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单词 turgid
释义  Related topics: Literaturetur·gid /ˈtɜːdʒɪd $ ˈtɜːr-/ adjective formal  1  ALBORINGturgid writing or speech is boring and difficult to understand 〔文章或讲话〕枯燥乏味的,很难理解的 SYN dull a turgid Social Science textbook 一本枯燥乏味的社会科学教科书2. BIGfull and swollen with liquid or air 〔因有液体或空气〕鼓得满满的,肿胀的 —turgidity /tɜːˈdʒɪdəti $ tɜːr-/ noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusturgid• He found the whole conversation stilted and turgid.• All it seemed to do was circulate the warm turgid air.• Not far away a turgid and fast moving river rushed southward in narrow gorges.• The grunt had disappeared and her udder hung heavy and turgid between her legs.• As the big vessel came up tense and turgid I thrust in the needle and injected the adrenalin.• What I needed now was a really violent interlude to liven up the otherwise turgid plot.• turgid technical manualsOrigin turgid (1600-1700) Latin turgidus, from turgere “to be swollen”tur·gid adjectiveChineseSyllable  speech or understand Corpus is to boring and difficult writing turgid




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