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单词 Devices
1. One has sometimes to resort to these little devices.
2. Modern devices facilitate domestic work.
3. Police found several bugging devices in the room.
4. The company makes devices to detect carbon monoxide.
5. These newly-designed devices will not appear on the exhibition.
6. Five incendiary devices were found in her house.
7. She uses various devices to forward the plot.
8. Washing machines and vacuum cleaners are timesaving devices.
9. We appointed the house with all the latest devices.
10. Many electronic devices let you create your own skins.
11. These devices can back up the whole system.
12. Anti-theft devices are fitted to all our cars.
13. Many USB devices come with their own built-in cable.
14. Analog computers are generalpurpose devices which employ laws of physics for performing mathematical operations.
15. Students were left to their own devices for long periods.
16. The babies in this unit have various devices attached to them which monitor the vital signs.
17. Cars without security devices are an easy target for the thief.
18. These newly-designed devices will appear on the exhibition next month.
19. Practically all these devices for saving time and labour have been piloted in the fifties.
19. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
20. Left to his own devices, Osborn is a fluent — and often original — guitarist.
21. Analogue computers are generalpurpose devices which employ laws of physics for performing mathematical operations.
22. He leaves his staff to their own devices as long as the work gets done he's happy.
23. Left to my own devices, I'd eat the whole cake.
24. These cruel devices are designed to stop prisoners bending their legs.
25. All the royal cars are fitted with electronic homing devices.
26. All new cars are now fitted with these safety devices.
27. The machines, each of which is perhaps five feet in diameter, are not the largest devices in the room.
28. The police went to the extremes of installing the most advanced safety devices in the man's house.
29. Before release, the sea lions are fitted with electronic tracking devices.
30. He seemed to be a responsible person, so I left him to his own devices.
1. One has sometimes to resort to these little devices.
2. Modern devices facilitate domestic work.
3. Police found several bugging devices in the room.
4. The company makes devices to detect carbon monoxide.
5. These newly-designed devices will not appear on the exhibition.
6. Five incendiary devices were found in her house.
7. All the royal cars are fitted with electronic homing devices.
8. Analogue computers are generalpurpose devices which employ laws of physics for performing mathematical operations.
31. Diodes are electronic devices which rectify alternating current to direct current.
32. Other auxiliary devices are indicated in Figure 14.8.
33. All access devices need not be hardware based, moreover.
34. Hauserman said people are disconnecting or ignoring the devices.
35. On assembly lines, cleverly simple devices prevent mistakes.
36. What optional extra security devices are available?
37. I was left to my own devices.
38. Motorola led the field in wireless communication devices.
39. Essential safety devices if you've got children!
40. The export of these devices is strictly controlled.
41. Boston Scientific develops and markets medical devices.
42. Police then destroyed three similar devices.
43. Especially if you've splashed out on security devices.
44. Some use other devices to prop the branches.
45. I retire the devices to their cupboards.
46. Junction devices; Large area imaging applications.
47. Only three of the devices found did not explode.
48. Similar mechanical devices are planned for the space station.
49. Memories of other similar devices flickered for an instant.
50. The federal law applies broadly to all medical devices.
51. It even supplies baby listening devices.
52. All four devices, destroyed by controlled explosions, were harmless.
53. No mechanical devices or hormones are used.
54. We do need order, concern, mutual consideration and careful thought, but not as devices to suppress the darker forces.
55. There would have been small nuclear devices loosed upon the Metroplex if Dallas had lost.
56. The East German security apparatus used these kinds of devices to overhear conversations.
57. The devices wound with copper are usually replaced every two-to-five years, depending on which type you have.
58. In the longer term, voice input devices have potential for field data collection.
59. Between mosaics of this format various aquatic devices are also significant.
60. One of the devices went off before bomb disposal squads arrived.
61. The grammatical system of each language will itself encourage the use of certain devices in preference to others.
62. Interception of cell phone calls has been a criminal act since 1986, when those devices were included in federal wiretap statutes.
63. The various devices used by the courts to maintain the present position will be discussed below.
64. Police said they were elaborate devices, of similar construction, designed to give the impression they were bombs.
65. I still fell for it, as one still falls for the oldest literary devices in the right hands and contexts.
66. In contrast, the printers are by and large entry level devices.
67. The group of volunteers has designed more than 2, 000 devices to help disabled people.
68. They were both aware that there might be listening devices hidden in the room.
69. Cheap high-resolution input and output devices will soon ensure the same kind of revolution in the cinema.
70. Left to their own devices, few people understandably wish to take a holiday in the winter months(), other than at Christmas.
