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单词 In the evening
1 In the evening one may praise the day. 
2 An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening
3 I usually bath the kids in the evening.
4 In the evening the facade is floodlit.
5 Avoid strenuous exercise in the evening.
6 It is warm in the evening.
7 What do you usually do in the evening?
8 Her temperature came down in the evening.
9 He was sick in the evening, but the following day he was better.
10 I do most of my studying in the evening .
11 My parents told me not to stay out in the evening.
12 The sounds of laughter and singing mingled in the evening air.
13 The sun was now just a pink glow in the evening sky.
14 The garden looked lovely in the evening sunlight.
15 In the evening we went to see a film.
16 I often watch television in the evening.
17 The story broke in the evening papers.
18 A figure was dimly visible in the evening gloom.
19 The fog looked ominous in the evening gloom.
20 In the evening, the flowers perfume the air.
21 I sometimes feel uncomfortable after eating in the evening.
22 He augments his income by teaching in the evening.
23 The dog is released in the evening.
24 Supper is from 5.00 to 6.00 in the evening.
25 In the evening I usually read.
26 The station is seldom manned in the evening.
27 She often needles in the evening.
28 In the evening the people break their fast.
29 They've placed an ad for someone to baby-sit the youngsters in the evening.
30 People can go out to work in the daylight hours and then come to night school in the evening.
1 I usually bath the kids in the evening.
2 In the evening the facade is floodlit.
3 Avoid strenuous exercise in the evening.
4 It is warm in the evening.
5 What do you usually do in the evening?
6 Her temperature came down in the evening.
7 He was sick in the evening, but the following day he was better.
8 I do most of my studying in the evening .
9 My parents told me not to stay out in the evening.
10 The sounds of laughter and singing mingled in the evening air.
11 They've placed an ad for someone to baby-sit the youngsters in the evening.
12 The sun was now just a pink glow in the evening sky.
13 People can go out to work in the daylight hours and then come to night school in the evening.
14 A figure was dimly visible in the evening gloom.
31 The village lay tranquil in the evening sunlight.
32 In the evening we went to see a movie.
33 She will run over her lines in the evening.
34 In the evening, the people assemble in the mosques.
35 The wind always picks up in the evening.
36 We sat on the terrace in the evening.
37 The lilies release their heady perfume in the evening.
38 We decided to begin the experiment in the evening.
39 The article appeared in the evening edition of 'The Mercury'.
40 In the evening we spruced ourselves up a bit and went out for dinner.
41 We played a couple of frames of snooker in the evening.
42 A glass of wine in the evening helps me to unwind after work.
43 Later in the evening, Lewis began to croon another Springsteen song.
43 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
44 It's been a long time since I heard a blackbird's song in the evening.
45 She rakes the ashes out of the stove in the evening every day.
46 In the evening this station changes frequency and broadcasts on another band.
47 I generally stay at home in the evening and am not at home on Saturday evening.
48 I used to eat out in the evening when my parents were on nightshifts.
49 The plane takes off in the evening.How can I fill in the time between?
50 When I told him what his son had done in the evening party,he laughed himself into fits.
51 Some of the shops are not shut until in the evening even on early closing day.
52 The main street was ablaze with lights in the evening.
53 In the evening of his life he traveled from place to place.
54 I'll work till late in the evening, but my weekends are sacrosanct.
55 a cream tea. It can also be a main meal eaten early in the evening(), especially by children:What time do the kids have their tea?
56 When I'm going out in the evening I use the bike if I can rather than the car.
57 They worked without a break until about eight in the evening.
58 We come to the stable to rack up the horses in the evening every day.
59 She's careful to neaten her desk before she leaves in the evening.
60 In the evening I returned to tell Phyllis our relationship was over.
61 The singer lip - synced a prerecorded song in the evening party.
62 As an absolute minimum, you should spend two hours in the evening studying.
63 At about a quarter of eight in the evening Joe Urber calls.
64 In the evening there was a barbecue, with the whole village joining in the fun .
65 For a week, it rained all day and cleared up in the evening.
66 This town is so boring in the evening - there's never anything doing.
67 She ratted her hair whenever she went to big parties in the evening.
68 What time do you usually get home in the evening?
69 We have a device which switches the lights on at a preset time in the evening.
70 If you're only eating a chocolate bar for lunch, you need a good square meal in the evening.
71 In the evening he likes to read books and articles which have/are nothing to do with his work.
72 The high street is a blaze of lights in the evening.
73 I often feel sleepy after supper and then I get my second wind later in the evening.
74 It was still busy at eight in the evening.
75 But in the evening, one of them would buy a big box of doughnuts,( ) and no one could resist.
76 Breakfast is a buffet, and there is a salad buffet and choice of dinner menu in the evening.
77 Twice a week, Wednesday and Saturday, there is a celebration of Compline in the choir at eight in the evening.
78 In the evening there is a barbecue dinner around the camp fire, followed by a presentation of Meo dances.
79 There may be a loose cough in the day and a dry paroxysmal cough in the evening and night.
80 I am bespoke in the evening, but the daytime is free, once I've done my domestic chores.
81 There must be other places in the evening where Suzie might be expected to put in an appearance.
82 So this external factor offsets the fact that performance in the evening due to the body clock might be deteriorating.
83 She slept badly and felt tired and depressed all day on Sunday even though she saw John briefly late in the evening.
84 She said she attended a party with him earlier in the evening and then went to a nightclub with him.
85 In the evening I brought the text round to his hotel.
86 Prue Hines is the cook, offering a four-course meal in the evening accompanied by fine china and candlelight.
87 In the evening I might eat peanuts and drink a beer, or open a can of red beans.
88 The people we met during the day became our table companions in the evening.
89 The balloon rotated gently in the evening breeze, presenting its serial number to him.
90 Earlier in the evening, the House voted 209-212 against an amendment to phase out the federal peanut program over seven years.
