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单词 Bosnia
1 The UN protested at the dismembering of Bosnia.
2 At that time Bosnia was standing on the edge of an abyss .
3 Croatian army troops retreated from northern Bosnia and the area fell to the Serbs.
4 The war in Bosnia had become the focus of media attention .
5 Bosnia is shut off from the Adriatic by the mountains.
6 And Bosnia might have a future.
7 Most of them volunteered for service in Bosnia.
8 Among them were two refugees from Bosnia.
9 About 25 percent of the remaining minefields in Bosnia have been marked, leaving 45 percent still unmarked, Mazzafro said.
10 The scars of Bosnia will take a long time to heal.
11 The Bosnia trip is being planned despite the partial government shutdown and the budget impasse with Congress.
12 But they're not saying if they have Bosnia in mind.
13 Bosnia, it has been determined by some one, is considered enemy territory.
14 In 1992 western governments had allowed Bosnia to hold a referendum and become an independent state.
15 S.-sponsored Dayton peace accord ended the killing in Bosnia, the Clinton administration is discovering how right he was.
16 The Government insisted that troops would not become embroiled in battles in Bosnia.
17 He's based in Banja Luka, which is the largest city in northern Bosnia.
18 The President's first trip abroad will be to visit with troops in Bosnia.
19 I can tell my grandsons they can rest assured that this is not Bosnia.
20 In one letter they got the notice to go to Bosnia and the next letter was to sign up for reserve insurance.
21 In a deeply ugly trade, the women are sold at Arizona and a couple of other major transit posts inside Bosnia.
22 Western diplomats believe the role of the well-armed Yugoslav military will prove pivotal in deciding whether all-out war erupts in Bosnia.
23 But there were exceptions. 2 of the youngest were refugees from Bosnia.
24 He berated the White House time and again for not building support for the Bosnia operation within Congress.
25 The selection of Richard Holbrooke, the irascible, limelight-seeking former Bosnia peace negotiator, would have invited a battle over U.
26 Kostunica has said that he accepts the Dayton borders, and wishes to establish diplomatic relations with Bosnia.
27 These new owners transport the women in small trucks or cars to the border with Bosnia.
28 It would be far easier to do a pull-together about a Stock Exchange crash or Bosnia.
29 The man in charge of the crew has spent much of the day trying to clarify the situation with aid workers in Bosnia.
30 And he was remembered too for his commitment to standing up to Slobodan Milosevic in Kosovo after the dithering over Bosnia.
31 Instead, he appears to have transferred operations to Bosnia for the much more lucrative business of war.
32 S.-brokered peace agreement in Bosnia as 2. 9 million people prepare to vote in national elections scheduled Saturday.
33 Its troops have fought in Bosnia, and in practice Western Hercegovina is annexed to it.
34 What of the future of Bosnia, in particular, where there is a very complicated cocktail of ethnic mixes?
35 Circumstances made it difficult to continue her pursuit of representing Bosnia in Atlanta.
36 Evelyn Y.. Gregory, when word came that she was being deployed to Bosnia.
37 News that a serviceman had died in Bosnia reached the town late Saturday.
38 Pritchitt's distribution manager Robert Hamilton sees off the consignment of milk powder bound for Bosnia.
39 A number of his fellow Cheshires who have been serving in war-torn Bosnia were also honoured for their gallantry.
40 Likewise Bosnia has arrested three senior officers accused of carrying out atrocities in 1993.
41 Kenan's just been granted a 6-month visa, 4 months after the Nix's first tried to bring him out of Bosnia.
42 Carroll said the military is needlessly wasting money on new weapons and too many overseas commitments, such as peacekeeping in Bosnia.
43 All over Bosnia, dwellings are burnt out, uninhabitable(), or simply not there any more.
44 An ex-prisoner said 1,350 people were murdered in a month at Brcko in northern Bosnia.
45 The lifeblood of Sarajevo will drain away, the television cameras will go home and Bosnia will be forgotten in the West.