71. The devices could be sold to schools and companies that need limited functionality from a computer.
72. The caller claimed three incendiary devices had been planted at the Vineyards.
73. The biometric security market also includes voice recognition and hand geometry devices.
74. In the commercial area, devices like the trust receipt and field warehousing fulfilled the need for security.
75. Birth control devices and information had never been widely available, and now they all but disappeared.
76. What is clear is that the costs of memory and storage devices are decreasing, whilst storage capacity is increasing enormously.
77. In it the whole idea of the fertility rite is exploded, using the very forms and devices of the traditional ritual.
78. This group would evaluate current or anticipated shortages of and increased demand for drugs, biologics, or related medical devices.
79. The compression will let digital audio-visual services be carried by terrestrial and satellite channels,(http:///devices.html) telecommunications networks or digital storage devices.
80. Then a series of cassette-sized incendiary devices were carefully hidden in a number of stores.
81. This is tedious but it does provide an absolute calibration on which other devices can be based.
82. There he was handed a smock and a scalpel and one of the new surgical stapling devices.
83. The author of Dame Sirith was fully able to exploit such prosodic devices to good effect.
84. Sales of large-scale data storage devices also increased strongly, while earnings from computer maintenance services hardly changed.
85. In San Diego, all three devices, which shared some similarities, were pipe bombs delivered by mail.
86. Series of devices for safe and easy handling of 32 P radionuclides.
87. We shall return to the question of how awareness of cohesive devices may affect teaching practice in 11 and 13.
88. These do not function as deflection devices but as startle displays.
89. Employing such devices is a fine test of sheer writing skill, of careful and adroit manipulation of language.
90. Dedicated nineteenth-century physicians working with cancer patients had none of the sophisticated instruments and devices we have today.
91. Lock all doors and windows Fit security devices recommended in this booklet - and use them!
92. The hoax devices were destroyed in controlled explosions by army bomb disposal experts, using remote-controlled vehicles.
93. All of these devices offer large amounts of storage on relatively low-cost cartridges or disks.
94. Five similar devices were found in mail at the building's sorting office and defused by the Army.
95. He said the equipment could be used at checkpoints to search people for explosive devices.
96. Thus, these clever devices are curious stillbirths in our genealogy of automation.
97. Doors will now have to be fitted with special safety devices to prevent people or objects getting trapped in them.
98. Extend your answer to problem 1.6 so that it deals with any number of input devices.
99. The ten-day mission was cut short when one of the shuttle's navigation devices failed.
100. It is functionally compatible with 24-pin generic array logic devices and functions at the same speed as the 16V8 above.
101. Clearly, if we are to explain such interpretation we will need more than our list of cohesive devices.
102. It also aims to provide developers with the ability to produce Web pages that can operate through multiple access devices.
103. The Provisionals said that one of their active service units had placed the devices, causing damage to prime commercial property.
104. The clinical application of devices or materials which contact blood is of major importance in modern medicine.
105. They were being held without bail on suspicion of conspiracy, possession of explosive devices and burglary.
106. For automotive buffs, there was an array of navigational devices and sophisticated alarm systems.
107. Budgets are among the most widely used devices for controlling and coordinating the activities of an organization.
108. Steady advances in digital memory technology are making mass-storage devices technologically feasible and increasingly cost-effective.
109. The Star Wars devices can store your fingerprint on a microchip or electronically check the way you sign your name.
110. Sophisticated monitoring equipment and sensing devices for medical diagnosis have been available for some time.
111. By such devices she perverted his sympathy into agreement with her fantasy that the West for them was only an excursion.
112. The radio waves may come not only from transmitters but power supplies, motors or other electrical devices.
113. The crab effectively parasitises these protective devices for its own ends by placing the anemone on its shell.
114. Where previous models had been brain models first and useful devices second, Hopfield reversed the priorities.
115. Former officers ofthe service who carried out the bugging told Berlin's Tagesspiel newspaper that they used automatic radio listening devices.
116. Military sources say 12 of the Internet-ready devices would be able to control missiles or unmanned fighter planes.
117. Selection of appropriate communication media, including the use of notice boards, paging devices and public address systems.
118. The devices would cut the fuel supply if the speed limit were exceeded.
119. Users generally complained that, once treatment was over, they were left to their own devices in the community.
120. Ask your car dealer these questions: What security devices come as standard?
121. These devices can vary enormously in nature and scope: from the overall presentation of narrative structure down to linguistic play.
