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单词 Co-author
1. He is co-author, with Andrew Blowers, of "The International Politics of Nuclear Waste".
2. He's co-authored a book on Policy for Tourism.
3. Karen Matthews co-authored the study with Lewis Kullers.
4. Troupe co-authored the award-winning autobiography of Miles Davis, and has been invited to participate in the 1997 Venice Biennale.
5. Our Stolen Future, the book you co-authored on endocrine disruptors, has been hailed as the second Silent Spring.
6. His first wife was his co-author and co-star of Fawlty Towers, Connie Booth.
7. He co-authored the first Dalek movie, and wrote dialogue for the second virtually single-handedly.
8. The study’s co-author, earth scientist David Lobell, said: "On average, the models suggest that temperatures over the African continent will increase by a little over one degree Celsius by 2030.
9. My co-author, Roy Kingsbury, sends his regret that he could not be with us today: his doctors don't want him to take long plane journeys.
10. Study co-author Alec Beall, a psychology graduate student, said: "We explored first-impressions of sexual attraction to images of the opposite sex.
11. Matt Grainger, an Oxfam spokesman and co-author of the Uganda report, faults New Forests and its investors for not digging deeper into the project.
12. The toy inspired study co-author Chiara Daraio to invent the acoustic lens, which uses 0.95-centimeter stainless steel spheres aligned in parallel chains.
13. "That's forbidden, " said study co-author and Stony Brook University biophysicist Koon-Kiu Yan.
14. As Richard Wilkinson, co-author of The Spirit Level, says, "Boosting social mobility without addressing income inequality is like trying to diet without worrying about calories.
15. Jaana Juvonen, a professor of developmental psychology and co-author, has conducted previous research on bullying.
16. " asks study co-author Zhong-Lin Lu of the University of Southern California, an expert on peripheral vision.
17. Plagnol and co-author Richard Easterlin, an economist at the University of Southern California, used data from Roper surveys and from the General Social Survey at the University of Chicago.
18. He is co-author (with Jack C. Plano) of a major reference work, The American Political Dictionary, first published in 1962 and now in its 11th edition.
19. He developed a friendship with Jack Nicklaus, who asked Mulvoy to co-author his first instructional book.
20. "There is an age old hypothesis in psychology that a person's wishes, hopes and desires can influence what they see," said David Dunning, Cornell University psychologist and co-author of the study.
21. "Roughly three quarters of total aid to Afghanistan goes outside government channels," says William Byrd, Bank economist and co-author of the report.
22. There is no hard data on how common it is to believe in the paranormal, which Bader and co-author Carson Mencken define as beliefs or experiences that are not fully accepted by science or religion.
23. “The study indicates there are long-term implications for early behavioral regularity,” co-author Linnea Burk, Ph.D., of the Wisconsin Psychiatric Institute and Clinics, told Psychiatric News.
24. "You get a thrill out of finding an old girlfriend just to see if she still likes you, " says W. Keith Campbell, a University of Georgia psychology professor and co-author of The Narcissism Epidemic.
25. "There is a sense that we are overtreating some patients and undertreating others, " says pediatric oncologist and study co-author James Ferrara of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
26. "Incompetence alone doesn’t lead to aggression, " said Serena Chen, associate professor of psychology at University of California and co-author of the study.
27. "No, " declared Stanley Coren, a professor of psychology at the University of British Columbia and the co-author of "What Do Dogs Know?" "Dogs don't know fame."
28. "The RMS starts very deep in the middle of the brain and traces a very predictable path to the olfactory bulb, " study co-author Valenzuela told National Geographic News.
29. Salt is "a hidden factor in the obesity epidemic, " said Graham MacGregor, a co-author of the study by researchers at St. George's University of London.
30. 'Certainly it does work to stimulate your immune system, ' says study co-author Heather Zwickey, an immunologist at National College of Natural Medicine in Portland, Ore.
1. He is co-author, with Andrew Blowers, of "The International Politics of Nuclear Waste".
31. Ian Carter, a co-author of the report and an ornithologist for Natural England, told the Guardian: "Any time you add any kind of weight to a bird, it will have some kind of effect.
32. Adds economist Gary Yohe of Wesleyan University, another co-author: "We will commit to an ice-free Arctic sometime this century.
33. Benson is a co-author of the study published recently in the journal Chelonian Conservation and Biology .
34. These provide network-level analyses, or "wiring diagrams," of the fruit fly and roundworm, said Yale University bioinformaticist Mark Gerstein, co-author of the roundworm paper.
35. Mr. Laffer is the chairman of Laffer Associates and co-author of "Return to Prosperity: How America Can Regain Its Economic Superpower Status" (Threshold, 2010).
36. He would, if his sharp-tongued co-author Anna Schwartz is any clue, have condemned the bank bailouts of recent years.
37. "The results were a surprise because we expected that fires would have decreased with the decrease of deforestation," said co-author Luiz Aragao from the University of Exeter.
