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单词 Ruling class
1 A ruling class clearly existed.
2 Liberal representative systems ensure an open, competitive ruling class.
3 Rebiya Kadeer also belonged to this ruling class.
4 Therefore the dominance of the ruling class in the relations of production will be reflected in the superstructure.
5 A single ruling class will still emerge, but a plurality of interests can make themselves felt within it.
6 Marx maintained that in all class societies, the ruling class exploits and oppresses the subject class.
7 Some members of the ruling class have transferred property to relatives and friends to avoid death duties.
8 The ruling class, by contrast,[] was ruthless and cynical in its resort to violence.
9 Others are not employed directly by the ruling class and work in the liberal arts and service professions.
10 The values of the ruling class were essentially military, and war was not incidental to life so much as its raisond'etre.
11 Having seized political power, the new ruling class presides over the transformation of the social structure.
12 Any apparent fragmentation is a ruling class stratagem designed to divide exploited classes which develop revolutionary or reformist consciousness.
13 However, Marx believed that ruling class ideology could only slow down the disintegration of the system.
14 The ruling class was clearly visible in terms of its life-style, attitudes, accents and political and social dominance.
15 Ruling class ideology distorts the true nature of society and serves to legitimate and justify the statusquo.
16 With the electoral victory of the Concertacion, the socialists felt a special mission to prove their loyalty to the ruling class.
17 Criminal law is assumed to express and reflect the interests of the ruling class.
18 Class origins are less important than the objective function of serving the interests of the ruling class.
19 Marxists use the term in this way when they talk about the ideology of the ruling class.
20 It is not a theory of history but a product of history designed to serve the purposes of the ruling class.
21 It does not maintain that all criminal laws directly express the interests of one particular group, such as the ruling class.
22 Where there is such a controlling stratum it must become socially and politically dominant and therefore a ruling class.
23 That is, he or she is viewed as a passive and helpless victim of ruling class, media and state propaganda.
24 Have they become a ruling elite or even a new ruling class?
25 Westergaard and Resler put forward a conventional Marxist view of the ruling class.
26 He argues that capitalist societies remain polarized between two main classes: the ruling class and the working class.
27 This new world situation is recognized by the main sectors of the ruling class.
28 In the days when pamphleteers demanded democracy, they were fighting a ruling class whose power and position was obvious to all.
29 By comparison, functionalism has often been interpreted as a form of ruling class ideology.
30 The functions of the state and the ISAs are unified by the ruling class and its ideology.
1 A ruling class clearly existed.
31 This cast of mind is easily recognizable as the outlook of the traditional ruling class.
32 The power of the ruling class therefore stems from its ownership and control of the means of production.
33 As democracy is, at present, the only permissible political rhetoric, the ruling class duly speaks its language.
34 Equally important was the existence of a ruling class willing to put commercial considerations before personal gain.
35 How the bureaucracy relates to the ruling class is more than a matter of origins.
36 Ruling class power Westergaard and Resler argue that the maintenance of inequalities of wealth is due to the power of the ruling class.
37 Nor should the bureaucratization of society as a whole be confused with the emergence of the bureaucracy as a ruling class.
38 Read the extract on p. 16 concerning the ruling class.
39 The ruling class will not fall of itself.
40 Therefore my conclusion is that the risk and unprofitability of change for the majority of Qing's ruling class within the social order then was the culprit for Qing's loss.
41 She got married when she was twenty and had two children but was increasingly unhappy about the political situation in Southern Rhodesia[http:///ruling class.html], particularly the racism of the white ruling class.
42 The sinister purpose of the reactionary ruling class was covered over with pretentious rhetoric.
43 Owing to the globalisation of capital under neo-liberalism, the ruling class recognises that the solution must be global.
44 While the class war in Athens was not quite as gruesome as, for example, in Corcyra, where the democrats butchered almost the entire oligarchic ruling class, it was nevertheless bloody at times.
45 All through the feudal ages the ruling class did their best to shackle women with Confucian ethics.
46 In order to revolt against the ruling class 's oppressive rule, the oppressed people often imitate "take the pledge of brotherhood", being united to struggle.
47 This poem fully expresses the author's love for the ordinary people and hatred for the ruling class.
48 However, these very practical technology, are for feudal ruling class service.
49 The landlords, the dying ruling class of China, were pervaded by premonitions of early death and were mortally afraid even while they tried to maintain their own attitude of superciliousness.
50 Chinese believe that all rights are given by the ruling class.
51 The working people struggled over centuries for independence against the ruling class.
52 Paul Zarembka played (and was) the left-leaning academic economist. He said, "The ruling class will do anything to keep in power.
53 He was free from all sycophancy or obsequiousness in the face of the reactionary ruling class.
54 While wars could be won or lost, no ruling class could be completely irresponsible.
55 Chinas traditional official morality has brand of feudal society, its morality service ruling class.
56 Maria are the ruling class workers to infiltrate into the'spy. "
57 Ultimately the determining factor is the mental attitude of the ruling class itself.
58 After the Reconstruction, the ruling class of the American South vigorously resisted Federal government's intervention in order to protect its own interest and white supremacy.
59 The class which seizes the political power will Be the ruling class.
60 The ruling ideas of each age have ever been the ideas of its ruling class.
61 The two events which most alarmed the British ruling class in the closing decades of the 18th century were the American War of Independence and the French Revolution.
62 State safeguards the interests of the ruling class and suppresses the resistance the ruled class.
63 Meanwhile, they in mutual exchanges, gradually shirt-sleeve, get in recognition of the feudal ruling class, after the dominant idea and transformed into social spiritual principles.
64 Proposed by the ruling class and owing to the prevailing custom of the pleasure-seeking for dances and songs in the Song Dynasty, the creation of lyrics thrived.
65 China has seen many political coups within the ruling class.
66 What it will do is create a whole new ruling class.
67 In later generations, they were constantly deified and became a spirit-like way of instruction used by the ruling class to practice obscurantism on the commoners.
68 During the Chinese civil war,[] Tibet's ruling class conspired to set up a phony "independent" state that was really under the wing of British colonialism.
69 As a representative of Fauvism Howard players and athletic ability in the force also has the advantage of the ruling class, which is why we have better pet name him "Superman" reasons.
70 The Eloi, obviously the masters, are descended from the nineteenth - century ruling class in England.
71 Hence, law reflects only the will of a ruling class.




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