122. Police said the bombers may have planned to use those unexploded devices in pursuit of their plot.
123. BThe company further says that it does not market phones explicitly as safety devices.
124. He thinks the devices are important, but not the cure-all for cleaning up vehicle exhaust.
125. She knew that I was perfectly capable of having the whole thing made in black leatherette if left to my own devices.
126. Investigators may be able to recover fingerprints from the devices, which law enforcement sources said were rigged with straight pins.
127. It was a simple but effective system of welfare financed partly by taxes and partly by other devices.
128. The Home Office has also been remiss about security devices, an important subject that has been debated at length today.
129. Although listening devices and seismic instruments were put in place, efforts to pinpoint the source of the noise were unsuccessful.
130. Reality is at his disposal in the same way that ordinary language and the current literary conventions and devices are.
131. The devices will allow national park staff to monitor rhino movements 24 hours a day.
132. Next month we will print animal behaviourist John Fisher's views on this and other extreme training devices.
133. This is important because many devices for measuring low flow speeds in turn require calibration.
134. After a two-year investigation, the Food and Drug Administration asserted control over tobacco products by deeming them drugdelivery devices.
135. The relational devices such as word order and function words are explicit ways of linking ideas.
136. Her hair, left to its own devices to dry, looked like the business end of a witch's broom.
137. Boltzmann machines and other similar devices have foundations in information theory.
138. It also did away with the need for bias adjustment on the output devices - a most desirable quality.
139. These devices illustrate the potential for an easily constructed microchip system with a carbon paste detector that exhibits adjustable selectivity.
140. Simple mechanical devices were placed in the test room to maintain an accurate record of output.
141. He's using a lot of natural sounds - kitchen percussion,(http:///devices.html) crowd voices ... all sorts of new devices ....
142. They used the devices of anthropology, sociology, history, and biology trying to prove that Negroes were inferior.
143. These were to identify, but not describe or interpret, the stylistic devices present in a given text.
144. Other monitoring devices may also be connected and data acquisition is fully automated.
145. Consumer devices attached to the Internet will be expected to generate an unambiguous origin identification.
146. They were both aware that there might be listening devices in the room, and she wanted to be careful what she said.
147. Severe penalties were introduced for abortions and the sale of contraceptive devices.
148. But the confusion can be avoided if we treat unseen high-order rules for what they are, namely, as explanatory devices.
149. Not surprisingly these devices are distributed with little or no instruction on correct use - thus increasing women's health problems.
150. Once again the nature of these devices and their complexity will be heavily influenced by the publication's audience.
151. Under the second category they considered investigations by private detectives, industrial espionage, technical surveillance devices, and finally computers.
152. If the scientists succeed, they will have taken a small step toward improving the efficiency of nuclear fusion devices.
153. Strange moss-covered devices were relics of the house's first electricity system, run by water.
154. Hardware used to capture video images, process them, and send the digitised images to storage devices.
155. The flies are allowed to settle on the surface and are left to their own devices.
156. Medtronic Inc. v. Lohr: Federal law does not prevent patients from suing manufacturers of defective medical devices in state courts.
157. The section for training in portable nuclear devices had been in the deep cellars of the monastery.
158. We added one further session to summarise useful devices for coping with and overcoming bulimia.
159. It is essential therefore that easily remembered navigational devices are built into the environment.
160. One of the earliest explosive devices was the petard, which was a mine used to breach castle walls or gates.
161. Various devices were used to encourage the development of separate identities between the two groups.
162. Subsequent writers re-orient and transform Spenser's devices to different contexts.
163. In 2 we examined the role of cohesive devices in creating coherence,() but we also looked at their limitations.
164. As the Joyce example shows, this foregrounding is not limited to the more obvious poetic devices, such as metaphor and alliteration.
165. Now, 80 percent of the handguns sold in this country will come with the safety devices.
166. Weapons and other devices hung within his blood-red, high-collared cloak; and a communicator dangled from one ear lobe.
167. Suggest instructions to control a set of output devices, and extend your interrupt service routine accordingly.
168. It was because of the possibility of literary devices losing their defamiliarizing capacity that the distinction between device and function was introduced.
169. Devices like this poop scoop are better suited for domestic use.
169. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
170. The other class of devices are designed to detect the relative movement of freely suspended massive blocks.
171. Turn on or activate any security devices you have fitted.
172. These cleaning devices are meant to extend the life of your cassettes.
173. It also applies discounts to the cost of expanded memory, mass-storage devices and layered Hewlett-Packard software.
