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单词 Zeus
1 In Greek mythology, Zeus was the ruler of Gods and men.
2 In Greek mythology, the god Zeus took the form of a swan to seduce Leda.
3 O Zeus! Hear my prayer.
4 Zeus and Aphrodite were ancient Greek deities.
5 Yet Zeus was always more passionate than regal.
6 Yet Zeus becomes creator as well as ruler.
7 Zeus, though eternal, comes into being and moves on.
8 Zeus then sets up the kidnapping.
9 Zeus became the third king, after Ouranos and Kronos.
10 Zeus struck Lycurgus blind and he died soon after.
11 In other versions, Zeus rapes Demeter and fathers Persephone.
12 But Zeus rescued her unborn child, sewed it up in his own thigh,[] and brought it forth afterwards.
13 When Zeus had punished men by giving them women he turned his attention to the arch-sinner himself.
14 Zeus thrust enormous enemies into darkness; he made and saved the classical family of gods.
15 Zeus is both like the world and transcendent to it.
16 In the poem by Orpheus, Zeus apparently mated RheaDemeter, who are identified with each other in col. 18.
17 This passed the endurance of the immortals, and Zeus got ready his thunderbolt to strike them.
18 As the idea of Zeus became loftier, two august forms sat beside him in Olympus.
19 Gradually this Zeus displaced the others, until he occupied the whole scene.
20 Zeus got after her one morning in the guise of a brown bear.
21 I swear it upon Zeus an outstanding runner cannot be the equal of an average wrestler. Socrates 
22 Her husband was Amphion, a son of Zeus and an incomparable musician.
23 So mortals learned that it is not possible to get the better of Zeus or ever deceive him.
24 These alone among the older gods were not banished with the coming of Zeus, but they took a lower place.
25 But Polyphemus roared out that he cared not for Zeus.
26 The two are said to have been turned into lions because of some affront offered either to Zeus or to Aphrodite.
27 Pegasus found shelter in the heavenly stalls of Olympus where the steeds of Zeus were cared for.
28 They were allowed to come back, and they became finally great favorites of Zeus.
29 The most famous of ancient games, after all, was a religious festival in honor of Olympic Zeus.
30 The Maccabees fought rather than acquiesce in the placing of a statue of Zeus in the Temple.
1 In Greek mythology, Zeus was the ruler of Gods and men.
2 In Greek mythology, the god Zeus took the form of a swan to seduce Leda.
31 Zeus, who loved him no more than Hera did even though he was their son, willingly gave her leave.
32 Thunder and lightning are caused when Zeus hurls his thunderbolt.
33 A curious detail of the governance conflict between the Titans and Zeus provides a clue to their significance in Orphism.
34 He was Zeus, greatest of gods, and all he was doing was from love of her.
35 Io was not the only girl who gained geographical fame be-cause Zeus fell in love with her.
36 After Homer, the tragedians of fifth-century Athens reveal a dualist universe in which Zeus is transcendent and man introspective.
37 But Chiron did do this and Zeus seems to have accepted him as a substitute.
38 He thought he heard Zeus and Hera quarrelling among the thunderclouds.
39 At last Zeus saw that he must take the matter in hand.
40 First, a relationship of continuity between Zeus and the world which explains birth and death and language.
41 She bore two children, Hercules to Zeus and Iphicles to Amphitryon.
42 Zeus took up the white fat and was angry when he saw the bones craftily tricked out./zeus.html
43 He ruled Over the other Titans until his son Zeus dethroned him and seized the power for him-self.
44 All over the earth men grew so wicked that finally Zeus determined to destroy them.
45 Zeus brings into existence and controls what he has created.
46 We may notice, in the first place, the primary role ascribed to Zeus.
47 Thebes was Dionysus' own city, where he was born, the son of Zeus and the Theban princess Semele.
48 But why Zeus changed his mind and whether Prometheus revealed the secret when he was freed, we do not know.
49 But when Hades, with help from Zeus, comes for Kore, then at last Demeter resists.
50 The distinction between substratum and entity also enables us to further specify the relations between Zeus and the world.
