities in the country are working hard for the realization of the four modernizations.
(15) Increasingly, the lines between the militancy of the civil rights movement and that of the anti-war movement were beginning to blur.
(16) Clark told VOA that militancy in the oil - rich region is a legitimate cause of action.
(17) The group has always been characterised by an uncompromising militancy.
(18) The effects of large-scale unemployment and changes in the laws affecting trade unions have sapped militancy on the shop floor.
(19) No longer does the complex have the reputation as a hotbed of Merseyside militancy.
(20) Rising unemployment was important in producing the reductions in unions' members, funds, and militancy.
(21) Unlike casual labour, skilled workers were heir to a tradition of militancy.
(22) It was none the less a moment of grave concern to unbelievers of any reliable militancy.
(23) A further twist to the uncertainty of fossil fuel supplies was provided by the growing militancy of Britain's miners.
(24) Crucially, this instability hinders regional development, incites repressive governance, and compounds the poverty on which militancy feeds.
(25) It can not be understood without reference to the growing land hunger and militancy of millions of peasants.
(26) This was in line with the Government's legislation aimed at preventing militancy in trade unions.
(27) But for his weakness and vacillation, peasant unrest and working-class militancy could have been kept in check by efficient and unwavering repression.
(28) A serious problem arises in attempting to test this hypothesis empirically: how can trade union militancy be measured?
(29) They threw themselves into the game with drive and militancy.
(30) Out of the ashes of the Suffragette Movement , phoenix - like, a new feminist militancy was being born.
(31) It has been noted that the influence of religious militancy has been growing in the region.
(32) Under conditions of average militancy these ideologies fight elections as coalition blocks.
(33) The seniority system is another factor that leads to union militancy.
(34) Yet Mr Scargill—whose obduracy and militancy led his miners to crushing defeat—also haunts Mexborough.
(35) She made it clear the government would stick to its policies despite union militancy.




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