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单词 indignation
释义  in·dig·na·tion /ˌɪndɪɡˈneɪʃən/ noun [uncountable]  ANGRYSURPRISEDfeelings of anger and surprise because you feel insulted or unfairly treated 〔因感觉受辱或受到不公平待遇而产生的〕愤慨,义愤,愤怒 To his indignation, Charles found that his name was not on the list. 查尔斯发现他的名字没有出现在名单上,这让他深感愤慨。with/in indignation Lou’s voice quivered with indignation. 洛乌气得说话声都颤抖了。indignation at/about/over Her indignation at such rough treatment was understandable. 遭受如此粗暴的待遇,她大为光火是可以理解的。 He stormed into her office, full of righteous indignation. 他义愤填膺,气呼呼地冲进她的办公室。Examples from the Corpusindignation• But the comic form he has chosen is too brittle to contain his appalled indignation.• The proposal has evoked both indignation and humour with suggestions as to how art treasures can be divided by their national characteristics.• They saw them as contradictions, occasions for elaborated ironies, for indignation and anger.• It is the stereotyped image of the helpless female which arouses modern indignation.• He showed no fear or indignation.• Much of this indignation was justified.• Orestes proposed eagerly, but Iphigenia rejected the idea with indignation.with/in indignation• And yet, as it is lifted, we still wriggle with indignation.• As soon as I realised they thought I was knackered from the same route they had just walked, I was speechless with indignation.• Creaking up from her knees, Miss Lodsworth snorted with indignation.• He could have taken his case to the press and howled with indignation.• I was so surprised I howled with indignation.• Orestes proposed eagerly, but Iphigenia rejected the idea with indignation.• Others sputtered with indignation and criticism.• They laid their cards down again and Alan roared with indignation. ` I don't believe it!in·dig·na·tion nounChineseSyllable  because and surprise Corpus anger you feelings of




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