51 Perhaps Zeus consulted the oracle of Nyx, the primordial source of all, in order that he himself become fruitful.
52 Hercules agreed to rescue the girl if her father would give him the horses Zeus had given his grandfather.
53 All the accounts I have examined agree, more or less, that Zeus is the ruler of the cosmos.
54 Pollux stabbed Lynceus, and Zeus struck Idas with his thunderbolt.
55 The changing and temporal character of all existing things is prominent in the commentary although it stands in opposition to Zeus.
56 The Titans' rebellion against the legitimate rule of Zeus was exemplified in their killing and eating Dionysos.
57 The creative activity of Zeus accounts for the genesis of the world.
58 Rather, thought, and in particular the thought of Zeus, prior to all existing things, spins events.
59 The show stars hunky Kevin Sorbo as the son of Zeus.
60 He knew that he had served Zeus well and that he had done right to pity mortals in their helplessness.
61 And now I found myself alone with little Arcas, one who carried in his veins the immortal elixir of Zeus.
62 A relationship of similarity rather than identity between Zeus and the cosmos is found.
63 But Zeus had now got the thunder and lightning under his own control.
64 Still later, one more attempt was made to unseat Zeus: the Giants rebelled.
65 The Zeus survived to receive the tributes of writers under the Roman empire.
66 Perhaps Zeus consulted his father in order to avoid the fate of his grandfather and to retain his kingdom.
67 She saw Zeus sitting on Mount Ida watching the Trojans conquer, and she thought how she detested him.
68 Zeus had made him keeper of the Winds, to still them or arouse them at his will.
69 Yet there is no suggestion of a union between Ge and Zeus.
70 He is the brother of Zeus and Hades.
71 The first in the Olympian crowd sat Zeus himself.
72 Typhon: Begone servant of Zeus!
73 Gaea: Zeus must be stopped,[/zeus.html] Kratos.
74 Zeus places the Blade of Olympus at Kratos'neck.
75 Zeus retrieves the Blade of Olympus from the ground.
76 Zeus was not an autocrat by any standards.
77 Zeus gave her to a Epimetheus.
78 Temple of Olympian Zeus, Athens, Greece.
79 Zeus got angry and sent them a water snake.
80 If you relent, Zeus will torment you still.
81 Hestia is the sister to Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades.
82 The horn of the goat that suckled Zeus, which broke off and became filled with fruit.
83 Hermes is the son of Zeus and Maia who is one of the Pleiades.
84 The original werewolf of classical mythology, Lycaon, a king of Arcadia who, according to Ovid's Metamorphoses, was turned into a ravenous wolf by Zeus.
85 Dangerous heroes against them are nukers and disablers (Tinker, Zeus, Atropos, Rhasta), but they can manage surviving vs them if they're good enough.
86 Behind Nike , the bust of Zeus on a plinth.
87 There he sacrificed the ram to Zeus and gave its golden fleece to King Aeetes, who nailed it on a sacred tree and put a sleepless dragon in charge .
88 The gold and ivory Statue of Zeus that sat upon his throne in the high temple was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
89 You may put my body in prison, but my mind not even Zeus himself can overpower.
90 It is said that Hercules, son of Zeus, originated the ancient Olympic Games.
91 Zeus: I banish you to the darkest pits of Tartarus!
92 To explore the new technique of ZEUS robot-assisted transperitoneal laparoscopic pyeloplasty for ureteropelvic junction(UPJ) stricture and to evaluate its clinical efficacy.
93 A queen of Sparta and the mother, by Zeus in the form of a swan, of Helen and Pollux and, by her husband Tyndareus, of Castor and Clytemnestra.
