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单词 wonder
释义 Word family  noun wonder wonderment adjective wonderful wonder wondrous verb wonder adverb wonderfully  won·der1 /ˈwʌndə $ -ər/ ●●● S1 W2 verb [intransitive, transitive]  1  NOT SUREto think about something that you are not sure about and try to guess what is true, what will happen etc 〔对某事〕感到疑惑;想要知道wonder who/what/how etc I wonder how James is getting on. 我想知道詹姆斯的近况。 What are they going to do now, I wonder? 我想知道,他们现在打算怎么办呢?wonder if/whether I wonder if I’ll recognize Philip after all these years. 过了这么多年,我不知道是否还认得菲利普。 He’s been leaving work early a lot – it makes you wonder, doesn’t it? 他最近经常提早下班——让人觉得奇怪,是不是?2  I wonder if/whether spokenASK FOR something/ASK somebody TO DO something used to ask politely for something 我不知道是否〔用于礼貌地要求某物〕 SYN may I I wonder if I might have a drink? 我可不可以要一杯饮料?3  I was wondering if/whether a) spokenASK FOR something/ASK somebody TO DO something used to ask someone politely to help you 我想知道是否〔用于礼貌地请求帮助〕 I was wondering if I could borrow your car? 请问我能否借一下你的汽车? b) INVITEused to ask someone politely if they would like to do something 不知可不可以〔用于礼貌地请求他人做某事〕 I was wondering if you’d like to come to dinner. 不知道你是否愿意来吃晚饭。4  SURPRISEDto feel surprised and unable to believe something 〔对某事〕感到惊讶,感到难以置信wonder about/at Sometimes I wonder about his behaviour. 有时我对他的行为感到惊讶。wonder how I wonder how he dares to show his face! 我奇怪他竟然还敢露面!I don’t wonder British English (=I am not surprised) 我不觉得奇怪 I don’t wonder you’re tired. 你感到疲倦,我并不奇怪。I shouldn’t wonder British English (=I would not be surprised about something) 我觉得不足为奇 He’ll come back soon enough, I shouldn’t wonder. 他很快就会回来,我不会觉得奇怪。5  DON'T THINK SO/DOUBT ITto doubt or question whether something is true 怀疑 ‘Is she serious?’ ‘I wonder.’ “她是认真的吗?”“我怀疑。”wonder if/whether Sometimes I wonder if he’s got any sense at all! 有时候我怀疑他到底有没有头脑!n GRAMMAR: Patterns with wonder• You wonder what will happen: I wonder what she’ll say when she finds out. • You wonder what would happen if something else happened (when talking about imaginary situations): I wonder what would happen if I said that I was leaving. • You wonder if you should do something: I wonder if we should tell her.→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuswonder• He says he's had no formal training but when you see how good his work is, you start to wonder.• The picture forces the viewer to wonder at the subject of the crowd's attention.• Groggy with heat, Jackie wondered feebly if they changed the sign with every birth and death.• She wondered if she could think with what was left of her grey matter.• I wonder if she'll recognize me after all these years.• Garner wonders if things would have turned out differently for Edward if she had been able to spend more time with him.• Sometimes I wonder now whether I dreamed some of it, so much was just unbelievable, so grotesque.• He wondered whether he would be able to find the hotel again.• And Laura begins to wonder why her husband has become so erratic.• Sometimes he wondered why his father hated him.wonder who/what/how etc• She was wondering what caused it when all of a sudden there was an enormous explosion.• She wondered what experience had moulded him into the cynical man that he now was.• He soon became aware of pro-communist bias in subjects like history and wondered how he could find the real truth.• Geez, I wonder how long you were waiting?• Sometimes he wondered how many dead people there were to a cloud.• I walk down the street and wonder what people are thinking.• She knew she was from nowhere and wondered how she might turn that to her advantage.• I wonder who will wake us up?wonder about/at• He wondered at her ability never to reveal the slightest disquiet in front of her husband.• Elizabeth Fry had to struggle hard to prove that women could be rehabilitated, hence the wonder at her achievements in Newgate.• One can only wonder At so grotesque a blunder.• Alice rather wondered at the choice of Bert; why had Andrew changed his mind about him?• But one must wonder about the competition.• I think Mr Greenleaf was wondering about the trains.• Last, they wondered about themselves.• Chatterjee wondered about this as it began to seem more than simply coincidence.wonder if/whether• Nevertheless, many wonder whether any administratively sophisticated society can be run on this basis.• He wondered if he might not find them all.• I wonder if he was drunk as well.• I felt the material again and again, wondering if in the United States everybody wore clothes made of such beautiful cloth.• Although the licensing agreement is good news for Apple, some wonder whether it is too little, too late.• Maggie had developed a raging thirst and wondered if she could get a drink at the Commemorative Hall.• I wondered if there was another child in all those windows or all the world who felt as miserable as I did.• I wonder if Uncle Félix will marry her?wonder2 ●●○ noun  1  admiration 赞赏 a) [uncountable]SURPRISED a feeling of surprise and admiration for something very beautiful or new to you 〔对优美或新鲜事物的〕惊叹,惊奇 SYN awe The sight of the Taj Mahal filled us with wonder. 看见泰姬陵,我们满怀惊叹。 b) [countable]SURPRISED something that makes you feel surprise and admiration 奇事;奇迹,奇观 technological wonders 科技奇迹 the Seven Wonders of the World 世界七大奇观2  (it’s) no/small/little wonder (that) especially spokenSURPRISED used to say that you are not surprised by something 并不奇怪,不足为奇 No wonder you’ve got a headache, the amount you drank last night. 怪不得你头痛,你昨晚喝太多了。3  SURPRISING 惊讶it’s a wonder (that) especially spokenSURPRISED used to say that something is very surprising 令人惊奇的是 It’s a wonder no one got hurt. 竟然没有人受伤,真是奇迹。4. do/work wonders EFFECTIVEto be very effective in solving a problem 创造奇迹/取得惊人成效5. wonders will never cease spokenSURPRISED used humorously to show you are surprised and pleased about something 永远都会有奇迹〔幽默用法〕6. clever person 聪明人 [singular] British EnglishGOOD AT someone who is good at doing difficult things 奇才,奇人 → a nine days' wonder at nine(3)Examples from the Corpuswonder• The sense of wonder was swiftly followed by another emotion.• It had given me a world of wonder and time to draw it all in.• Not through explanation-that only illuminates the real wonder.• It is small wonder that they want out.• How could snow not be the wonder of the world?• This graphic view of the Internet has introduced millions to the wonders of digital photos and graphics.• You shake your head with wonder at your previous, late-night concerns.wonder3 adjective [only before noun]  EFFECTIVEvery good and effective 极好的;灵验的 a new wonder drug 新的灵丹妙药Examples from the Corpuswonder• Eric Hahn will replace Marc Andreessen, the 26-year-old wonder boy who helped to write the Mosaic browser.• a new wonder drugwonder drug• Cortisone was hailed as a wonder drug for a whole host of skin problems and inflammatory disorders.• She asked me to help her get hold of some of this new wonder drug, penicillin.• The team invents a wonder drug to cure depression.• The wonder drug was duly acquired and miraculously did the trick.Origin wonder2 Old English wundorwon·der1 verb →n GRAMMAR1wonder2 nounwonder3 adjectiveLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  that about you to are think about not sure Corpus something




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