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单词 Witch-hunt
1. He led a McCarthyite witch-hunt against homosexuals.
2. The investigation is just another political witch-hunt.
3. His accusation got nowhere, but it foreshadowed the witch-hunt.
3. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
4. McCarthy's Communist witch-hunt had been unleashed with the support of leading Republicans and had undoubtedly helped to elect Eisenhower in 1952.
5. Most important, the witch-hunt against Goldman is completely overshadowing any sensible debates about how to reform the sector.
6. To explain why the great European witch-hunt took place, historians have done a lot of research on its social context and legal foundations.
7. In America in the 1950s, Senator Joseph McCarthy led a witch-hunt against people suspected of being communists.
8. He does not want the army to feel that it is the subject of a witch-hunt.
9. His appointment is a further indication that Gloucester was not indulging in a witch-hunt outside the immediate Woodville circle.
10. But the end of McCarthy by no means meant the end of the witch-hunt.
11. It said: The report is entirely as we expected — a witch-hunt against us and a whitewash for the Government.
12. Some factors that can aggravated the people's fear and promoted witch-hunt also be discussed.
13. Ms Yingluck must oversee the search for justice, but she will have to ensure that it does not degenerate into a witch-hunt.
14. These bloody trials have been the historical event what we call witch-hunt.
15. What started as an attempt to lighten a dark corner of Chinese life has turned into something that looks suspiciously like a witch-hunt.
16. Zhu is representative of countless Chen fans, quietly supportive and awaiting his return, whose voices were rarely heard in the media witch-hunt that followed the scandal.
17. He wrote an open letter to Mr Medvedev, accusing him of organising a witch-hunt and (shock, horror!
18. Nine pro-independence party figures are currently in such detention, according to local press reports, which has fueled charges of a political witch-hunt.
19. While he was still president, Katsav complained that he was facing a political witch-hunt and accused the Israeli press of printing "poisonous, horrible lies."
20. If she was sly, she would have just gone to the hospital, got IV shots, and complained about her long working hours, then she would not have been involved in this witch-hunt.
21. Mr Tron denies any wrongdoing and says he is the victim of a witch-hunt.




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