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单词 Embedded
1. The thorn was embedded in her thumb.
2. They embedded the pilings deep into the subsoil.
3. The scene was embedded in his memory.
4. The arrow embedded itself in the wall.
5. The pole was embedded in cement.
6. A piece of glass was embedded in her hand.
7. Thick cotton padding embedded the precious vase in its box.
8. He has embedded his name in the minds of millions of people.
9. These crystals are then embedded in a plastic, and the plastic is extruded as a wire.
10. There is glass embedded in the cut.
11. He embedded the pilings deep into the subsoil.
12. These ideas are deeply embedded in our culture.
13. The bullet embedded itself in the wall.
14. These attitudes are deeply embedded in our society .
15. She embedded the bulbs in a box of sand.
16. The magic sword was embedded in the stone.
17. Feelings of guilt are deeply embedded in her personality.
18. The idea became embedded in his mind.
19. This agreement will be embedded in a state treaty to be signed soon.
20. That happy day will be for ever embedded in my memory.
21. Peru is a very traditional country(Sentencedict), and embedded in its psyche is a love of ceremony.
22. Once embedded in the skin, these savage spines are difficult to dislodge.
23. A love of colour is embedded in all of his paintings.
24. His name lies embedded in the minds of millions of people.
25. The fossils lie embedded in a matrix of shale and sandstone.
26. The software decodes the information embedded in the satellite broadcasts.
27. A sense of guilt was deeply embedded in my conscience.
28. Embedded in the sand outside is a broken microscope.
29. The bonnet was embedded in a stone wall.
30. I think that hatred of the other is deeply embedded in our society.
1. The thorn was embedded in her thumb.
2. They embedded the pilings deep into the subsoil.
3. The scene was embedded in his memory.
4. The arrow embedded itself in the wall.
5. The pole was embedded in cement.
6. A piece of glass was embedded in her hand.
7. Thick cotton padding embedded the precious vase in its box.
8. He has embedded his name in the minds of millions of people.
9. These crystals are then embedded in a plastic, and the plastic is extruded as a wire.
10. He embedded the pilings deep into the subsoil.
11. The magic sword was embedded in the stone.
31. Ageism is embedded in our attitudes and social structures.
32. Doctors found fragments of metal embedded in his legs.
33. This antibody can be used on paraffin embedded tissue.
34. Formalin-fixed tissues were embedded in paraffin.
35. This denial is deeply embedded in politics.
36. This mythology is in part embedded in our history.
37. Our roots are deeply embedded in polluted soil.
38. Nevertheless, live animal experimentation is deeply embedded in the culture of contemporary biomedical science.
39. The United States' economic success during the 90s embedded this idea in the public consciousness.
40. The specimens were fixed overnight in neutral buffered 10% formalin and embedded in paraffin wax.
41. Minded by corpulent nymphets with wings and frowns, in reticence they guard their deeply embedded doubts.
42. To give it strength in compression and tension, steel rods were embedded in the concrete.
43. Performance Technologies was showing off a new system last week targeted at OEMs and integrators active in the real-time and embedded markets.
44. Any single act is embedded in historical events which preceded the act, making such an act possible.
45. Then tissues were dehydrated with alcohol and embedded in epoxy resin.
46. Still embedded high on a rock is a tangle of telephone wires and a ceramic insulator.
47. Reliable eyewitness reports of actual events, when embedded in such a list, suffered a serious erosion of credibility.
48. Shards of glass were embedded in the foul slippery mess, and we tried to avoid stepping into the deepest parts.
49. There are an estimated 15 billion microchips worldwide, embedded in everything from smoke detectors to sewerage systems, alarms to automobiles.
50. The making of personal portraits was part of this popular aesthetic, firmly embedded in commercial practices.
51. Is the in the input embedded in would you or is it the first phoneme of judge?
52. For example, each side of the card may contain an embedded electron whose spin remains correlated with its twin.
53. What research has shown is that these tendencies to behave in certain ways are deeply embedded in past experiences.
54. Her feelings of guilt are deeply embedded in her personality.
55. Alterations made by placing the cursor between two such embedded marks will conform with those instructions.
56. The chips are targeted at embedded controls, portable and desktop computers, high-end fault-tolerant machines and supercomputers.
