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单词 Spectacularly
1. He volleyed the ball spectacularly into the far corner of the net.
2. It has been a spectacularly successful year.
3. At night, the city is spectacularly lit.
4. The show didn't just fail, it failed spectacularly.
5. House prices have risen spectacularly.
6. The couple skated spectacularly throughout the competition.
7. A Wellesley College spokeswoman was spectacularly vague.
8. In two years it has become the most spectacularly successful phenomenon in the brief history of the world wide web.
9. More spectacularly, I discovered that Matkovsky had actually been entertained by our association on one of his visits.
10. The relationship between town and ship ended spectacularly with a weekend of celebration, including a ceremonial parade through the town.
11. By-elections are marked by spectacularly low turnouts, sometimes less than 30%.
12. With great rounded wings, spectacularly patterned pale and dark beneath, they circled effortlessly.
13. My turnover increased spectacularly.
14. Upper Gumtree, it seemed to me, might revive spectacularly on the morrow, given oats, fresh air and exercise.
15. Why have they failed to spectacularly to penetrate the mainstream?
16. He was a spectacularly successful investment banker and pioneer in investment analysis.
17. Hoover was certainly, Summers shows,( ) spectacularly indifferent to those straight arrow standards he set for his agents.
18. At her wedding Phil took spectacularly to the bottle and put the boot in with some brio.
19. Male indigo birds sport beautiful metallic blue plumage, while male whydahs sometimes possess spectacularly long tails.
20. Actually, they ran better than they passed, although they passed spectacularly on occasion.
21. Allt-Chaorain House Allt-Chaorain is a warm and attractive house lying spectacularly in an elevated position among forest-clad hills and rugged mountains.
22. The turboprop has also undergone a maturing process that now makes it an easy engine to work on and spectacularly reliable.
23. Away from the haze and lights of the city, bright stars fill the spectacularly clear sky.
24. This month, you look set to be especially colourful if not spectacularly successful.
25. In his spare time he ran a barber shop and a scandal sheet, and went spectacularly insane on a street parade.
26. It is a curious paradox that often the most spectacularly successful and numerous organisms are also those with a finite geological record.
27. For several hours we explored the island, two humps of rock, spectacularly eroded, joined by a narrow ridge.
28. If the Prime Minister was brilliant, he was certainly spectacularly outshone in the opening speeches.
29. She has had few offers of work since her last movie bombed so spectacularly.
30. The most prominent of these lessons is that bottom-up infrastructure succeeds and sometimes even spectacularly.
1. He volleyed the ball spectacularly into the far corner of the net.
31. The reel began to screech in protest as a fine trout tore off into the distance, leaping spectacularly along the way.
32. Each achieved or produced something spectacularly new and each was widely influential, often sparking creative collaboration elsewhere.
33. He wore a black shirt, black vest, black leather wristbands and was spectacularly athletic.
34. After two or three such years their numbers build up spectacularly within favoured areas.
35. Many of her movies had been spectacularly successful.
36. De Lesseps failed spectacularly. It was a complete disaster.
37. Was he even spectacularly sick, exceptionally blind, extraordinarily degraded?
38. The area was spectacularly scenic.
39. That he failed so spectacularly, and that his son succeeded, says a lot about the qualities of character that can distinguish a leader from a lout.
40. The tightly controlled border rapidly loosened up. Since then, cross border co - operation has been spectacularly successful.
41. The one real novelty, nuclear power , went spectacularly off the rails.
42. It'says that upon suddenly becoming spectacularly wrong, you should not bet the investment house again.
43. This is the way to play some of the most spectacularly rapid fortissimo octaves and chords.
44. Two hours by car southeast of Johannesburg, where the California-quality N3 Motorway meets a two-lane blacktop highway called R34, a stretch of spectacularly deteriorated road begins to show itself.
45. Why did this international organisation, set up in 1998, founder so spectacularly and so quickly when the need for health research remains so great?
46. Lately, a few of those bets have gone spectacularly wrong.
47. The comet's ices , heated By the sun, rapidly and spectacularly suBlimate to gas.
48. They were spectacularly good horsemen, which is about the only thing history can say of them.
49. I was in town to start directing a spectacularly unedifying documentary about a teenage girl who operated a pornographic webcam from her bedroom.
50. Actually, you seemed pretty self-possessed. I remember you knew myname, and I remember you vanishing quite spectacularly.
51. The spectacularly successful World Wide Web is just a distributed version of a hypertext document system.
52. For many decades to come, China will remain both a spectacularly poor country and enviably rich country.
53. Because this fact was no recognized , the early magnetic prospecting for iron deposits was spectacularly unsuccessful.
54. Jean-Paul Sartre and Margaret Mead, to name two spectacularly confident former children, have both remarked on the central importance of grandparents in their own early lives.
55. It is fitting, in a society that still claims to cling to socialist values, while enforcing a spectacularly exploitative primitive accumulation.
56. Instead it has failed spectacularly and there are now more than ever.
57. Admittedly, long - range economic forecasting can go spectacularly awry.
58. If you're in nearby Silver Lake, you can see poster-sized, "spectacularly strange" photos of "Phantasma Gloria" at the Coffee Table, 2930 Rowena Ave.




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