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单词 Intestinal
1. It attacks the intestinal tract, liver and other organs.
2. Also invoked against appendicitis, intestinal disease, and seasickness.
3. The second difference was in intestinal absorption.
4. Her intestinal symptoms progressed and she vomited copious amounts of fluid every two to three hours.
5. The inflammatory response influenced intestinal fluid transport partly via activation of the enteric nervous system.Sentencedict
6. Four of the nine patients requiring a small intestinal biopsy had impaired linear growth emphasising the potential serious effects of this illness.
7. In eight of the 11 patients, full thickness intestinal biopsy specimens were available for histological examination.
8. And in exceptional circumstances, microscopic intestinal parasites have survived to indicate some of the health problems that people suffered.
9. Both increased bone resorption and increased intestinal absorption of calcium occur.
10. Reduced numbers of intestinal mucosal plasma cells have been reported, with a return to normal values after antibiotic treatment.
11. Intestinal Calcium Absorption. Dietary calcium gains access to the organism mostly by transport in the small intestine.
12. The possibility that intestinal epithelial cells may produce platelet activating factor has been suggested by Kald etal.
13. Dietary phosphate did not interfere with these intestinal effects of calcium.
14. Most studies entailing isolation of intestinal epithelial cells invitro and subsequent grafting invivo have used intact undifferentiated fetal endoderm.
15. The bullet ripped through her intestinal tract and lodged in her lower abdomen....
16. Our immune systems used to encounter intestinal parasites as part of normal development.
17. The distal end of the intestinal segment was connected via a plastic tube to a basin on the plate.
18. Discussion Phagocytic cells are found in the intestinal mucosa; they are heterogeneous immunohistochemically in both normal and inflamed mucosa.
19. The expected association between antral tumours and intestinal metaplasia was also seen.
20. The fact that he's still trying for the championship is a tribute to his intestinal fortitude.
21. The gastrointestinal investigations comprised sigmoidoscopy, barium enema and upper intestinal endoscopy as these are most readily available in the United Kingdom.
22. Calais arose over jurisdiction, but returned before his death from an intestinal disease.
23. The Figure shows the relation between serum carnitine concentrations and the degree of intestinal atrophy.
24. Consequently, the lytic activity of faecal water was decreased. Dietary phosphate did not interfere with these intestinal effects of calcium.
25. In support of this theory there is evidence of a close correlation between activity of Crohn's disease and conditions within the intestinal lumen.
26. Otherwise, clinical signs are absent except in the occasional case of intestinal or biliary obstruction.
27. The syndrome also may be seen in other conditions associated with intestinal malabsorption or nutritional deficiency.
28. Also patron of sailors; he is invoked against appendicitis and intestinal disease.
29. In the chronic therapy of hypercalcemia caused by increased bone resorption or increased intestinal calcium absorption glucocorticoids are effective.
30. From the results obtained PABA-UDCA disulphate was considered a good material to detect intestinal bacteria.
31. Treatment was geared to boosting John's immune system which was being battered by various systemic fungi and intestinal parasites.
32. Three studies on regional intestinal permeability in patients with ulcerative colitis have been published.
33. Both local cells and soluble mediators participate in the intestinal inflammatory process.
34. Wehave shown for the first time that small intestinal and whole gut transit is faster in patients with chronic radiation enteritis.
35. Seventeen children failed to achieve remission but had chronic intestinal symptoms despite treatment throughout their course.
35. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
36. These results confirm increased macrophage activation in inflammatory bowel disease and suggest functional heterogeneity within the intestinal macrophage population.
37. No change in intestinal permeation ratios with age has been shown using oral double sugar absorption tests.
38. Mesobilirubinogen, urobilinogen, and urobilin represent intestinal breakdown products of bilirubin catabolism. 220.
39. Tribromoethanol has been reported to be irritant to the viscera of mice and this can cause intestinal problems and death.
40. Assessment of intestinal permeability in ulcerative colitis after the ingestion of various markers has yielded conflicting results.
41. Similar studies of intestinal antibodies might facilitate the detection of latent coeliac disease in other situations.
42. Nine patients with Cryptosporidium, chronic diarrhoea and severe failure to thrive had a proximal small intestinal biopsy performed.
