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单词 Toddler
(1) A toddler requires close supervision and firm control at all times.
(2) Mother with her toddler perambulated the infant in tow.
(3) The toddler tried to walk but kept falling down.
(4) The toddler pointed to the toy he wanted.
(5) A toddler was admitted to the emergency ward with a wound in his chest.
(6) If the toddler had been dealt with properly at first, the rest of his misbehaviour would have been avoided.
(7) The Toddler shows up at her gallery opening.
(8) Marian's two-year-old toddler was clawing at her skirt.
(9) See also infant mortality, toddler mortality, child mortality.
(10) A power struggle develops, as the toddler digs in his heels even further the more his father takes over.
(11) As a toddler, he was attacked and injured by the family's pet dog.
(12) When biscuit-tin bashing gets boring, lend your toddler a real musical instrument for a treat.
(13) Once I saw a toddler sitting on the ground at our local playground using his hands to bulldoze piles of sand.
(14) Throwing tantrums Having a toddler thrown a wobbly in public is perhaps one of parenting's most embarrassing episodes.
(15) Three or four years old, a mere toddler, a boy with golden curls gathering blue flowers.
(16) Yesterday the toddler was being looked after by his grandparents, May and Rolf Blything, at their home in Bebington.
(17) Think of the toddler learning to walk and how often he falls down only to pick himself up and try again.
(18) When two ten-year-olds allegedly abducted and murdered the toddler, it confirmed the public's deepest suspicions.
(19) Hold a baby or small toddler upside down by the feet; an older child can rest face down across your thigh.
(20) Today middle-class parents read books on toddler development, attend parent workshops, and learn how to talk so children will listen.
(21) Since 1975, the infant and toddler poverty rate has grown by 33 percent.
(22) Instead, the toddler may simply look around and get irritable, and appear more and more scattered.
(23) The rejection of the newly mobile toddler may be accentuated if another baby is born at this time.
(24) Bulger court case starts Two ten-year-old boys have pleaded not guilty to the abduction and murder of the toddler, James Bulger.
(25) This week's-tiresomely entitled Tomboy Or Sissy?-was about gender and the toddler.
(26) Setting a simple structure to the day can also help manage the toddler.
(27) Or you could make it into a picture for a baby or toddler to hang on their bedroom wall.
(28) The bath had to be dismantled by the fire service to remove the ring and the attached toddler.
(29) It may also be that her naughtiness is her way of telling you she's not ready for the toddler group yet.
(30) Once again Biddy / Beth flees, but both the Toddler and McGarr are hot on her trail.
(1) A toddler requires close supervision and firm control at all times.
(2) The toddler pointed to the toy he wanted.
(31) The pool with adjoining free form beach area caters for all age groups from the toddler to the senior citizen.
(32) A toddler was squatting in the middle of the carpet, thumb in mouth.
(33) Even when I was a toddler, a pick-your-own trip to her back yard was the highlight of any visit.
(34) The 2-year-old threw fits, but not just the normal toddler tantrums.
(35) Nafferton supports many organisations from toddler groups to clubs for senior citizens.
(36) A toddler may tune out and get distracted when pictures in a book become too intricate.
(37) He scuttled across the rich thick carpet like a toddler, making her laugh.
(38) She held a plump baby of about seven months on her hip, and a toddler clutched at her cotton skirt.
(39) The toddler is to remain with temporary foster parents in Wirral pending a court hearing next week.
(40) Initial toilet training attempts in a toddler or preschool child who resisted toilet sitting was discouraged.
(41) One would have thought it was a doubloon from his triumphant whoops, which attracted the attention of the toddler.
(42) Inquest adjourned: An inquest into the death of a toddler has been adjourned.
(43) Your toddler will be fascinated by the spongy texture of the filled bag and the movement of the floating toys.
(44) The maelstrom against which my sister grows to be a toddler.
(45) Britt becomes involved after she witnesses a carjacking that claims the life of a toddler and nearly kills his mother.
(46) The toddler was a real wiggler on plane trips.