46 Their hand-in-glove co-operation has destroyed the final pretence of army neutrality in eastern Bosnia.
47 Without a political settlement any truce in Bosnia remains precarious.
48 Bosnia is a landlocked area, shut off from the Adriatic by the parallel ranges of the Dinaric Alps.
49 In 1994, nearly 70 percent said the U. S. would never commit ground troops to Bosnia.
50 Major, for his part, praised Clinton's initiative to airlift humanitarian aid to Bosnia.
51 The pursuit of war criminals, if carried out firmly but prudently, could yet help rather than hinder peace in Bosnia.
52 As we learned in Bosnia, leaving ethnic cleansers unchecked causes more trouble down the line.
53 Its headquarters are in a small town in north-west Bosnia, a relatively poor region.
54 Gen Morillon was also negotiating with local commanders yesterday to try to get aid convoys moving again in eastern Bosnia.
55 The war in Bosnia was at the peak of its brutality and threatening to spread.
56 In a prison camp in central Bosnia in late May 1992, a man is beaten and kicked into unconsciousness.
57 Talks on the division collapsed last week in Geneva over territorial issues, prompting fears of more intense fighting in Bosnia.
58 You are giving the people of Bosnia an opportunity for peace.
59 We must create conditions to help the troops do their job, to make peace in Bosnia.
60 For the first year of the Dayton peace accords, international attention centered on Bosnia.
61 Ron Wyden, drew a blank when asked where Bosnia was.
62 Virtually everyone agrees that if there is to be any military action in Bosnia it must be accompanied by a congressional resolution.
63 However, the Arizona market is not an isolated den of criminal activity in Bosnia.
64 And pumping more weapons into Bosnia is likely to raise tensions, rather than ease them.
65 It could be Bosnia, it could be the middle east.
66 Bosnia would survive as a constitutional fiction, allowing the world to save face.
67 Two pistol shots around ten-thirty on a summer morning in Bosnia and the Edwardian idyll was shattered for ever.
68 If the state of affairs in Bosnia reflects the nature of a multi-cultural society, this policy is open to question.
69 But whether the compromise bolsters the prospects for permanent peace in Bosnia is another story.
70 Cheapening the awarding of decorations did not originate in a Bosnia minefield, however.
71 A trip to the store for milk or cigarettes can make walking through a minefield in Bosnia resemble a pleasant experience.
72 Or it could have refused to recognise Bosnia, stayed on the territory of the newly independent state and fought.
73 Meanwhile, political and ethnic strife in Bosnia have steadily mounted in the run-up to nationwide elections there on September 14.
74 The film was about the war in Bosnia.
75 Food is airlifted into Bosnia.
76 Lesotho (25.8%), Haiti (24.8%), and Bosnia and Herzegovina (22.5%.
77 What do Bosnia, Israel, Rwanda, Zaire have in common?
78 Bosnia is looking for a new prime minister.
79 Trouble was boiling up in Bosnia.
80 If Kosovo can be partitioned(/bosnia.html), why not Macedonia and Bosnia?
81 The Oscar-winning actress is currently shooting the untitled film in Budapest but is scheduled to move production to Bosnia in a month.
82 The closure of the fast-food giant's three restaurants on Monday means Iceland will become one of the few European countries, including Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina, without a McDonald's.
83 This year's put Kosovo and Bosnia bottom of the class.
84 These machines were used for bomb and land mine disposal in Bosnia and Kosovo, where they provided warfighters with valuable information and operational experience, he says.
85 Miroslav Lajcak, the international pro-consul in Bosnia, argues that most of its 3.8m people now put jobs and prosperity above the old national questions.
86 Who says there are no pyramids in Bosnia? Radiocarbon dating method confirmed that the Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon was built about ten thousand years ago!
87 The country"s name comes from the two regions Bosnia and Herzegovina, which have a very vaguely defined border between them.
88 Bose, Sumatra. Bosnia after Dayton: Nationalist Partition and International Intervention . Pp . 1 - 148.
89 As Bosnia burned, Lord Hurd's view was similar to that of Otto von Bismarck's more than a century earlier when he declared that the Balkans were not worth the bones of a single Pomeranian grenadier.
90 The stirring of renewed secessionist sentiments in Bosnia does the same.
91 Health facilities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Somalia, the Central African Republic and the Gaza Strip are among those that have been caught in the line of fire.
92 Bosnia and Herzegovina needs to accelerate its reforms if it is to catch up and compete with other transition economies in the Balkans which are also striving for deeper European integration.
93 This year Denmark is in 19 th place with Bosnia - Herzegovina , New Zealand and Trinidad and Tobago.
94 East Timor, Bosnia and Cambodia are grateful for the help in stopping the bloodshed.
95 The ceremony was also addressed by the Presidents of Brazil, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Italy, Paraguay, Slovenia, Venezuela and Zimbabwe.