43. Doctors had to perform a colostomy, rerouting the undamaged intestinal tract to a substitute opening in her lower abdomen.
44. They include some of the symptoms of allergy: Disturbances of the stomach and intestinal tract, such as stomach ache.
45. In particular, the terminal ileum seems to have an important role in the regulation of small intestinal transit.
46. Sarcoidosis with intestinal involvement is the main differential diagnosis in our patient.
47. In addition, evidence has been provided for an active transport mechanism in the human intestinal mucosa.
48. This mechanism might facilitate bile salt absorption into the enterohepatic circulation by slowing intestinal transit time.
49. The spas treat everything from skin diseases to hypertension, cancer and intestinal problems.
50. Abnormalities it, urinary but not intestinal excretion of uric acid may produce clinically recognizable disorders of urate metabolism.
51. Blood group factor H has been reported to blind preferentially to endothelial cells as well as intestinal mucins and other glycoproteins.
52. Data obtained from the test reflect the magnitude of intraperitoneal contamination by intestinal bacteria.
53. The larvae then penetrate the intestinal wall, and travel through the horse's tissues to organs such as the liver and pancreas.
54. Studies in rats have shown that bile salts inhibit gastric emptying and prolongs intestinal transit time.
55. Intestinal metaplasia in four or more biopsy specimens was the main criterion for inclusion in the study.
56. In reviewing reports on amyloidosis patients with intestinal pseudo-obstruction, the patients with multiple myeloma tend to have extensive smooth muscle infiltration.
57. Giardia lamblia produces a wide spectrum of infection in man ranging from asymptomatic carriage through acute to persistent diarrhoea with intestinal malabsorption.
58. She continued to experience abdominal pain and at age 18 was admitted with absolute constipation and intestinal obstruction.
59. Hexamita is in fact routinely isolated from the intestinal tracts of many species of tropical and coldwater fish including trout and goldfish.
60. Quantification of these interactions is essential for a proper discussion of the intestinal effects of dietary calcium and phosphate.
61. The combination of these and other intestinal infections led doctors to identify a new disease syndrome in 1976.
62. Cryptosporidium is a cause of chronic diarrhoea and a proximal small intestinal mucosal enteropathy in children without immune deficiency.
63. Finally, the intestinal tract was excised, fixed in formalin, stained with haematoxylin and eosin, then coded.
64. Calais arose over jurisdiction, but returned before his death fi-om an intestinal disease.
65. An irrelevant monoclonal antibody, J13(), to human small intestinal brush border membranes served as a negative control.
66. Only four of the 42 patients with benign strictures had constipation and none had evidence of intestinal obstruction.
67. Also patron of sailors; he is invoked against intestinal disease and seasickness.
68. Faecal bile acid loss in cystic fibrosis is unrelated to the presence of intraluminal fat or intestinal bacterial overgrowth.
69. It involved another Down's baby, a girl called Alexandra, who required a life-saving operation to remove an intestinal obstruction.
70. There are, however, experimental studies suggesting a relationship between active intestinal inflammation and permeability.
71. The acid microenvironment contributes to intestinal absorption of weak acids.
72. No correlation was found between the serum carnitine concentration and the degree of intestinal atrophy in active coeliac disease.
73. We and others have described the histological characteristics of full thickness intestinal biopsies in patients with visceral myopathy and neuropathy.
74. Therapeutic studies on intestinal M avium complex infection are missing and an effective therapy for cryptosporidiosis is not available at present.
75. Following absorption in the intestinal tract, potassium is partially filtered from the plasma by the kidneys.
76. We have previously reported two cases associated with chronic diarrhoea, failure to thrive and a proximal small intestinal enteropathy.
77. The SeHCAT test has made intestinal bile acid malabsorption much more easy to detect.
78. Cholesterol was added to increase the intestinal concentration of bile acids, because dietary cholesterol stimulates bile acid synthesis in rats.
79. Morphological measurements and enzyme activities carried out on intestinal mucosa are another good method of assessing dietary nitrogen quality.
80. In other words, all patients who presented with intestinal obstruction had malignant strictures.
81. Hence, small intestinal epithelial stem cells may be isolated in mixed cell populations and successfully maintained ex vivo.
