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单词 Anthropology
1. I believe he has started reading up anthropology.
2. Social anthropology is one of the social sciences.
3. She's course tutor in anthropology.
4. Diane did anthropology at university.
5. Social anthropology examines family relationships in detail.
6. Anthropology is closely allied to the field of psychology.
7. Anthropology is his enthusiasm.
8. Social anthropology is centrally concerned with the diversity of culture.
9. The anthropology of the future will not be concerned above all else with primitives.
10. Now, through anthropology,[/anthropology.html] he renewed them.
11. Social anthropology is not just a branch of biochemistry.
12. This is the essential difference between anthropology and Darwinism.
13. Gossip has received some attention in anthropology.
14. Anthropology is potentially a positivist's paradise, inviting an endless recording of observable facts and data.
15. This principle is not the special prerogative of anthropology, and it transcends all the boundaries of traditional academic disciplines.
16. Political and legal anthropology Many of the anthropologists dealing with political organization have chosen to approach this from a conflict perspective.
17. The book is a fascinating combination of anthropology, history, sociology, and political science.
18. Within anthropology, there has always been a tradition seeking to locate underlying and generalizable processes and patterns in material culture studies.
19. The context of the discourse of anthropology provides constraints on the form of a statement that will be recognized as meaningful.
20. So Feuerbach's sensuous anthropology, much praised even by Karl Barth, is not quite what it seems.
21. They used the devices of anthropology, sociology, history, and biology trying to prove that Negroes were inferior.
22. She was pretty much raised by a grandfather she calls an anarchist and studied cultural anthropology at the University of Wisconsin.
23. The argument is a familiar one and it ultimately rests on familiar distortions of anthropology.
24. Sociology was to study social systems, psychology studied personality systems, and anthropology was to concentrate on cultural systems.
25. This approach is then illustrated conceptually by discussion of a central issue in Marxist anthropology, the analysis of work.
26. Well first of all I must distance myself from the image that is presented by nearly all introductory textbooks of cultural anthropology.
27. In other words, nationalism belongs with political theory, ethnicity with sociology or social anthropology.
28. Part of the event are exhibitions of indigenous art and a colloquium on visual anthropology.
29. I was able to go to Westminster for fairly regular lectures and we added anthropology to our social psychology studies.
30. Empiricism and positivism have been put to flight in anthropology, philosophy, aesthetics, economics.
1. I believe he has started reading up anthropology.
2. Social anthropology examines family relationships in detail.
3. Social anthropology is centrally concerned with the diversity of culture.
4. The anthropology of the future will not be concerned above all else with primitives.
31. However, social anthropology can offer no general panacea for our present ills and discontents.
32. Before he retired in 1939 he had played a key role in the establishment of archaeology and anthropology at Cambridge.
33. A social scientist of great distinction and international reputation, Malinowski was a founder of modern social anthropology.
34. Cultural and social anthropology was then concerned with the evolution of human society and culture.
35. He was clearly influenced by a reading of Freudian psychoanalytic writings in attempts at historical reconstructions of cultural stages in anthropology.
36. Design - Ethnographic interviewing, a qualitative comparative method drawn from social anthropology.
37. Once again in this phrase reaction against the nineteenth century is bound to a standpoint which relies on anthropology.
38. In 1924 Malinowski joined the London School of Economics as reader in social anthropology.
39. It is a book about cartography, archaeology, anthropology and several other things, as well as exploration and imperial lust.
40. Houk was in Trinidad in 1988 to gather information for his anthropology dissertation, which he completed in 1992.http://
41. There are dangers for Marxist anthropology in both the Habermasian and the Sartrean approaches to dialectics.
42. Like modern archeology, anthropology also depends upon the historical perspective which Hecataeus and his successors first opened.
43. Rivers played a fundamental role in the establishment of both experimental psychology and social anthropology as academic disciplines in Great Britain.
44. Although Neel died last February, many of his associates, including authors of classic anthropology texts, are still alive.
45. Indeed, there is a whole discipline, cultural anthropology, that devotes itself to the study of human cultural differences.
46. Anthropology has always provided the clearest symptomatic instance, as was foreseen by Rousseau from the outset.
47. This type of simplistic explanation of primitive societies has dogged Marxist anthropology since Engels's time.
48. Evans-Pritchard's arguments against Freud have been very influential in anthropology and, by extension, within sociology.
49. The comparative study of kinship terminologies is one of the longest established traditions in academic anthropology.
50. Concepts borrowed from anthropology aid our understanding of social structure, while the techniques of physics enable us to date the past.