174. At the Cotswold Wildlife Park devices are fitted to their rare birds which are housed in large strengthened cages.
175. Compared with poetic devices like metaphor, they are probably rather mundane.
176. Left to their own devices, these free radicals cause tissue damage.
177. Cheaper memory, faster processors, and larger storage devices, come on to the market with increasing rapidity.
178. Eventually, officials plan to install the devices, which retail for $ 116, 000 apiece, throughout the 33-prison system.
179. Near us, on Hyde Park corner, men are regularly found proclaiming that such devices work.
180. The National Association for Elevator Safety says that most elevators have safety devices that prevent free-falls.
181. But individual nations also have recourse to the selective use of various devices for bending the rules of international free trade.
182. There are, of course, devices available to the government to stimulate innovation, and we discuss some of these below.
183. Neuroelectric devices were used during the last century without the blessing of the medical sciences.
184. This includes such things as computer-assisted instruction, teaching machines, programs, television, and other audiovisual devices.
185. Hanging from hooks on the wall were sets of wire-pulling devices, complete with chain winch and gripper.
186. Covert video cameras and hand-held laser devices will be among the equipment used at weekends, they warn.
187. Firemen found more than a dozen incendiary devices in the offices near Borden, Hants, used by scientists to study squirrels.
188. Publicity differs from the other promotional devices mentioned in this chapter in that it often does not cost the organization any money!
189. A few of these devices should be exploded every year to test whether the refurbishing is working up to snuff.
190. But energies are also expended on devices intended for introduction into the material culture of the host society.
191. Although it has innocent uses, devices like Happy Chip enable pirates to steal programs worth millions of pounds.
192. Sometimes different sequences may need quite marked adjustment using filters and other devices to achieve the right harmonious effect.
193. The Minister could use all sorts of devices to achieve improvements.
194. Laptops come with three basic types of pointing devices: a track ball, a mini-joystick or a touch pad.
195. Because stress is not available in written language, intricate syntactic devices have to be used to perform a similar function.
196. Thus the need for underground testing of nuclear devices, a practice now banned by the treaty.
197. Vary the programme with humour, audio-visual devices, music, movement, colour, question and answer sessions, guest appearances.
198. Stuart tries to treat all his characters as people with challenging lives rather than as one-dimensional storytelling devices.
199. Cypress now plans to concentrate on static RAMs(/devices.html), programmable logic devices and its high-performance niche product lines.
200. Both services allow users to send their data over the Internet to company storage devices.
201. The creation of devices capable of producing resonance was the culmination of a long and patient exploration of sounds.
202. Inmos says the T9000 is easily scalable with no interface or buffer logic required to link multiple devices.
203. The shell raising and lowering mechanism was overhauled and a new electric motor fitted with modern gearing and cable adjusting devices.
204. For instance, which operating system will be the dominant player on these access devices?
205. The judges will look for simple and effective devices which also demonstrate market potential and value for money.
206. There was mayhem as shrapnel rained down on shoppers from devices placed in cast-iron litter bins less than ten yards apart.
207. On the days when I am left to my own devices I am a bit of a disgrace really.
208. But the incendiary devices were different from those used in previous arson attacks by the extremist group.
209. He adds that there also is a push to crack down on magazines and newspapers that advertise the devices.
210. They argue that this effluent fee would give motorists the proper incentive to ensure that exhaust emission control devices were efficiently maintained.
211. The removal of safety devices to speed up production, for instance, is often done with the tacit connivance of supervisors.
212. Investigator Charles Barnett said all three face felony conspiracy, burglary and explosive devices charges.
213. Use of invasive medical devices, such as indwelling catheters, often carries a risk for infection.
214. Assess the impact of modern medical devices on the emergence and prevention of nosocomial infections.
215. The implementation or administrative process is far too important to be left to its own devices.
216. Its long-term effect however was to provoke Edinburgh employers into various devices to evade the high piece-work rates stipulated by the Interlocutor.
217. But such devices were not yet generally accepted, and would not be-come generally available for another fifty years.
218. The hours of liberty are long, full of wonder and narrow escapes, precautions, hidden devices and daring.
219. Hoiographic Implementations One of the most promising devices for implementing neural networks may be holograms.
220. Mail bomb campaigns typically generate terror by sending devices one by one to diverse targets over an extended period of time.
221. Left to its own devices, Boulder Dam would require 100 years to cool down.
222. Heart patients have been implanted with ventricular devices to operate both chambers of their hearts.
223. It is concerned with understanding the world and has a set of distinctive methodological devices for engaging in that process.