(47) Prince Island Kindergarten teachers are trained to support your toddler and respect individuality as he or she masters skills such as self-feeding and early language.
(48) The toddler was taken to Blackpool Victoria Hospital where she was pronounced dead.
(49) Young Nim, adorably clothed in outfits more suited to a toddler than a baby chimpanzee, seems perfectly designed to excite feelings of affection and protectiveness.
(50) Moreover, unlike with an individual retirement account, you don't need earned income to fund a variable annuity, so you can open an account for a toddler.
(51) ZioF. T., the patron saint of giggling, naughty children who toboggan downstaircases(), throw bread balls at restaurants and even put toddler cousins inlarge salad bowls and spin them across floors.
(52) Use age - appropriate ( toddler ) educational toys and books to teach me.
(53) Piaf, who struggled with drugs and alcohol abuse and the death of her toddler daughter, died from cancer in 1963 aged 47.
(54) The toddler joined VVV's star midfielder Ken Leemans during a training session in De Koel Stadium on Tuesday before being offered the "symbolic" contract club.
(55) Start a story, and then ask your toddler or preschooler to fill in the blanks here and there.
(56) Salter's Baby and Toddler scale was designed to help monitor your baby's weight gain and to give a mother peace of mind.
(57) The toddler took a few tentative steps forward, and fell.
(58) Timmy, now a toddler, splashed in the surf with his grandfather.
(59) A stroller, for example, keeps a toddler safe at a crowded theme park; a Coast Guard-approved flotation device is literally a lifesaver for children around water.
(60) Case in point: one mother in the study hit her toddler after the toddler either hit or kicked the mother, admonishing, "This is to help you remember not to hit your mother.
(61) Even when you're squeezing in a quick workout, it's hard to let go of the pressure to play hide-and-seek with your toddler.
(62) To a human's eyes, a Huttlet may seem the equivalent of a newborn infant or toddler, but at the time of the Clone Wars, Rotta was already 10 years old.
(63) This is what a 30 ton truck sounds like to a toddler.
(64) Boil any items a toddler or baby might put in his mouth. Discard stuffed toys, water-logged toys and non-cleanable toys.
(65) Who can fold up a pushchair, toddler and shopping and then get them all onto the bus?
(66) Another foodie waiting activity is to carry a packet of mixed nuts (check for allergies) or even, different colored or shaped candy and let your toddler sort them before proceeding to eat them.
(67) Books are a great way to keep a toddler happy.
(68) The toddler behaved adorably.
(69) Cut shapes out of construction paper and have your toddler glue them or save some wooden ice-cream spoons and use them instead of the paper shapes.
(70) When Cathy Glaser 's daughter began suffering migraines as a toddler, her New York pediatrician couldn't help.
(71) There are toddler - friendly versions of the most famous Bible stories.
(72) The toddler suddenly stretched his hands behind their chairs, laughing and jumping about.
(73) Your children will learn through our educational program which provides a fun and creative curriculum which is focused on a child-centered toddler program.
(74) How do you make waiting fun for your toddler? What works best to prevent a meltdown at the checkout line or in a restaurant?
(75) ELINOR: Don't play with your food , child . You're not a toddler.
(76) The toddler joined VVV's star midfielder Ken Leemans in De Koel Stadium on Tuesday before being offered the "symbolic" contract.
(77) For the toddler and older child, simply hand them the cup.
(78) The toddler joined VVV's star midfielder Ken Leemans during a training session in De Koel Stadium on Tuesday before being offered the "symbolic" contract.
(79) For example they expect a toddler to share toys in play group, siblings to always get along, kids to remember what we said.
(80) At times, he looks like a toddler taking his first steps.
(81) A toddler who was a menace in a shop full of crystal.
(82) The image is showing a dog trying to help another dog that injured and lying on the road, compared with the incident of YueYue a Chinese toddler that being hit-and-run twice and ignored by 18 people.
(83) We want to buy Childrenwear and Baby Garments, Beachwear, Boys, Girls, Swimwear, Toddler.
(84) Monica: A toddler is he? They can be difficult at times.




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