82. Its endogenous synthesis and urinary excretion have been well established, but no consensus exists concerning the mode of intestinal absorption.
83. The muddy water seemed to taste even worse and was causing intestinal cramps.
84. All the patients carried a diagnosis of chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction based on recurrent symptoms of bowel obstruction without physical lesion.
85. Loperamide oxide increased the rate of gastric emptying but slowed both small intestinal and whole gut transit.
86. The timing of the jejunal biopsies, antigliadin antibody test, and sugar intestinal permeability test is shown in Figure 1.
87. Vitamin D deficiency decreases intestinal calcium absorption, resulting in hypocalcemia.
88. Also invoked against appendicitis, intestinal disease, and seasickness. Feast day, June 2.
89. The small intestinal mucosa was studied by histology, morphometry, biochemistry, and electron microscopy.
90. Intestinal resection was performed in 36 patients during the period of follow up.
91. The primary aim of the second trial was to see if eradication of H pylori led to resolution of intestinal metaplasia.
92. Chronic idiopathic intestinal pseudoobstruction is usually caused by disease of the enteric nerves or smooth muscle.
93. In this study there was a remarkably consistent proximal small intestinal enteropathy of mild to moderate severity.
94. Enteroscopy has identified small intestinal lesions in a further 30-40% of patients in whom the first line investigations were normal.
95. Gall bladder contraction is regulated by an interaction of the myenteric plexus with intestinal hormones.
96. By a process of computer subtraction a time activity curve representing small intestinal transit was also obtained.
97. Both single large doses and fractionated doses of radiation have been shown to alter small intestinal motility in animals.
98. Phenotypic studies have previously shown intestinal macrophages to be a heterogeneous population and the present data show functional heterogeneity in inflamed tissue.
99. Studies of the human oesophagus and duodenum showed the same influence of intestinal tone upon the pressure elastic modulus during distension.
100. Full thickness intestinal biopsy specimens were obtained in eight of the children.
101. Calcium supplementation increased the intestinal concentrations of insoluble phosphate,() which indicates formation of insoluble calcium phosphate.
102. If, at 57, he looks frailer than ever, a recent major intestinal operation is to blame.
103. A small intestinal biopsy specimen was taken from the third part of the duodenum, and routinely processed for histological examination.
104. The inflammatory cell infiltrate and its chemical products may influence intestinal permeability in various ways.
105. Therefore, we have investigated the presence and absence of different gastrointestinal symptoms in patients with and without intestinal infections.
106. Significant small intestinal strictures were excluded by small bowel radiological investigations.
107. In many instances it was dozens or even, as with intestinal parasites, hundreds of times higher than average.
108. The intestinal permeability test result was even less reliably related to the gliadin intake than the antigliadin antibody test.
109. Gurdon transferred cells from the intestinal lining of tadpoles that had already begun to feed.
110. After ingestion and hatching the larvae penetrate the intestinal wall and within 48 hours have reached the liver.
111. Hydroxylation of vitamin D gives a derivative that will increase intestinal absorption of calcium and phosphates.
112. The intestinal segment, covered by a thin plastic sheet, was placed on a plastic plate specially designed for this purpose.
113. Previously, we have shown similar patterns in other intestinal segments by use of impedance planimetry.
114. Bile acid malabsorption and increased synthesis of bile acids were even detected in cholecystectomised patients without intestinal pathology.
115. Intestinal crypt cells are known to have a higher adenylate cyclase and a lower guanylate cyclase activity than differentiated villous cells.
116. The most likely effects being gastro intestinal with some nausea.
117. In fact long term treatment causes small intestinal inflammation in 70% of patients.
118. Albin says it was used indiscriminately as a panacea for ailments such as rheumatism, sprains, kidney disorders, and intestinal conditions.
119. We assume that contractions were totally absent or failed to occlude the intestinal lumen.
120. The smooth muscles thus more easily contract in a characteristic rhythm called intestinal peristalsis.
121. He suffered a stroke last year and was in hospital with intestinal trouble.
122. Because infection with Vibrio cholerae is an important cause of diarrhoea, we decided to use cholera toxin as intestinal secretagogue.