224. These were very simple devices two small paraffin burners in square tins which gave a modest flame.
225. Army bomb disposal experts from Catterick military base in north Yorkshire are examining debris from both devices.
226. In towns, there are generally hydrants on the water mains or a pressure supply for sprinkler devices.
227. This is a specific form of market failure, since the market left to its own devices does not give sufficient knowledge.
228. But these devices allow it to remain out of water for only a short time.
229. A storefront sign or a business card are some of the most powerful branding devices around.
230. Now I must leave you to your own devices for a while.
231. Indeed these monitoring devices can be arranged to automatically signal a lift breakdown to a remote point by a telephone line.
232. The drives business is becoming a commodity market as most manufacturers produce devices with similar technology.
233. Heal thyself White says the technology could be used to toughen common devices like mobile phones.
234. The company makes medical devices that use laser technology for correcting nearsightedness and other eye disorders.
235. Agfa will be showing a pair of new devices while Xerox will have its new 1,200dpi ProImager device.
236. Left to its own devices, real ale stays in a drinkable condition for about a week.
237. No one has claimed responsibility for the devices, which were contained in musical holiday cards.
238. Cop shop: Police have opened their own cop shop at Darlington police station to sell personal attack alarms and security devices.
239. Reaching these wells will involve linking the drill to sophisticated sensing devices which can detect oil-bearing formations.
240. Other devices in the plan suffer from the opposite affliction: There is less to them than meets the ear and eye.
241. Chip makers want to shrink their chips to meet the demand for faster electronic devices and computers.
242. Some devices generate a visually displayed token that can be entered as a one-time password, and others provide direct electronic input.
243. It is this component, comprising its symbolic aspects of rhetorical and metaphorical devices, which we refer to as its circumference.
244. Yesterday police were still combing the area for any similar devices which may have been hidden and for further clues.
245. The global economy, left to its own devices, generates enormous wealth and poverty at the same time.
246. There have been no additional explosive devices found nor any arrests made.
247. Technology has, it seems, transformed entirely academic discussions concerning idealized computing devices into matters which directly affect all our lives!
248. The first concerns the dominant devices in a particular genre and/or period.
249. Most modern household appliances, such as washing machines and dishwashers are already fitted with non-return devices.
250. The devices aren't as fast or as flexible as they should be, the notes indicated.
251. Banks say the devices increase the number of personal loan transactions.
252. In some other devices semiconductor beads are used instead of metallic sensors.
253. Inside are what we call involvement devices, like the cover letter and those perforated stamps.
254. That could revolutionize guidance systems for aircraft, missiles and other devices.
255. Consumers have no say in this arrangement; they are expected to simply buy the new devices and learn the lingo.
256. Moreover, in the building of the great Gothic cathedrals many new devices were introduced, including flying buttresses.
257. The semiconductor devices are all fairly sensitive to excess heat, so don't fry them during soldering!
258. These unique circuits contain semiconductor devices as well as other discrete electronic components soldered on a thin alumina substrate.
259. The entire operation will use remote devices in the boron-rich water that keeps the reactor fuel from overheating.
259. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
260. Flash memory is a type of semiconductor chip used to store data in computers and electronic devices.
261. Some vendors are expected to build devices that add facsimile and telephone capabilities, while others offer speech processing capability.
262. There, they were surrounded by sand bags and soaked with a water cannon, which disabled the devices.
263. This means that these devices actually allow pregnancies to begin and then abort them, a notion out of line with biblical concepts.
264. Some environmental groups maintaining that the birds should be left to their own devices rather than being raised in captivity.
265. Most mechanical devices require oil as a lubricant.
266. electrical labour-saving devices around the home.
267. Visual tri - stimulus colorimeters are optical devices.
268. Proverbs exhibit most of the stylistic devices of poetry.
269. Polling is a synchronous mechanism, where devices are serviced in sequence.
270. For this we developed two new devices , rockets and aerial mines.
271. The ancestor of these miniature electronic devices is the vacuum tube.
272. Through a variety of such devices , Carlson succeeded in flattening UAL's organizational pyramid.
273. A few hours later bomb disposal experts defused the devices.
274. And the biggest profits are attributable to the most advanced devices.
275. Semiconductor devices can perform a variety of control functions in electronic equipment.
276. This regulator does not require external energy, is a place - conditioning devices.
277. As a result, legislator employ various procedual devices to handle knotty problems.
278. The officers use stylus pen-based input devices to write their reports onto touch-sensitive screens.




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