51. Mead was already world renowned, as famous for her social activism as for her cultural anthropology.
52. The context of anthropology is that of a discourse that attempts to generalize and encompass other discourses, such as those of myth-telling.
53. The study of this aspect of language provides links with other disciplines such as sociology, social anthropology, psychology and philosophy.
54. None the less, anthropology soon became an independent academic study, first by amateurs, and later by university researchers.
55. Not only sociology and cultural anthropology but even a field like literary criticism increasingly becomes infested with the jargon of empirical addiction.
56. It turns out that what seems elemental to many expert educationists is actually bizarre from the long perspective of history and anthropology.
57. He studied natural sciences and archaeology and anthropology at St John's College, Cambridge.
58. A judge and landlord, he throve on amateur metaphysics and early anthropology, purveying monkey theories almost a century ahead of Darwin.
59. Parts of an individual's day-to-day behaviour are quite idiosyncratic- in general, these fall outside the scope of social anthropology.
60. MPhil in anthropology, Department of Anthropology, CUHK.
61. Collect paleontology zoology, biology, and anthropology.
62. Field work is the most important method for anthropology.
63. "The Global Traffic in Human Organs." Current Anthropology 41:34.
64. Social Anthropology Towards a Pragmatic Enlightenment?
65. Anthropology and neuroscience also small but growing influences.
66. Physical anthropology M. Higher Education Press, 2004.
67. Local Knowledge: Further Essays in Interpretive Anthropology.
68. Collect Pacific Rim cultural artifacts, paleontology, and anthropology.
69. Collect paleontology, entomology, zoology, biology, and anthropology.
70. She was a grad student, anthropology and folklore.
70. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
71. Anthropology provides theoretical frame for the thesis, making it convenient to classify ideational mistranslation into five categories, as addressed previously.
72. The unique fieldwork and " ethnographical " methods of modern anthropology provide an approach to solving this thorny aesthetic problem.
73. And researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology have shown that species that sleep more have greater resistance against pathogens.
74. Historical anthropology is the historied anthropology, that is, to inspect history from the viewpoint of culture.
75. Usually, physical anthropology and natural sciences are especially biology closer links.
76. Chinese anthropology films have developed their own characteristics by considering local situations. This paper intends to give a brief retrospect and prospect for the...
77. Urla, Jacqueline. "Contesting modernities: Language standardization and the production of an ancient modern Basque culture. " Critique of Anthropology 13, no. 2 (1993): 101-118.
78. I applied to Penn. I got into the anthropology department, but I specifically wanted archeology.
79. That analysis appears in the American Journal of Physical Anthropology.
80. So he puts forward cognitive anthropology in order to transform Kant's transcendental philosophy.
81. As I said, a training in Tajik anthropology is suddenly looking very useful.
82. My background is especially strong in physical anthropology[], my primary field of interest.
83. To enhance these inculturation efforts, the forum recommended researching local traditions with the aid of experts in sociology, cultural anthropology, music and theology.
84. Neely is professor emeritus in the department of anthropology at the University of Texas at Austin; his research has focused on the development of agriculture.
85. This record of a fieldwork, a musical ethnography, is from the viewpoint of cultural anthropology of music.
86. Gene - based anthropology also struggles with the specter of racism.
87. Objective To provide basic data for anthropology and clinical practice, bony semicircular canals of internal ear in adult were measured.
88. It is the sociology, the anthropology, the nature study and a legal science research important topic.
89. So, personally, I think accurate ethnography should still be the necessary subject of anthropology.
90. It also reflects a little - known quirk of Ms Schapiro 's past: she studied social anthropology an undergraduate.
91. As a subdiscipline of anthropology, visual anthropology has the function of interpreting the cultural phenomenon with the audio-visual language.
92. Objective : To investigate the digital hair distribution of the Baoan nationality for study of physical anthropology.
93. In accordance with the dialogical reality of human beings Martin Buber researched human moral actions and moral values from the perspectives of philosophical anthropology and philosophy of religion.
94. Geertz, Clifford . 1983 . Local knowledge: further essays in interpretive anthropology . NY: Basic Books.
95. Historical particularism, which emphasized the uniqueness of all cultures, gave new direction to anthropology.
96. Having studied the theories of various anthropologists, Northrop Frye applies knowledge of anthropology to literary criticism and thus broadens the scope of literary criticism into a.
97. In 1997, the sequencing of the first snippet of DNA from a Neandertal by a team at the Max Planck Institute of Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, was hailed as a major milestone.
98. To be an apothegm from Indian, it seemed to predict the way of culture anthropology researching-a way of study culture in the culture.