123. The acute abdominal pain of intestinal obstruction usually fluctuates.
124. Ulcerative Colitis is agnogenic and refractory large intestinal disease.
125. Intestinal obstruction causing colic, vomiting,(http:///intestinal.html) and constipation.
126. Eg: Irregular diet may lead to intestinal tract disease.
127. A few other conditions are in high intestinal obstruction.
128. Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (VIP), Rabbit anti-Human; paraffin.
129. The cestode parasited on the wild badger' intestinal tract.
130. Conclusion Weibao has positive modulation on mouse's intestinal movements.
131. Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (VIP), Rabbit anti-Bovine, Swine, Rat.
132. Lactoferrin promotes intestinal health by scavenging iron and balancing healthy flora in the GI tract.
133. Yet is the premalignant lesion the readily recognized intestinal metaplasia or the more difficult to detect dysplasia?
134. Objective : To explore the diagnostic value of spiral CT for the intestinal obstruction of unknown causes.
136. Differentiated carcinomas may develop from native gastric mucosa or intestinal metaplastic mucosa.
137. Methods: Mice were given antibiotic to produce the model of the imbalance of intestinal flora.
138. The dynamic quantitative analysis made in alteration in the intestinal flora in 20 of 39 infants.
139. Coccidiosis in chickens, which shows a series of intestinal symptoms caused by Coccidiosis Eimeria, is a serious protozoan disease in the world.
140. Conclusion These normal microflora values in feces were reference values in intestinal of heathy domestically bred young rhesus macaque.
141. Conclusions Both CD and PR are relatively specific markers for intestinal ganglionic cells, the changes of their immunoreactive staining might be helpful in the diagnosis of HD and HD allied diseases.
142. Exposure of prolyl endopeptidases to bile acids made them more susceptible to pancreatic proteases under simulated intestinal conditions.
143. The express of vasoactive intestinal peptide-receptor1(VIPR-1) in rat dodecadactylon was determined by RT-PCR.
144. The ginsenoside Rg1 loading nanoparticles can be controlled release property to 3 days in intestinal juice situation.
145. Subsequent use of somatotropin can promote the spontaneous close of enteric fistula and the adaption of intestinal epithelium both in function and structure.
146. The above results demonstrate that long-term gastric perfusion of CGMP can induce intestinal mucosal adaptive immune response without tolerance to its oral administration.
147. Objective To explore diagnosis, treatment, pathological typing and clinical manifestations of intestinal malrotation in neonates.
148. My two sons have also been drinking purified water from the WTS since they were born and I find they have a stronger immunity against intestinal illnesses than other children of their age.
149. A single factor experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of dietary fiber(ADF) on the growth performance, intestinal mucosal immunity and caecum fermentation traits of growing rabbits.
150. These two kinds of fruIt'scavenger intestinal allows you to go to the toilet.
151. The results showed that the typical anatomopathological change was intestinal mucous membrane shedding, bleeding and catarrhal inflammation.
152. Conclusion The changes in nitriergic nerves and ICC in myenteric plexus of rat duodenum might be closely related to intestinal dysfunction during early post-burn stage.
153. The main goal of the toilet modernization in rural areas is to prevent and control the propagation of the verminous and intestinal infectious affection.
154. The quantity of intestinal bifidobacteria correlate to erythrocyte CR 1 immune activity in children.
155. Objective: To investigate the absorption characteristics of aesculin in different intestinal segments of rats.
155. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
156. Moderate lung hemorrhage and mild subserous bleeding of intestinal tract appeared in blast injury group, and animals survived.
157. The medical condition caused by eating gluten and lead to damage of the intestinal lining and inflammation is called Coeliac Disease.
158. Insulin-like growth factor I(IGF-1) and insulin may be important regulators if intestinal growth.
159. Objective: To study the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of the early postoperative inflammatory intestinal obstruction.
160. Objective : To investigate the effects of Houpu Pill on gastric emptying and intestinal transit in mice.
161. Conclusion Sonography has significant value during of diagnosis of intestinal masses.
162. In July Mr Castro was operated on for " intestinal bleeding " .
163. As with other members of the mint family, it is a mild antibiotic; in addition, it has been demonstrated to kill some intestinal parasites.