96 And in the last 20 years there were two such no-fly zones – one over Bosnia for two years in the mid-nineties and one over northern and southern Iraq spanning from 1991 to 2003.
97 In 1992 he declared the Serbian part of Bosnia independent and designated himself as president.
98 I met Turkish businessmen who were running hotel chains in Moscow, banks in Bosnia and Greece, road-building projects in Iraq and huge trading operations with Iran and Syria.
99 Her worst campaign mistake trail was to claim that she had arrived in Bosnia under gunfire (and not to realise that footage of the cheerful welcoming committee inevitably existed).
100 The World Bank's engagement with Bosnia and Herzegovina has reflected the country's changing needs.
101 It also worked in Bosnia, including a mission to prevent cross - border arms transfers.
102 The Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina is located in the former Yugoslavia and Central, between the Republic of Croatia and Serbia, between the two.
103 This year Denmark is in nineteenth place with Bosnia - Herzegovina , New Zealand and Trinidad and Tobago.
104 England will play host to Belarus at Wembley on Wednesday , while Spain take on Bosnia.
105 Following the war, Bosnia became part of the South Slav kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (later renamed to kingdom of Yugoslavia).
106 Bosnia was under Ottoman rule until 1878, when it became a colony under Austria-Hungary.
107 Remittances represent over 20 percent of GDP in Moldova and Bosnia and Herzegovina and over 10 percent in Albania, Armenia, and Tajikistan.
108 Given this value set, what happens when a new country is recognized, such as TL (East Timor) or BA (Bosnia and Herzegovina)?
109 As elsewhere in the Balkans(http://), the biggest prize for Bosnia would be EU membership.
110 Karadzic was the leader of Bosnian Serbs during the 1992 - 1995 war in Bosnia - Herzegovina .
111 July 10, 2005 -- Ten years ago, Bosnia and Herzegovina, a small mountainous country in South East Europe, was on its knees.
112 Party of Democratic Action - Montenegro: Slav Muslim Party, affiliated to PDA of Bosnia and Herzegovina; Leader - Harun Hadzic.
113 The U . N . troops are working to pacify Bosnia.
114 He told the students, many of whom lost relatives in Bosnia and Herzegovina’s war 15 years ago, about losing his father.
115 Serbia's government has been under increasing pressure to arrest war crimes suspects such as Karadzic and Mladic – who were believed to be in hiding in Serbia rather than Bosnia.
116 Amateur archaeologist Semir Osmanagic recently announced that he has uncovered proof that a four-sided hill in the town of Visoko, Bosnia, is an ancient manmade structure.
117 Portugal had to go to a playoff against Bosnia and Herzegovina to get here, and has recently been held to a goalless draw by Cape Verde Islands, ranked 114th in the world.
118 By the end of the month, Bosnia was back in the news.
119 On April 29, 2004, Assistant Foreign Minister Li Hui held regular consultations between the two foreign ministries with Deputy Foreign Minister of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) Mrs.
120 By the mid-1400s, the Hungarian kingdom was hurt by the Ottoman expansion as much of the country now known as Bosnia and Herzegovina fell to the Turks.
121 So this is a surprise for everyone [that it was Karadzic first], of course, because there was a lot of talk that Karadzic may be hiding in Bosnia or between Bosnia, Serbia and Montenegro.
122 The fate of Bosnia lies in the hands of the West.
123 In the early 1990s, post-Tito Yugoslavia began to unravel along ethnic lines: Slovenia, Croatia, Macedonia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina were recognized as independent states in 1992.
124 The Bosnia native fled when the bags set off a metal detector.
125 The Balkans still smolder, and inattention to Bosnia could revive apprehensions about the EU's ability to offer security, even on its own continent.
126 Croatia is a Central European and Mediterranean country, bordering Slovenia in the west, Hungary in the north, Serbia in the east and Bosnia and Herzegovina in the south.
127 Serbia and Montenegro is located in Southeastern Europe, bordering the Adriatic Sea, between Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is on the west-central Balkan Peninsula.
128 When Yugoslavia was invaded in World War II, all of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BH) was ceded to Nazi-puppet Croatia.
129 Bosnia won the deal only after its intransigent leaders wore down their EU partners into accepting a watered-down version of reform for Bosnia's police.




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