57. This screen is set to display embedded markers which mark the position of tabs, carriage returns and text attributes.
58. Personal photographs are embedded in the lives of those who own or make use of them.
59. Personally, we would not consider delivering a neural network unless it was embedded in an expert system.
60. The significance given to explanations in terms of natural causes depends on higher-level assumptions embedded in a broader cultural framework.
61. There were even birds with hooks embedded in their webbed feet.
62. These paths become embedded in the landscape, and so do you, literally.
63. Careful inspection of the image showed what looked like a string of pearls embedded in a bright haze.
64. They have accumulated over decades to become embedded in the fabric of institutions.
65. It perceives that an expressive act is embedded in a network of material practices within a given culture.
66. Solaris 1.1 and 2.1 will be ported to be embedded architecture along with real-time operating systems.
67. The haft of Molassi's own knife was embedded in his throat.
68. The adoral shields are curved slightly wing-like, with glassy beads embedded in the matrix.
69. Both the magnetic and capacitive systems work on having a series of wire grids embedded in the baseboard of the tablet.
70. They were all so deeply embedded in themselves there was no love or support left for her.
71. The use of such lexical representations allows knowledge to be embedded within lexical representations, rather than rules about those representations.
72. Microscopic examinations show that crystals of zinc are embedded in the eutectic mixture.
73. Embedded in the wood(), it momentarily skewered him to the window-frame.
74. These chitin fibres are embedded in matrix materials, making the wall material like a carbon fibre composite.
75. Dramatic look with tiny jalapeno pepper slices embedded in melted cheese topping.
76. The general idea is that the string is embedded in the program or operating system.
77. A howitzer was embedded not far behind and was shaking down the dust of centuries from the rafters.
78. He clutched his throat, gagging on the bone embedded in his gullet.
79. A punishment stake had been embedded in the turf opposite the west door of the church.
80. For most people, time is embedded in language, and the sense of time is a function of this fact.
81. Most tourist snapshots also use a vocabulary of photographic practice which is embedded in power relations.
82. But, because of the sort of story he is embedded in, integrity, however twisted, he must have.
83. The engine rode up over three wagons of the coal train and ended up embedded under a road bridge.
84. However, the whole issue of long work hours was so embedded in the culture that few firms dared break the pattern.
85. For no work of art which is deeply embedded in the imagination can ever be still or dead.
86. While learning about dinosaurs, children can also discover and play with a variety of games embedded in the software.
87. These apatite crystals are embedded in an organic matrix which is mostly collagen.
88. The value of the use of language to transmit information is well embedded in our cultural mythology.
89. Antiracists have pointed out that in privileging prejudice and attitudes the multiculturalists have neglected racism as embedded in structures and institutions.
90. That dominance thrives on the enthusiasm for positive and effective government that is embedded in our political culture.
91. You will see cannonballs embedded like raisins in the walls: these came from the Prussian bombardment of 1757.
92. Their techniques are embedded in a view that unusual energy is accessible to us all.
93. On Concorde, though, the engines are embedded in the wings, next to the fuel tanks.
94. Both systems work on having a series of wire grids embedded in the baseboard of the tablet.
95. The eagle still had its talons in the goat, and the goat had its horns embedded in the eagle.
96. Growing in the most sinister manner, it is embedded in a battle scene taking place across the River Nile.
97. Comparison with the peroxidase labelled antibody sandwich method using formalin fixed paraffin embedded material.
98. The remark just goes to show how embedded age-related stereotypes are.
99. Most baculoviruses have one feature that is unique to insect viruses - they produce occlusion bodies in which the virions are embedded.
100. It will use it as an embedded controller in office automation products such as X-terminals after it shrinks it and optimizes its speed.
101. It will enable embedded systems designers to write applications on personal computers or under Unix.
102. This is because they are embedded in what I have called a teleology of the oppressed.
103. It is a discussion of a concept which is deeply embedded in the philosophical and political traditions of our culture.
104. The political system is embedded within a complex and changing environment.
105. Cold was embedded in the ruddiness of her wind-pressed cheeks.
106. Sparc Technology will also sell Sun system designs, hoping to expand indirectly into the portable, X terminal and embedded markets.
107. Crystallizable polymers consist of a mass of tiny crystals, usually mis-oriented with respect to one another and embedded in non-crystalline material.