164. Cirrus sac located between intestinal fork and acetabulum, 0.259 - 0.388×0.146 - 0.178 mm.
165. Objective To explore the chitosan after intestinal adhesion prevention role.
166. Objective : To observe the clinical therapeutic effect of zengshengping in intestinal metaplasia ( IM ) .
167. The acetic acid beverage of the present invention contains rich bifid lactobacillus, and can eliminate intestinal tract, inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria and resist invasion of diseases.
168. The mediative effect of yeast polysaccharide on the intestinal microflora of egg laying chicks was studied.
169. No wound infection, hydropsy, hematoma and intestinal obstruction were found after operation.
170. Conclusion:The changes in nitriergic nerves and ICC in myenteric plexus of rat duodenum may be closely related to intestinal dysfunction.
171. Conclusion Either 1% methanal or 0.5% hydrochloric acid abdominal cavity injection method was very simple and easy and economy in establishment of Syrain Hamster intestinal adhesions model.
172. And then, to observe the effects of Tongfu decoction on serotonin(5?HT), substance P (SP), vasoactive intestinal polypeptides(VIP) in myenteric nerve plexus of duodenum, jejunum of the models.
173. Elderly patients with colorectal cancer development has been slow and symptoms of misprision of acute intestinal obstruction is a common complication.
174. Based on the excretion of D—xylose in urine, it was found to strengthen the intestinal absorption in normal rats and the rats with the deficiency of spleen induced by Rheum palmatum.
175. Objective : To discuss the diagnosis and treatment of small intestinal cavernous hemangioma.
176. The bacillary dysentery and intestinal amebiasis were the most common diseases in the misdiagnosed cases (54 3%).
177. The bacteria normally inhabit the intestinal tract of warm-blooded animals such as poultry and cattle, and are frequently detected in foods derived from these animals.
178. Intestinal flora including Bifidobacteria, Lactobacilli, Enterobacteriaceae and Clostridium perfringens in the feces and bacterial translocation in mesenteric lymph nodes and spleens were detected.
179. Flaccid constipation is characterized by a lazy or atonic intestinal muscle.
180. OBJECTIVE To provide biological pharmaceutical basis for dosage forms design of harmine hydrochloride by studying its absorption kinetics in various intestinal segments of rat.
181. Blood sugar imbalances, appetite suppression, intestinal irritation, reduces serum cholesterol, triglyceride, and low-density lipoprotein levels, binds toxins and carries them out of the body.
182. Taenia solium are only human intestinal parasitic in the first half-and the source of infection is with the measles disease pork, cysticercosis is afflicted, Rhabdomyosarcoma animal or the brain.
183. They had never been found elsewhere but in the intestinal epithelium and this phenomenon supports the theory that EC cells are derived from endoderm.
184. Conclusion Applying double cavitas gastric tuber will improve the recovery of gastric intestinal function, reduce the retain time of gastric tuber, and reduce the patient's suffering.
185. Widespread outbreaks of intestinal disease are so rare that the commensal bacteria face little danger of extermination.
186. It is to observe the effect of Morchella esculenta on the small intestinal movement of rats.
187. Results Neostigmine can contract the intestinal muscle convulsively,(http:///intestinal.html) shrink the blood vessel and dark the blood color.
188. Objective To explore the etiopathology of liver, stomach, and intestinal cancer.
189. Methods The immunohistochemical method(SP) was used to assay the expression of MUC1, MUC2 and MUC5AC in 40 large intestinal mucoid adenocarcinoma.
190. Objective To study the effect of zinc excess (ZE) on mucous secretion of intestinal mucosa and its mechanism in rats.
191. Objective : To compare the antibacterial effects of Huangqin Tang with its metabolites produced by intestinal flora.
192. Is operation of adhesion sex intestinal obstruction put in dangerous sex.
193. Apply the small intestinal movement experiments with charcoal powder in healthy mice, neostigminetrested mice and mice with adrenaline.
194. Conclusion The selective intestinal decontamination and the intestinal feeding in the early stage can effectively reduced the rate of enterogenous infection.
