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单词 Clawed
1. The cat clawed the chair.
2. Branches clawed at her hair.
3. His hands clawed the air.
4. The cat clawed the wall.
5. His face was badly clawed by his little brother.
6. She had clawed Stephen across the face.
7. His face was badly clawed.
8. Their favorite cat clawed a hole in my stocking.
9. They slowly clawed their way up the cliff.
10. She clawed at the bushes to disentangle herself.
11. The two cats clawed at each other.
12. The prisoner clawed at the cell door in desperation.
13. He clawed his way forward inch by inch.
14. His hands clawed at the muddy earth.
15. They clawed each other at the conference.
16. His fingers clawed at Blake's wrist.
16. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
17. Benson clawed his way back into the lead.
18. The cats clawed at each other.
19. Slowly,() he clawed his way out from under the collapsed building.
20. The wolf clawed at the tree and howled the whole night.
21. The boat clawed off slowly until it reached the wind.
22. The government clawed back some of the money which it gave to arts organizations,in the form of tax.
23. Mary clawed at her husband's sleeve, trying to stop him.
24. She clawed her way to the top of her profession.
25. Crowther clawed his way back and clinched the fifth.
26. Something in his face fought, clawed, was smothered.
27. Their dog clawed all the paint off the doors.
28. He clawed at the floor above his head and hurled the ball without thinking.
29. He was seriously injured when one of the lions clawed his back.
30. We got a government grant for setting up our business, but they clawed it all back again in taxes.
1. The cat clawed the chair.
2. Branches clawed at her hair.
3. His hands clawed the air.
4. The cat clawed the wall.
5. His face was badly clawed by his little brother.
6. She had clawed Stephen across the face.
31. It allows some funds to be clawed back from the Treasury-to be spent on tightly regulated projects.
32. He clawed at the air and looked at the thing he had caught.
33. And the Monster was pinching Ma's bosoms with its hideous clawed fingers so that blood squirted out.
34. She was there as her son clawed his way up from the post-coma cognitive level of a 2-year-old.
35. Isaac's outstretched hands clawed at the muddy earth, then they relaxed.
36. In the next seven years, Assad clawed his way up the ladder until he emerged as sole leader in 1970.
37. The low mewling sound it made indicated its displeasure; those long, clawed fingers rubbed the bridge of its nose.
38. But shares clawed their way back and by the close the fall had been cut to 10.2 points at 2,289.2.
39. They were freed after 30 rescuers had clawed away rubble with bare hands in temperatures of 100F.
40. Tumbling forward from her seat on the rock, she clawed at the hands that were not there.
41. She reached one arm back and grabbed the rope while Amy fairly clawed at the head.
42. Her fingers clawed his back, her mouth covered his, her tongue darted down his throat.
43. A domino game was cut short when one of the players clawed his jacket to shreds trying to ward off the spiders.
44. Blood trickled down his calves where, while writing, he had clawed at the cracking patches on his legs.
45. I welcome the Secretary of State's announcement that the poll tax compensation of £700 million will not be clawed back.
46. Topaz clawed Andrew's back,[/clawed.html] silently begging him to satisfy the ravenous craving within her which was reaching unbearable proportions.
47. In effect, landlords have clawed back for themselves an increasing proportion of rate relief on premises within enterprise zones.
48. They reacted against factory-produced Victorian furniture with its frilly fretwork, clawed feet and laminated woods.
49. Finally, with Arsenal pressing hard, he clawed away Quinn's careful header from Thomas's drag-back.
50. The vine clawed its way up the wall at the end.
51. Jakarta clawed back some of the ground lost in the past week as rumoured mass protests in the capital failed to materialise.
52. The other clawed into it, mercilessly pecking while its prey squawked with weakening jabs of its beak.
53. The mountain peaks and ridges clawed at the sky and Maggie stopped thinking altogether.
54. The cat shifted about on his lap, clawed at the woolen nubs of his trousers.
55. The hand reeked of garlic-she clawed at it, her muffled shouts oozing out between the fingers.
56. The same sensation clawed at his cheek and he gasped, the pain searing, yet unreal.
57. A clutch of them have clawed their way to the higher reaches of educational administration.
58. The hands are clawed, deformed, seemingly clutching madly or reaching out in desperation.
59. If demand is greater than expected more shares can be clawed back from allocations earmarked for institutional and overseas investors.
60. They roared up the chimney and clawed at the sky.
61. Julie spun the weapon, bringing the clawed part down on his hand as he raised his fists in defence.
62. Benedettini clawed the ball out with his right hand, but a linesman raised his flag to indicate a goal.
63. More than 100 rescuers including doctors, mountain rescue teams and other skiers, clawed at the snow.
64. At last shadows fell from the mountains, softening the outline of the rocks and the clawed hill.
65. The mummy clawed blindly with his free hand, groping for the chip man's voice.
66. But to the right of the window he'd opened he found an old ivy creeper clawed to the brickwork.
67. They clawed their way back, but only to stalemate.
68. The rooster clawed a hole in the earth.
69. Petals 6(-12), rose, purple, or white, crinkled, slenderly clawed.
70. He clawed insatiably at the traditional precepts.
71. But it turns out that about 80 percent of the genes known to cause diseases in humans have counterparts in the genome of Xenopus tropicalis—the western clawed frog native to sub-Saharan Africa.
72. Terrestrial carnivores have four or five clawed digits on each limb.
73. This visual representation of a mathematical model shows the impact of "asymmetrical" chemical energy on the cell division of an African clawed frog embryo.
74. They nipped and bit . They clawed and gashed. They chewed and tugged.
75. Rental property owners may get less income tax refunds but when they sell their rental properties in the future, they will get less deprecation clawed back as well.
76. Petals 5, pink or white, obcordate, clawed, connate and bearded at base, apex fimbriate .
77. The bear clawed the hunter within an inch of his life.
78. Is spielberg's Jurassic Park razor - clawed Velociraptor an accurate portrayal?
79. They are ugly and wild with staring eyes, unkempt red hair and pot-bellies. They have clawed feet, fangs and porcine faces.
79. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
80. Oni are small ugly demons with staring eyes, unkempt red hair and pot-bellies. They have clawed feet, fangs and porcine faces.
81. Lying motionless on the floor was something that looked like a clawed, tailed gasbag.
82. African clawed frog; in some classifications made the type genus of a separate family Xenopodidae.
83. She clawed the doorknob.
84. Gino clawed his way out of underworld obscurity to become a millionaire hotelier.
85. Extraordinary microscopic photography reveals the miniature worlds of the multi clawed head louse and the most misunderstood superhero of the insect world the common flea.




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