99. For all its dazzle --- or perhaps because of it -- molecular anthropology is not without critics.
100. Subject_Topical_Eng: Pathobiology of Legal Medicine; Serology of Legal Medicine; Clinical Legal Medicine; Anthropology of Legal Medicine; Chemistry of Legal Medicine.
101. In animals, neoteny comes about because of delays in development, points out molecular biologist Philipp Khaitovich of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig,[] Germany.
102. Objective To provide reference data for selecting the talent of sports, anthropology and forensic medicine.
103. Also in the early 1900s, French sociologist Emile Durkheim developed a theory of culture that would greatly influence anthropology.
104. The Anthropology Department has established a Mentorship Program, with the support of the Anthropology Alumni Society and Anthropology Student Society.
105. Objective To enrich the morphological basis for anthropology and clinical cosmetology.
106. Natural and cultural history, Pacific anthropology , botany, entomology, and zoology.
107. The evolution of the research is to promote the development of physical anthropology another important factor.
108. Observations of Three Non-metric Traits in Ancient Groups In Northern China. International Archaeological Academic Forum: Physical Anthropology and Molecular Archaeology. Changchun, China. 2005.
109. From the perspective of folklore, sociology and cultural anthropology, festival is regarded as a folk record and interpretation of cultural elements and the actual image of the abstract history.
110. Chicago’s Field Museum of Natural History has delighted children since 1893 with its diverse zoological collections and cultural anthropology exhibits.
111. And later, through the influence of structural anthropology as well as feminism, feminist anthropology developed as anew branch discipline on the basis of anthropology of women.
112. Physical anthropology is more than just my primary area of education; it has also become my hobby and lifestyle.
113. Her Patterns of Culture ( 1934 ) is a classic study in comparative anthropology.
114. Kinship study is considered one of the core areas in social anthropology research.
115. The latest study was carried out by the Department of Anthropology at the Smithsonian natural history museum in Washington.
116. “It’s an excellent book, ” says William Maurer, chair of the Department of Anthropology at the University of California at Irvine.
117. These range from physics , and liner algebra , linear algebra to anthropology, political science, -- even schooldiving.
118. The latter is to apply the theory and methods of cultural anthropology to the study of practical problems in education for the solutio.
119. Anthropology is a science dealing with man and his origins.
120. To comprehend religion from the standpoint of philosophical anthropology, Martin Buber revealed "the existence of dialogue"of human race.
121. Acculturation, as an important concept in cultural anthropology, has undergone a long and bitter course since it was introduced from biology into cultural anthropology.
122. Professor Qinghua XU (1933-2010) had a poor life in Shanghai when he was young. After liberation, he got chance of education and later entered Department of Anthropology at Fudan University in 1957.
123. Fiorella Maza, 19, shown at the National Museum of Archaeology, Anthropology and Peruvian History in Lima, was deported last March with her family after 17 years in the U. S.
124. Economic botany makes significant contributions to anthropology, botany and environmental conservation.
125. With a case from Xueshan and Longjie in Weining County, Guizhou province, this paper tries to apply the approach of anthropology to analyze the occupational group endogam in traditional Yi society.
126. So soft against the kind of realism the West, represented by anthropology centrism of Western culture.
127. Susan Brownell, a professor of anthropology at the University of Missouri-St Louis, said the Chinese state-supported athletic system narrowly focuses on Olympic medals rather than grassroots sports.
128. Many academic fields are interested in the research of transvestism, especially the psychoanalysis, woman and gender studies and anthropology.
129. everything had to be tied to reproduction and reproductive success," said Linda Wolfe, who heads the Department of Anthropology at East Carolina University.
130. He was a professor of the Department of Anthropology in the Catholic University of Peru[Sentence dictionary], the most prestigious university in the country in social sciences and humanities.
131. In the cultural anthropology perspective, the pilgrimage every Muslim lifetime of a typical "transitional protocol" is a change in the status of the Muslim community identity and a religious ritual.
132. Boas's own research spanned the scope of anthropology in its North American definition.
133. Additionally, Hobbes' account of human nature as self-interested cooperation has proved to be an enduring theory in the field of philosophical anthropology .
134. Study of other cultures is the traditional research object of cultural anthropology.
135. When he's not writing, he teaches anthropology and gender studies in Las Vegas, NV.
136. The interpreting process of anthropology is an important and indispensable part of ethnographical practice.
137. "Navigating the birth canal is probably the most gymnastic maneuver most of us will ever make in life, " says Rosenberg, chair of the university's department of anthropology.