195. Is the premalignant lesion to be detected the readily recognized intestinal metaplasia or the more difficult to detect dysplasia?
196. The enterobacteria is the main pathogenic bacterium in intestinal infections.
197. To reduce the operation rate of the patients who suffered from the intestinal obstruction.
198. Effect such as brain tumor , cervical cancer, lung cancer, cancer of the stomach, neuroblastoma intestinal cancer.
199. The study is aimed at investigating the effects of cysteamine on the structure of intestinal mucous and non-specific immunity.
200. Methods The model was established by bilateral general cervical artery ligation mice intestinal motion rate, peptic acid secretion and the activity of pepsin were detected.
201. Objective : To assess the diagnostic value and safety of push enteroscopy in intestinal diseases.
202. Chronic idiopathic pseudointestinal obstruction is an uncommon syndrome which is characterized by manifestation of chronic intestinal obstruction. 3 cases by enteroclysis were reported.
203. RESULT The water extract of stir-baked Radix Dioscoreae Oppositae at the location of dichlormethane had better effect in inhibiting mice gastric emptying and intestinal propelling than the crude drug.
204. AIM: To investigate the role of staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) in early intestinal injury in scald rats with Staphylococcus aureus sepsis.
205. Methods Intestinal perforation occurred in air reduction of 8 cases were analysed.
206. Objective To introduce the pattern of intestinal parasites infection in Guyana, South America.
207. To assess the value valtrac ring used for intestinal anastomoses.
208. Another example of cystitis glandularis intestinal type ( intestinal metaplasia ) .
209. Ulcerative colitis ( UC ) is characterized by a chronic relapsing intestinal inflammation . The causes of UC are unknown.
210. The central cavity of the gastrula, which ultimately becomes the intestinal or digestive cavity.
211. Sandostatin was combined with TPN for treatment of 18 cases with external intestinal fistula, where in the output of intestinal juice and healing of fistula were observed.
212. This complication has occasionally occurred following the use of intestinal antiseptics.
213. In patients with polymyositis and dermatomyositis, acute abdomen is attributed to intestinal vasculitis causing ischemia, ulceration or perforation.
214. Conclusion CT scan can confirm or exclude the diagnosis of intestinal obstruction.
215. This study aimed to explore the relationship between xanthine oxidase (XO), one of the major sources of ROS, and intestinal injury using a neonatal rat model of NEC.
216. Acting on entero- transport protein and intestinal mucosa metabolic enzyme, grapefruit juice can change the bioavailability of many oral drugs.
217. Cortisol causes erosion of your intestinal lining, which can lead to ulcers.
218. Granular degeneration appeared in myocardium, epithelia of intestinal gland of duodenum and epithelia of eccrine part of pancreas.
219. This paper studied the growth of the acidolysis and enzymolysis products with different molecular weight of fenugreek neutral polysaccharide on the intestinal flora.
220. Intestinal suture is part of the story of abdominal surgery.
221. Objective To evaluate the effects of bile acid on intestinal bacterial translocation and endotoxemia in ascitic cirrhotic rats.
222. Methods:The clinical data of 11 non-neonatal patients with intestinal malrotation were analyzed retrospectively.
223. AIM: To investigate the correlation of intestinal endotoxemia (IETM), histaminemia and cellular immune function in the patients with hepatitis B.
224. Objective: To study the effect of Ailantus Endocuticle on the isolated intestinal smooth muscle of rabbits.
225. Natural food symbiotic microbiological product obtained from animals and poultry intestinal.
226. The intestinal morphology, permeability of intestinal mucosa, bacterial translocation and gut immune barrier function were compared.
227. Conclusion On the condition that the intestinal tract is unobstructed , the labiate intestinal fistula can be cured by packing the fistula orifice with pedicled straight muscle of abdomen flap.
228. The sacculus rotundus of rabbits are a unique intestinal mucosal immune organ for rabbits and played an important role in the anti-infection immunity.
229. Objective To explore the expression of MUC1, MUC2 and MUC5AC in large intestinal mucoid adenocarcinoma.
230. Perforation is a rare complication of intestinal carcinoid tumor. Only 11 cases have been reported in the literature and most of them were located at the ileum, appendix, and Meckel's diverticulum.
