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单词 modicum
释义  mod·i·cum /ˈmɒdɪkəm $ ˈmɑː-/ noun  a modicum of something formalLITTLE/NOT MUCH a small amount of something, especially a good quality 〔尤指好的方面〕少量的某事物,一点点某事物 a modicum of common sense 一点常识Examples from the Corpusmodicum• Before you rush out, though, we must advise a modicum of caution.• But just suppose that the village mayoral candidate has a modicum of integrity in advertising.• And just a modicum of elegant shafting.• Looking after a fire does require a modicum of attention and responsibility.• Much of James's statement had more than a modicum of truth.• She had done the necromancy with a modicum of debonair detachment until the Army called out her husband for the second time.• A modicum of order and justice was not imposed until 1784, after which a more honest regime was established.Origin modicum (1400-1500) Latin modicus “moderate”, from modus; → MODEmod·i·cum nounChineseSyllable  especially amount a a something, of small Corpus




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