94 ArtemisThe daughter of Zeus and Leto and the twin sister of Apollo.
95 Castor and Pollox who were transformed by Zeus into the constellation Gemini in the Trojan War.
96 As Kratos traverses through the city of Rhodes , Zeus speaks to after he exits the palace.
97 In due time Hermes was appointed messenger of Zeus and the gods.
98 An advanced model, the Nike - Zeus, is designed to intercept invading missiles.
99 The Titans were hurled down there by Zeus to suffer eternal damnation.
100 He or she may be the product of a miraculous conception resulting from the union of a mortal and divine being, like the birth of Helen after Zeus disguised as a swan raped Leda .
101 Greece. The first recorded Olympic took place in 776 B. C. in a stadium built to honor the God Zeus, in a section of Peloponnesus called Olympia.
102 Zeus and hera spent their wedding night on Samos, and it lasted three hundred years.
102 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
103 By swallowing the Oceanid and her unborn child, Zeus became pregnant with Athena, but he wasn't built to deliver a baby and he seems to have gestated the baby in his head.
104 A nymph, beloved of Zeus and hated by Hera. Hera changed her into a bear, and Zeus then placed her in the sky as the constellation Ursa Major.
105 Zeus eventually becomes angry and reappears in his enlarged godly form.
106 The Scoop: Almost 30 years after the first fantasy film, Perseus, mortal son of Greek god Zeus, is back to take on Medusa and the Kraken to stop their evil from spreading to earth and the heavens.
107 In November, Canadian surgeons used a robot named Zeus to do single bypass surgery.
108 According to Hellenic myth, general deity? Zeus has a grandiose temple on Olympus.
109 Theseus: I serve and protect the Sisters of Fate for the glory of Zeus!
110 Zeus rescued the Dionysus in his thigh joints where made him a second birth.
111 Prometheus faced his bitter fate firmly and never lost courage before Zeus.
112 The specific pattern is Zeus and Leda the twins, on behalf of sports and friendship sponsor.
113 To contain these evils, zeus commissioned Hephaestus to build a vessel strong enough to hold them.
114 Thomas Chatterton Jupiter Zeus has been waiting in my sunbonnet a long time.
115 Every god -- even Zeus himself -- wanted this " beautiful, golden goddess " as his wife.
116 Then Zeus turned into golden rain meet with her, and golden rain to Danae gave birth to new life, so that their true love can survive.
117 But Zeus, the chief of the Olympian gods, gave law to mankind as his greatest present.
118 Clotho took this skirt to Zeus and suggested Europa to him.
119 Unable so unhappy , Zeus sent Hermes down to destroy the monster.
120 Even though Zeus is intranquil and in a flurry about his own destiny that he would be replaced by another deity, and Oteng is also worried about predicting other deities' destiny of ruination.
121 In the Cronus and Zeus, Prometheus had adopted the cause of the Olympian deities.
122 Before this stanza there are stanzas dealing with Zeus, the Father of the gods.
123 Zeus pretended to be a prince from a neighboring country and pretended to send the skirt to Clotho.
124 Baucis:a peasant woman of Phrygia who together with her husband Philemon received with great hospitality Zeus and Hermes disguised as men.
125 She's the daughter of night, or at least the goddess Nyx and is still said by some to have evaded the advances of Zeus.
126 The sister and wife of Zeus the principal goddess of the Pantheon the pantroness primarily of marriage and the well-being of women the mother of Ares Hephaestus and Hebe.
127 Dionysus was the god of wine. He was the son of Zeus by Semele.
128 Hera and Zeus spent their wedding night on Samos, and it lasted three hundred years.
129 The first recorded Olympic took place in 776 B. C. in a stadium built to honor the God Zeus, in a section of Peloponnesus called Olympia.
130 Any of the nine daughters of Mnemosyne and Zeus each of whom presided over a different art or science.
131 As Alcmene , Princess of Thebes, awaits the return of her husband Amphitryon from war, the virtuous bride falls victim to the licentious Zeus and finds herself carrying the great god's child.
132 A religious fanatic, she's convinced that Zeus, the king of the gods and a notorious womanizer, actually seduced her.