231. Its very important to differentially diagnose between simple intestinal obstruction and strangulated intestinal obstruction.
232. Conclusion In overall diagnostic yield and etiological diagnosis of intestinal diseases, double balloon enteroscopy is superior to intestinal enteroclysis .
233. Objective:To investigate the enhancing effect of some non-ionic surfactants on intestinal absorption of the main active components vitexin-2"-O- rhamnoside in Hawthorn Leaf total flavonoids."
234. Among them, 17 cases underwent small intestinal barium meal examination and 12 cases underwent superior mesenteric arteriogram.
235. The mechanism of SBP is mainly decreased intestinal mucosal defense function and increased permeability, by which bacteria colonized in intestinal cavity translocate to the peritoneal cavity.
236. Could kill the intestinal pathogenic bacteria, Streptococcus pyogenes, pathogenic yeasts, bacteria and fungal spores, and inactivated virus.
237. It indicated that the target chemotherapy was a new effective approach for comrol intestinal nematodiasis in low infection comnunity.
238. And the intestinal villi fell away, lymphous knots increased in intrinsic layer, and an alterative pathological changes in different degree happened to its mucous membrane, muscle and chorion.
239. Modern TCM uses this formula forintestinal flu , nonspecific intestinal disorder indigestion and chronic gastritis.
240. Objective: To observe the short - term and long - term efficacy of liver surface and gastric and intestinal serous membrane skin grafting.
241. Objective: To study the activities of nitric oxide synthase(NOS) in the liver, intestine and intestinal mucosa under experimental enterogenous endotoxemia(EE) in rats.
242. Results 3 cases were considered as small intestinal leiomyosarcoma and 1 case was considered as jejunal haemangioma preop eratively.
243. ABSTRACT: Objective To explore the neuroprotective effects of vasoactive intestinal peptide on ischemic brain injury in vivo.
244. Objective To master the epidemic situation of human intestinal helminthiasis in hilly areas of Sichuan Province.
245. The effective rate of surgical treatment is 85. 71% , surgery has significant effect on the combining type and imperforate anus associated with intestinal neuronal dysplasia especially.
246. The intestinal ( infection ) effecting ( causes ) costs a ( loss ) lot of ( fluids ) fluence.
247. Objective To investigate the clinical feature and operation timing of early intestinal obstruction(EIO) after rectal carcinoma operation.
248. Background: Intestinal stenosis is a frequent complication of Crohn's disease, often leading to repeated bowel obstruction and surgery.
249. Results JG could regulate the intestinal flora in the mice with experimental diarrhea of splenic deficiency type and markedly reduce the injury of epithelial microvilli of the small intestine.
250. Clinical diagnosis on discharge: 1 . Intestinal obstruction due to ascarasis ; 2 . Pneumonia; 3 . Acute respiratory failure; 4 . Toxic encephalopathy.
251. Objective To accelerate the control effect of intestinal nematodiasis in low infection community.
252. The in vivo antisecretory effects of berberine hydrochloride on intestinal secretion mediated by Escheriehia Coli (E. Coli)heat—stabie enterotoxin (ST) were studied in the pig jejunum.
253. Due to symptoms of IBS similar to small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), more and more studies occur to investigate the relationship between them.
254. Used to treat stomach and intestinal disorders, motion sickness premenstrual tension, bed - wetting and urinary frequency.
255. Objective To evaluate the control effectiveness of chemotherapy for intestinal nematodiasis and provide the basis for making control counter-measure to next stage.
256. Antibiotics. Mainly used in intestinal infection such as bacterial dysentery, amebic dysentery and enteritis etc.
257. Objective To analyse the intestinal helminthiasis epidemic situation and to evaluate the control effect in past ten years so as to make out the control strategy in Sichuan Province.
258. The best mode of operation is to repair and close the perforation or to resect and anastomose the intestinal canal and fistulize sigmoid colon.
259. Objective To study the influence of extreme environmental conditions of the field exercise on intestinal bifidobacterium in tank crew after training.