38. "Most people are familiar with Pangaea, " said study co-author Staci Loewy, a geochemist at California State University, Bakersfield.
39. Such transformers can take a long time to replace, especially if hundreds are destroyed at once, said Baker, who is a co-author of a National Research Council report on solar-storm risks.
40. "What's striking is how fast the extinction was," says paleontologist Douglas Erwin of the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C., a co-author on the paper.
41. Mr. Laffer is chairman of Laffer Associates and co-author of "The End of Prosperity: How Higher Taxes Will Doom the Economy -- If We Let it Happen, " just out by Threshold.
42. As did the death of Claude Chabrol, co-author of the first book on Hitchcock and technical adviser on Godard's feature debut.
43. And Dr. Gloria Yeh, a Beth Israel Deaconess internist and co-author of the editorial, said others "will say, 'It's too slow, I can't do that.'
44. "To enable life you need genes and proteins, which are information and machines," said molecular biologist Michael Hecht of Princeton University, co-author of the study published online in PLoS ONE.
45. "Santa Claus governs our entire economy for the last quarter of the year and without him businesses would go broke," said co-author Allan Lazar.
46. Dogs are a great motivator for doing exercises, said Dr. Sandra McCune, an animal behaviorist and also co-author of the book, "The Health Benefits of Dog Walking for People and Pets".
47. Harte and co-author Cindy Meston from the University of Texas at Austin enrolled 65 men without self-reported impotence in an eight-week quit smoking program using nicotine patches.
48. Speaking with the Globe and Mail, the report's co-author Tracy Vaillancourt said the women's bitchiness, according to a 'bitchy scale' she and her colleague had set, 'was so obvious.
49. According to co-author Michelle Dawson, "while we know autistics process information atypically, very little thought has gone into how to fairly assess their abilities."
50. "We risk losing iconic charismatic megaflora such as saguaro cactus and joshua trees," co-author Steven Archer of the University of Arizona, Tucson, said at a press conference.
51. "It would have made enough scampi to feed an army for a month—it was giant, and no doubt very tasty," quipped study co-author Derek Briggs, director of the Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History.
52. "We can put a man on the moon, but we do not understand what the function of yawning is, " said study co-author Gary Hack, of the University of Maryland School of Dentistry in Baltimore.
53. "Viscoelasticity means that you have properties both from a liquid and from a solid," said co-author Christian Wagner.
54. "This may be the first time the common way of making a black hole has been observed," said co-author Abraham Loeb,[http:///co-author.html] also of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.
55. Mr Werning and his co-author, Emmanuel Farhi (a young Harvard macroeconomist), point out that the biggest roll of the dice in life is the family you are born into.
56. The polarisation can be rotated 360 degrees, '' explained co-author James Chon.
57. Emslie is the co-author of a paper on the findings reported earlier this month in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
58. The townsfolk feel powerless because they have little say in the outcome, says Victor Torres, the Peruvian co-author of the book, "The ChineseEconomy and Extractive Industries: Challenges for Peru."
59. "What we continue to see is that restoration of immune function is more likely when treatment is started early," said gastroenterologist Thomas Prindiville, a co-author of the study.
60. Polly Ghazi is co-author, with Rachel Lewis, of The Low Carbon Diet.
61. Who's Who: Imperial Grand Admirals co-author Daniel Wallace has unofficially suggested that Grant's personal Star Destroyer was named Oriflamme.
62. Geoff Hilton, a U.K.-based biologist with the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds and study co-author, has compared the mismatch to a house cat attacking a hippopotamus.
63. "Money is definitely important as modern teaching and research facilities are expensive, " Jamil Salmi, the World Bank's higher education coordinator and a co-author of the report, told SciDev.Net.
64. These tipping points are where change accelerates and causes unrelated impacts on other systems, " said co-author marine scientist John F. Bruno at the University of North Carolina.
65. "From an evolutionary perspective, superstitions seem maladaptive," said Kevin Abbott, biologist at Carleton University in Ottawa and co-author of a recent study published in Animal Behavior.
66. “It makes evolutionary sense that the immune system would respond aggressively only when it’s really needed, ” says Mark Schaller, a psychologist and co-author of the study./co-author.html
67. Anthony and her co-author, Reyna Lindert, have developed a helpful technique for parents to employ.
68. Professor Priyamvada Natarajan of Yale University, a leading cosmologist and co-author of this study, said that the findings finally proved "exactly what the fate of the Universe will be".
69. To find a quantitative way to rank players, co-author and Northwestern graduate student Josh Waitzman first wrote software to pull play-by-play statistical information from the 2008 Euro Cup website.
70. "We can burn less than a quarter of known economically recoverable fossil fuel reserves between now and 2050, " says co-author and climatologist William Hare, also of the PIK.
71. And an apology does not necessarily signal remorse, adds co-author Madan Pillutla of the London Business School.
72. Her co-author Professor Edel O'Toole, from Queen Mary, said: "As we would expect to see in humans, the whale species that spent more 'time in the sun' suffered greater sun damage.




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