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单词 Bureaucrat
1, He was just another faceless bureaucrat.
2, He had become just another faceless bureaucrat .
3, Some petty bureaucrat wanted all the documents in triplicate.
4, He was a bureaucrat to the core.
5, He is a conservative bureaucrat who can be counted upon to follow a beaten path.
6, You will not find a stuffy bureaucrat in him.
7, He was far from being a stuffy bureaucrat.
8, Kennedy might call up a minor bureaucrat to check on a detail.
9, No bureaucrat could know more about problems in a public housing development than the people who live there.
10, The bureaucrat will almost always say that a budget cut is sure to result in the loss of jobs.
11, Bureaucrat - capitalist enterprises were nationalized.
12, After wading through the dark realm of the bureaucrat.
13, The bureaucrat did everything exactly as the law ordered.
14, He is an omnipotent bureaucrat.
15, This hypocritical bureaucrat has done many bad things secretly.
16, He defines bureaucrat as a desk - bound employee.
17, Against imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat - capitalism,() and against capitalism.
18, A bureaucrat from your office or board that will spend a whole meeting with a company blathering about your nonprofit's mission and not saying a word about the potential opportunity for both partners.
19, Chang Baoning, a 40-year-old government bureaucrat with a paunch and purple-tinted eyeglasses,(http:///bureaucrat.html) watched the scenery whirl by from a whisper-quiet cabin.
20, The ugly bureaucrat, the evil invader, the sinister and ruthless spy, all eyes covetously to the Chinese Olympic Games first person, wants to set at it in the deathtrap.
21, The bureaucrat had not learnt how markets work, and we are in danger of forgetting it.
22, I suppose my application has been lost by some incompetent bureaucrat.
23, The documentary contains a first-hand description of political life in Havana from the vantage point of a senior bureaucrat.
24, These women work harder and with more style than any bureaucrat or professor, and they're much more interesting.
25, Not an obviously charismatic figure, Mr Chan's principal qualities are those of a high-order bureaucrat.
26, Let us assume that Mr Peter Porter, an otherwise staid bureaucrat, spends his free time racing Porsche cars.
27, I sat next to a personable young man named Yong Yoon, who was not a typical bureaucrat.
28, A few hours later, when we had retired to a rest house in town, our TV crew got a call from a bureaucrat.
29, The Warring Age is a fully transformed period as a whole from traditional clan patriciate to bureaucrat society.
30, This thesis holds that we should establish the Humanity Bureaucrat System.
1, He was just another faceless bureaucrat.
31, Academy and Tony Award-winner Geoffrey Rush stars. Even though Gogol wrote about a mid-level bureaucrat in 1835 Russia, Rush says it feels like modern absurdist writing.
32, The tropism of administration in universities is the centralization of political or power and bureaucrat management.
33, Heading the program, though, is an ineffectual bureaucrat named Wikus Van De Merwe (Sharlto Copley).
34, Introducing those who found Tianzhuang are mainly nobility, bureaucrat, merchant prince, etc. Their Tianzhuang is great, having reasonable layout. For the sake of safety fortress is built.
35, This capital is popularly known in China as bureaucrat - capital.
36, And in the mists of a Roman night, the dilemma also remains. On the one hand, Bellarmine , bureaucrat, defender of the Church, believed the Bible was the literal word of God.
37, The national bourgeoisie differs from the imperialists, the landlords and the bureaucrat - capitalists.
38, The neonatal bureaucrat system of ownership and mar ket economy not only produce the new classes, but also make them possess excessive wealth.
39, Though a true hero, he was also a thoroughgoing bureaucrat and politician, a formidable combination.
40, In order to defeat US imperialism in the Philippines, the people must unite to end the rule of the big landlords , big compradors and bureaucrat capitalists.
41, Then the thesis briefly introduces cultural connotations of scholar - bureaucrat group.
42, A four - to - seven - year - old does as much paperwork as any bureaucrat.
43, He is reputedly the last Mandarin bureaucrat in the Confucian tradition.
44, I do not mean to offend the Earth god, but I use its image as a metaphor to mock at the corrupting bureaucrat culture.
45, The third was from a government bureaucrat. It will set you back half a million dollars.
45, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
46, To serve the needs of its aggression, imperialism created the comprador system and bureaucrat - capital in China.
47, Instead the duty fell to Gao, an owlish bureaucrat with a wry sense of humor.
48, Though a true hero, he was also a thoroughgoing bureaucrat and politician, a formidable combination ( Mario Puzo ) ...
49, Seeking enlightenment and equally emphasizing scholar and bureaucrat is a common feature of the scholar-bureaucrat in two Han Dynasties.




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