260. Operation is the major treatment to primary small intestinal tumor.
261. Objective To investigate a new method in the treatment of intra-abdominal intestinal adhesive obstruction.
262. Reflux enema is one of the essential nursing procedures in intestinal preparation for infantile Hirschsprung's disease, with a direct relation to the effect of operation.
263. So we can all take umbrage in that this will be the Lakers true test of intestinal fortitude.
264. Method: The study was performed by intestinal perfusion model in rats to observe the effect of absorption sites and concentrations on absorption kinetics of aesculin.
265. Most of intestinal bacteria are sensitive to biograncetina, cidomycin and furazolidone, and the drug resistance of multiple intestinal bacteria to tetracycline and aminobenzylpenicillin occurred.
266. Objective To evaluate intestinal nematodiasis control effect of mass treatment with compound albendazole tablets for eliminating reservoir transmission.
267. After this, we observe the changes of the electro - activity of rabbits intestinal smooth muscle.
268. Objective To explore the clinical pathological and immunohistochemical features of intestinal myogenic fibroblastic tumors(IMFTS).
269. The most frequently involved location was ileocecum in primary intestinal lymphoma (41.7%) and small bowel with colon was affected in 48.8% of patients with CD.
270. Intra-abdominal carcinomatosis with intestinal obstruction is usually a terminal and refractory event.
271. Objective: Extracting total DNA of intestinal tract bacteria from human faeces to investigate intestinal microflora.
272. The two have met three times since Castro's intestinal surgery in July.
273. The bio energetic testing revealed a wheat allergy and an intestinal mycosis.
274. In sheep, transgene fragments were more common in intestinal digesta than in ruminal or abomasal content.
275. Yellow Dock Root is useful for many chronic and acute skin conditions. It is both cooling and detoxifying, a blood purifier aiding liver and intestinal functioning.
276. Objective:To evaluate intestinal canal function in patients who underwent laparoscopic common bile duct exploration(LCBDE)and open common bile duct exploration(OCBDE)for choledocholithiasis.
277. Intestinal bacteria also produce some vitamins needed by the body.
278. Methods Enterospasm animal models were induced with Neostigmine intravenous injection. Then Xiaoyao pill liquid was injected intravenously. Activities of intestinal muscle were recorded.
279. Objective To master the epidemic situation of human intestinal helminthiasis in different topographic areas of Sichuan Province in the past 10 years.
280. Further study found that Cyperus could antagonist the excitation effect of Ach and BaCl2 on the intestinal smooth muscle.
281. The drug release of the extended release tablets was quick in the gastric juice mainly through corrosion and slow in the intestinal juice mainly through diffusion.
282. Objective To evaluate clinically double - balloon enteroscopy and intestinal enteroclysis in intestinal diseases.
283. Results It'showed vary feature in Inflammatory intestinal disease, adenocarcinoma, and malignant lymphoma.
284. In the intestinal epithelium, there is a group of round granules that show similar argyrophil staining characteristics as the enteroendocrine cells.
284. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
285. Mucin concentrations in intestinal contents and mucosa were measured fluorimetrically, as markers of mucosal irritation.
286. Conclusion It suggest that the intestinal function was impaired in SAP. Gln could protect intestinal function.
287. OBJECTIVE To determine the concentrations of baicalin, baicalein and phenolsulfonphthalein in the solution of in situ intestinal loop simultaneously.
288. Intestinal lipomas are usually single with mild clinical manifestation and are well gastrointestinal tract.
289. Method Adopt the method of rat diarrhea by senna. Apply the small intestinal movement experiments with charcoal powder in healthy mice, neostigmine—treated mice.
290. Methods neostigmine -bearing and atropine-bearing mice were made, and movement of carbon powder in intestines was observed to assess the intestinal movement.
291. CONCLUSION: Enteral econutrition can restore and improve the function of intestinal mucosal barrier in wounded rat.
292. The main function of intestinal juice is decomposing, and digesting food.
293. The small intestinal mucosa at high magnification shows marked chronic inflammation in celiac sprue.
294. Conclusion: Small intestine double contrast radiography was the best diagnosis method to intestinal tumor at present.
295. Methods 23 patients of upper intestinal leakage who underwent jejunostomy enteral nutrition were summarized retrospectively.




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