91 From there a delayed flight took us on to Punta Arenas where we arrived late in the evening.
92 Sure enough, to confirm our worst fears, the wind grew stronger in the evening.
93 Arthur Benson recovered from several years of mental breakdown about two years previously and was in the evening summer of his life.
94 And then, later on in the evening, he began to get agitated as the presentation neared.
95 I brought some work home and tried to get it finished in the evening.
96 In the evening, the Lanes offer warm conversation along with cool drinks, coffee, tea or hot chocolate.
97 They all want to go to brothels in the evening and they think I know where they can be found.
98 I got arrested in the evening and they kept me in and took me to court the next day.
99 In the evening they can take on a luminous glow and fill the air with perfume.
100 At some point in the evening, we all moved into the living room where the birthday boy opened his presents.
101 We'll have a buffet lunch at about one o'clock and a sit-down mean in the evening.
102 Dealing with your children's friends who pop round in the evening calls for consummate diplomacy and the setting of time limits.
103 Early in the evening it will be almost directly overhead.
104 Arrive early in the evening for a spot at the sushi bar, where most pairs go for about $ 3.
105 The same desk clerk was on duty when Kragan left the hotel two hours later, at nine in the evening.
106 These accomplishments, and their new-found team spirit, were celebrated with social play in the evening.
107 In the evening, a few games of chess with Benjamin and David.
108 In the morning a man walks with his whole body; in the evening, only with his legs. Ralph Waldo Emerson 
109 Debates and discussion groups were organised, and a free concert was held in the evening.
110 In the evening, after the first stiffness wore off and charades were introduced, the party went with a swing.
111 Nutritional deficiency must be avoided by providing the recommended daily allowance of protein in the evening meal and later in the day.
112 They used to take the air in the evening.
113 In the evening a log fire would provide cosiness.
114 The gale reached its crescendo in the evening.
115 The heaviness in the evening air oppressed us both.
116 The child sleeps in the evening astatic.
117 Mr Pollock is in the evening of life.
118 Make an adieu with the family in the evening.
119 In the evening, I read another sutra.
120 But in the evening of my memory, always I come back to West Point.
121 The crus of my wife often painful, began to in the evening, be defect what ah?
122 Excuse me: What did when sleeping in the evening, gnash one's teeth represent? What symptom be?
123 In the evening, he drove the wild goat and his own into the fold.
124 Phoebe : I would, but I get my morning sickness in the evening.
125 Yesterday's chart showed the part of our Milky Way galaxy that stretches overhead in the evening.
126 In the evening we all went to the skating rink.
127 The two - day training is basic training, and in the evening arrangements are against division.
128 Keep kickin'ass in the morning and takin'names in the evening.
129 In the evening the candelabra, carefully wrapped up, was duly carried to Shashkin's.
130 A kitchen garden, It'smells of herbs in the day, jasmine in the evening.
131 The jailer came in the evening. Dant è s was on his bed.
132 Becoming active in the evening as bats and owls ; crepuscular.
133 I could go to Soho in the evening,(/in the evening.html) and come to your chambers afterwards.'.
134 Dent did nothing in the evening but pull at cigars and beer.
135 In the evening that unexpectedly entire most beautiful military uniform beautiful woman fault hold spring!
136 An idiom in the morning is worth two in the evening.
137 An old rule of thumb was to not eat after six o'clock in the evening.
138 A woman says leucorrhoea is very much in the evening is menstruation maladjusted how to do?
139 In the evening after light - off, roommates begin to brew Morpheus, the dormitory a hush.
140 Why was a group of elderly people exercising in the evening enthralling?
141 In the evening stay because bedding is insufficient, host and host sleep, lackey and lackey sleep.
142 There was no shortage of pageantry for the royal couple in the evening.
143 Drink wine to sleep in the evening two small arm are painful. Ache tiredly?
144 I am also taking computer courses such as page - maker and Chinese typewriting in the evening.
145 In the evening when the Chinese wall was finished. Where did the masons go?
146 In the evening Aghore Babu came for our English lessons.
147 In the evening, after the sports, the visitors to Olympia will enjoy feasting, songs and speeches.
148 Growth hormone begin to secrete around 11 o'clock in the evening.
149 Robin Li in the evening of 29 Taiwan University, delivered a keynote speech on the Internet.
150 And in the evening we could have some of our favourite food, rabbit and paella.
151 In the evening after dinner I had a few words with Barrymore alone.
152 Always the waist aches, lie low is no good in the evening, how to alleviate?
153 Book century writing is swung everywhere, study by oneself in scheduled time in the evening absquatulate.
154 He was bleakly lonely in the evening, when he dined by himself at the Regency Hotel.
155 Why is I sleep in the evening recently always flustered and wake?
156 Mr. Dale, in the evening of that pregnant day, eulogized Sir Willoughby as a land lord.
157 Sleep in the evening insomnia. Weight drops fierce. Be concerned with cervical vertebra disease?
158 In the evening an optional tour of Seine River Cruise or Eiffel Tower.
159 The poor boy had to educate himself in the evening after finishing his work.
160 The Carlisle Boat Club held a meeting at 6.00 in the evening.
161 A 29 year - old Point man, returned home after working out in the gym in the evening.
162 The wind was strong all day, But it moderated in the evening.
163 Each day he could read in the evening papers of the doings within this walled city.
163 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
164 Meredith came accordingly in the evening, when we talked my affair over.
165 In the evening we made our way to the appointed meeting place.
166 In the evening I used to prowl about, hunting for diversion.




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