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单词 Be identical to
1. This picture is identical to one my mother has.
2. It's not entirely implausible that a galaxy could be identical to our own.
3. This knife is identical to the one used in the attack.
4. The tests are identical to those carried out last year.
5. It was identical to the first.
6. On two grounds, then, humans are identical to the world; for this we have both cosmological and anthropological data.
7. It can replicate because the specificity of base pairing ensures that the daughter molecules are identical to the original one.
8. It is identical to the first carriages provided for the W.C.J.S. and may well be one of them.
9. Liposomes are microspheres of vegetable phospholipids whose structure is identical to the skin's intercellular structure.
10. These results were identical to those found on Aburto, the gunman.
11. The rented villa was identical to a dozen others lining the cul-de-sac.
11. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
12. The characteristics of the blade were identical to the present one.
13. The mechanism of the Ewbank carpet sweeper is identical to today's model.
14. It was identical to the one thrust into my hand in the alleyway.
15. These are identical to our bungalows Reference 3E but are built as part of a two storey development.
16. The integrated equilibrium is identical to that in chapter 7.
17. The picture is identical to the one in the museum of Modern Art in New York.
18. The steel frame and simple suspension are identical to the current bike.
19. It was identical to mine but for the obvious giveaway that it had no purple tinsel on the handle.
20. On this score they were identical to the preceding game: slow starters with a propensity to give away simple penalties.
21. The four parts would be identical to last year's legislation.
22. The output from Listing 3 will be identical to that of the target parser method in Listing 2 but ought to be much faster because lxml can optimize the event handling internally.
23. file you build here should be identical to the file of the same name that is included in the sample code download.
24. The content of the output files will be identical to whichever input file is used to drive the flow.
25. As a result, your health concerns aren't likely to be the same as they were 30 years ago, nor are they likely to be identical to those of your friends.
26. An alternative measure, gross domesticincome (GDI), should, in theory, be identical to GDP.
27. I don't know whether the rates I am quoted would be identical to the rates quoted others in the A.I.A. I presume that some portion of my cost is tied to the health and behavior of my workers.
28. However, no particular form is required, and the entry for port name simply needs to be identical to the SVCENAME parameter.
29. This is good for functionality, but there are always some differences in look or behavior, so complex interfaces will never be identical to ones that use native components.
30. When an instruction is executed by a 2.0 processor in BC mode, its result might not be identical to the result produced by a 1.0 processor.
31. The second boat seems to be identical to its companion, which was reconstructed over the course of 20 years about a century ago, experts say.
32. There should be an explicit function called Create a Copy. The copy will be identical to the original, but not tied to the original in any way.
33. The text found in the database does not need to be identical to the text that needs translation.
34. With that example in mind, it's important to consider that even in the Nokia vs. Apple investigation the final decision need not be identical to the ALJ's initial determination.
35. It would be identical to diving into a pool of 40-degree water naked,(http:///be identical to.html) even at the warmest time of year.
36. The equipment designation on all labels shall be identical to that sho in schematics.
37. The schema location must be identical to the schema location specified in the schemaLocation attribute value of the include element (company2.xsd in this example).
38. At the beginning, the content of the index will be identical to that of the HEAD.
39. The terms of the acceptance shall be identical to those of the offer.
40. Remember that the connect user must be identical to the source system, even if the SID is different.
41. These values MUST be identical to those defined in the resource file.
42. The Calculator.dll file you generate here should be identical to the file of the same name that is included in the sample code.




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