138. And Mary Manhein, director of the Forensic Anthropology and Computer Enhancement Services Laboratory at Louisiana State University, and a professional in residence in the Department of Anthropology.
139. New Dictionary of Social Anthropology ( eds. ), People's Publishing House, 2003.
140. The qualitative Methods: Used in educational psychology often derive from anthropology, sociology or sociolinguistics.
141. Cognitive science is a new science which is related to philosophy, psychology, anthropology, neurolinguistics and computer science, etc.
142. “One of the reasons I went there was to study a system where men don't have the kind of power we are used to in the West,” said Evelyn Blackwood, an anthropology professor at Purdue University.
143. Situated Cognition and Learning Theory is the hotspot of the contemporary learning theory study. It has surpassed situated viewpoint of psychology and syncretize anthropology theory.
144. Kohler is a professor in the department of anthropology at Washington State University and a research associate at the Crow Canyon Archaeological Center in Cortez , Colo.
145. But Alexander Harcourt, professor emeritus of anthropology at UC Davis, regards neoteny as "still a viable concept."
146. Archetype is an important concept of Anthropology and Analysis Psychologies.
147. P??bo, of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, pioneered the sequencing of ancient DNA in the face of impossible-looking odds.
148. Talking to the Enemy is recommendable not just for its vivid insights into the motivation of terrorists, but also for its study of Islamic radicalisation and the anthropology of religion in general.
149. The BAU maintains a reference file for experts in various forensic disciplines such as odontology, anthropology, entomology, or pathology.
150. One person who knows is Jack Harris, chairman of the anthropology department at Rutgers University, in New Jersey, in the United States.
151. Anthropology is the study of human society, customs, and beliefs.
152. Archetypal criticism had a second extra - literary source in addition to cultural anthropology.
153. AIM: To analyze the rules and characteristics of somatotype development of Han children in western rural area of Liaoning Province, so as to supplement essential data for physical anthropology.
154. MacDougall, David. "Visual Anthropology and Ways of Knowing. " In Transcultural Cinema.
155. The anthropology Han people society studies "Linage pattern" can not explain the complex Han people rural society sufficiently, especially the situation in the Chinese northern area.
156. Conclusion: Heath - Carter somatotype method has the perspective applications in human nutriology and physical anthropology.
157. One can also investigate religious studies, cultural anthropology and art history courses for things related to Egypt.
158. NC State's Department of Sociology and Anthropology is part of the university's College of Humanities and Social Sciences.
159. In anthropology, ethnographic researchers spend years living immersed in the cultures they study and record.
160. William Adams , 1998 . The Philosophical Roots of Anthropology, CSLI Publications [ ], Leland Stanford Junior Univ.
161. Ph. D . in anthropology, Department of Anthropology , The Chinese University of Hong Kong ( CUHK ), Hong Kong.
162. The science that analyzes and compares human cultures, as in social structure, language, religion, and technology; cultural anthropology.
163. In the framework of biological evolution, physical anthropology and the existing and extinct species closely related.
164. Li Fajun. An application of the Plastination Technique in the Fields of Archaeology and Physical Anthropology. In: Southeast Culture 2004:1.
165. Collective memory is a concept in the field of sociology; the studies on collective memory constitute an important subject in sociology, history and cultural anthropology.
166. This paper uses the theory and research method of anthropology to make people reconsider furniture design from the aspect of physical anthropology and cultural anthropology.
167. Historical particularism became a dominant approach to the study of culture in American anthropology, largely through the influence of many students of Boas.
168. Since Malinowski initiated the realistic ethnography, cultural writing of anthropology has been regarded as an objective and scientific description of culture.
169. This introduction to the field of cultural anthropology from a Christian perspective exposes students to the excitement and significance of human history and culture.
170. Officials from Yale's anthropology department were not immediately available for comment.
171. It uses what in the Structural Anthropology essay he calls "mythemes" or "gross constituent units" of thought.
172. The paper introduces related research on judging age by X-ray picture of forensic anthropology from fusion time of stem epiphyseal and the change of humerus marrow cavity respectively.
173. The cultural consultant to the series is Professor Yunxiang Yan, Ph. D. A graduate of Harvard University, Professor Yan is an author and faculty member at UCLA's Department of Anthropology.
174. Elizabeth Angell is a PhD candidate in anthropology at Columbia University.
175. Objective To provide a morphological basis for clinical plastic, forensic anthropology , nutriology and medical care.
176. New Historicism and Cultural Anthropology are thick description of each other.
177. Traditionally, anthropology includes such subjects as physical anthropology, cultural anthropology, archeology and linguistics.