132 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
133 In antiquity, the chestnut tree was regarded in Greece the tree of Zeus.
134 Thetis was a sea nymph, whose beauty captured the heart of Zeus.
135 The winged messenger of the Olympians, Hermes was the son of Zeus and Maia.
136 After Zeus 's abduction of Aegina, her father -god Asopus came to Corinth in search of her .
137 Golden Apple first appeared in The Marriage of Hera and Zeus.
138 Greek Mythology A queen of Sparta and the mother, by Zeus in the form of a swan, of Helen and Pollux and, by her husband Tyndareus, of Castor and Clytemnestra.
139 Zeus had changed Io into a young cow when he saw Hera push away the cloud.
140 Hades and his brothers Zeus and Poseidon defeated the Titans and claimed rulership over the universe ruling the underworld, sky, and sea.
141 Kawashima in the sand fly on a reef site and found that "Zeus" has been broken into two parts round and capsized .
142 Apollo is the son of Zeus and Leto, and has a twin sister, the huntress Artemis.
143 " I am going after Zeus, It'seems I still have XXX ( outlines? ) on Olympus. "
144 Cronus A Titan who ruled the universe until dethroned by his son Zeus.
145 This 15 ) angered Prometheus , so he ied to 16 ) ick Zeus and make him look stupid.
146 I cast Charge of Darkness from the river and accelerate toward Zeus.
147 The horn of the goat that suckled Zeus, which broke off and became filled with fruit. In folklore, it became full of whatever its owner desired.
148 In the new film "Clash of the Titans, " Zeus, king of the gods, barks the order to "Release the Kraken!"
149 Remains of the huge statue of Zeus at Olympia bear the signature of Phidias, the famous Athenian sculptor and architect.
150 A greater penance than even Zeus himself had placed on the Titans.
151 Werewolf: The original werewolf of classical mythology, Lycaon, a king of Arcadia who, according to Ovid's Metamorphoses, was turned into a ravenous wolf by Zeus.
152 Artemis was the moon goddess. Daughter of Zeus and Leto . Twin sister of Apollo.
153 The goddess of youth and spring and the daughter fo Zeus and Hera cupbearer to tho Olympian gods.
154 Zeus is made by Computer Motion of Santa Barbara, California, which also sells Aesop.
155 Angered by their fall from grace, Zeus chose to punish them by destroying Atlantis.
156 It's said that the Hesperides were guardians of the golden apples that had been given to Hera at her wedding to Zeus.
157 Athena II married Zeus II child of Zeus and Hestia ; although they were half brother and sister, this type of marriage was allowed by Pleiadian law.
158 Dionysus is the god in Greek mythology, according to legend is the father of the gods Zeus and the Theban princess born Li Serbian secret.
159 At their request they were made the guardians of the shrine of Zeus.
160 In Olympus, Zeus congratulated himself that his favorite son had behaved so nobly.
161 Zeus: Now I will show you the true power of a god!
162 The god of fire and metalworking and the son of Hera and Zeus.
163 Zeus then placed the two bears in the northern sky as the Great and Little Bear.
164 Prometheus faced his bitter fate firmly and never quailed before all the fiery majesty of Zeus.
165 Zeus takes on his full godly form and attacks Kratos.
166 Zeus: I vanish you to the darkest pits of Tartarus!
167 Zeus and Hera sophocles mortals bastard, he was born with power,[] and therefore after Hera excited.
168 Kratos: Turn back to Olympus beast! I must face Zeus! You defy the god of war?
169 Zeus was the child of Cronus and Rhea, and the youngest of his siblings.
170 Zeus saw through the trick and felt displeased at the Titan's favour towards men.
171 A king of Thessaly whom Zeus punished for his temerity in seeking Hera's love by having him bound to a perpetually revolving wheel in Hades.
172 The truce was holy because it was signed at Olympia, sacred to Zeus.
173 The daughter of Zeus and Leto and the twin sister of Apollo.
174 The god of fire, Hephaestus , was the forger of the thunderbolts of Zeus.
175 Statues and temples are everywhere, but above them all shines the temple of Olympian Zeus.
176 Gemini The twins were born under the wings of the Swan, Zeus.




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