178. Objective : To study the characteristics of physical anthropology of Hui nationality in Hunan province.
179. "Structural Anthropology" is the author of articles published over the years compilations, on behalf of the author's anthropological study of the most important achievements.
180. Primitive Classification written by Emile Durkheim & Marcel Mause is a classical literature in cultural anthropology.
181. Concept of category, practicalness , generativieness, and ecologicalness are basic characteristics of Marxist philosophical anthropology, that is practical anthropology.
182. This paper tries to study it from the perspective of Cultural Anthropology, and hopes that it could benefit the whole dietary culture.
183. At that point I became really interested in anthropology and I really wanted to be an archeologist.
184. To his critics he's Jeremy Beadle with a degree in anthropology.
185. Malkki, Liisa. "National geographic: the rooting of peoples and the territorialization of national identity among scholars and refugees. " Cultural Anthropology 7, no. 1 (1992): 24-44.
186. As one kind of unique ideograph, Chinese characters still have retained the profound anthropology information and the cultural connotation through the number millennium.
187. Aesthetic mentality should be intensified in aesthetic anthropology so as to distinguish aesthetic anthropology from general cultural anthropology and highlight its own aesthetic features.
188. Ethnography is a term borrowed from anthropology, meaning the systematic and immersive study of human cultures.
189. Researcher Daniel Haun at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany and his colleagues investigated orangutans, gorillas, bonobos, chimpanzees and humans.
190. Emphasis is placed on forensic pathology, anthropology,[http:///anthropology.html] odontology and the detection and recovery of human remains.
191. When he's not writing, he teaches anthropology and women's studies in Las Vegas, NV.
192. According to the theory of functionalism of Anthropology and legal sociology, we can use Legal pluralism as the solutio.
193. One often finds more such people in the anthropology department than in the classics department, and sometimes more in law school than in the philosophy department.
194. Conclusion This study is the first comprehensive dermatoglyphic research of Kejia people, and its dermatoglyphic database will be useful for future studies in anthropology, genetics and medicine.
195. The book is also a laying foundation work to interpretive anthropology.
196. NC State’s Department of Sociology and Anthropology is a joint department of the university’s College of Humanities and Social Sciences and College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.
197. It's of the great academic value of anthropology ethnology while it is also of strong readability.
198. "The cultural analysis" is one of the important principles of cultural anthropology research.
199. Explores cultural assumptions about neuroscience by drawing on anthropology, history, semiotics, and the cognitive sciences.
200. Furthermore, cultural anthropology provides no substantiated claims for true matriarchies.
201. Appadurai, Arjun. " Disjuncture and Difference in the Global Political Economy. " In The Anthropology of Globalization.
202. Effendi, a senior lecturer in anthropology at Andalas University in Padang, the regional capital of West Sumatra, hails from one of Indonesia's many distinct ethnic groups, the Minangkabau.
203. However, to study tribal society from the perspective of ecologic anthropology will help modern men find solutions to their problems concerning environment.
204. Ethnography of moralities doesn't deliberately playact itself as an upstart of anthropology; instead, it highlights problem awareness.
205. Anatomical studies on the establishment of physical anthropology with important influence.
206. This class introduces students to the methods and perspectives of cultural anthropology.
207. The study of our human nature encompasses a variety of fields ranging from anthropology, primatology, cognitive science and psychology to paleontology, archaeology, evolutionary biology and genetics.
208. Being seen from the angle of the cultural anthropology, tourism is a rite of "passage" which is utilized to complete some important changes of the human life or mind.
209. Fortunately, I was admitted to the Department of Anthropology, Beijing University.
210. Structural linguistics gave rise to Levi - Strauss's structural anthropology.
211. It's analysis in terms of sociology, anthropology and history. Section III. Explanation of the role played by notation in music inheritance.
212. He shows off his "primitive technology" lab, locked up in the university anthropology department.
213. There is no psychology, no sociology, no anthropology; there is only economics.
214. Malinowski is one of the founders of functional school of modern anthropology.
215. As a branch discipline of cultural anthropology, ecological anthropology become an important school of contemporary Cultural Anthropology and has great influence on the development of it in the west.
216. This paper argues that his philosophical anthropology was a continuing development of his ethical personalism posed in his early ethical theories.
217. Early structuralism was greatly involved with the work of Claude Levi-Strauss, who was active in the field of anthropology and who is perhaps best known for the book Tristes Tropiques.
218. At the end of this paper we make an explanation of the above-mentioned diversity by referring to the fundamental principles of cognitive linguistics and cultural anthropology.
219. Zhu Xiaoyang is associate professor of anthropology in the Department of Sociology, Peking University.




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