108. This species can be planted in pots with a loam and sand mixture which can then be embedded in the gravel.
109. Photographs showed it to consist of twenty or more radiant pieces in a straight line, embedded inside an extensive bright cloud.
110. It is rooted in history, embedded in bureaucratic culture, and encouraged by outside groups.
111. Each carried an oval platter, and in the platters, embedded in snow, were the fruits of two continents.
111. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
112. Personal experience, if it happened, would have left them with a deeply embedded memory of an acutely unpleasant incident.
113. Before a virus can infect an animal cell it must first bind to specific receptor molecules embedded in the cell membrane.
114. The biopsy specimens were fixed in Carnoy's fixative overnight and embedded in paraffin wax.
115. Embedded in the teaching method employed by Betty is the transmission model of learning referred to earlier.
116. It can be planted in a pot, and embedded in the gravel.
117. Now imagine, Weiser suggests, computation and connection embedded into the built environment to the same degree.
118. The adoral shields have glassy concretions embedded within the matrix of the plate.
119. But throughout the book, value judgments are embedded in every choice about what content is included and how it is presented.
120. In light of these difficulties, attention has now shifted away from the membrane and toward the proteins embedded in the membrane.
121. It very nearly is us: as personal and as deeply embedded as childhood memories of Christmas or school terms.
122. This concludes our brief survey of equilibrium concepts and the models in which they are embedded.
123. The stammering policeman jumped through the window and embedded his booted foot in the overturned pot.
124. Then in the cracks between the lino strips lurked crumbs, hairs embedded in solid grease.
125. Many Dwarfs stumbled to the ground dead with Goblin arrows embedded in them, but more still made the gate.
126. The crumbled porcelain of a third lay embedded like fossilized prehistoric remains long entombed in silt and mud.
127. What, though, are the connections between criticism and this sense of intellectual freedom embedded in higher education?
128. The pick axe was left embedded in a fruit machine.
129. Embedded within the cytoplasm is the cell nucleus surrounded by its own special membrane.
130. Embedded Neural Networks A neural network embedded in an expert system has many advantages.
131. The adoral and oral shields and the arm plates are textured with glassy granules embedded in the matrix of the plate.
132. The other approach worked with a scathing moral and religious attack on the concepts of hygiene and sanitation embedded in the legislation.
133. It was a good thing there was no broken glass embedded in the concrete.
134. It has also made clear that these problems are embedded in the overall trade-offs between the various methods of comparison.
135. It includes the Streamware Kernel that enables the networking protocol to be used in proprietary and embedded environments, the firm says.
136. But a blind refusal to consider alternatives is negatively based on fear, ignorance, deeply embedded convictions or insularity.
137. However, these very skills may inhibit working through the important intellectual issues embedded in developing the strategy.
138. Had her dream hero been so deeply embedded in her heart that her mind had never stopped believing in him?
139. Her entire metal skeleton was jolted, shocking the still-fresh flesh it was embedded in.
140. Crystals embedded in the back of the chair detect the radioactivity level in the children's bodies.
141. Solaris 1.1 and 2.1 will be implemented on the embedded architecture along with real-time operating systems.
141. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
142. The system can be used to develop parallel embedded applications or as a booster for workstations.
143. The new wheel is made from orientated fibres of carbon, glass and Kevlar, embedded in epoxy resin.
144. The very sturdy rootstock is embedded deep in the mud.
145. Describe software module specific to a articular embedded project.
146. These facts lie embedded in his mind.
147. A shell splinter embedded itself in the wall.
148. Embedded systems are usually diskless systems. In order to keep permanent data inthe systems, it is a widely adapted strategy to use flash memory.
149. The proposed communication processor design scheme based on the new embedded system is practical with high performance-cost ratio.
150. And the open source GNU tool - chain is the ideal cross - compiler for embedded.
151. Wardrobe Manager was a WiFi connected wall-mountable display that used the RFID tags embedded in clothing to maintain digital inventory, usage patterns and recommendations for your wardrobe.
152. an operation to remove glass that was embedded in his leg.
153. However, with the development of embedded microprocessors, embedded systems have begun to be used in the numerical control punch automatic feeding system.
154. The fossils at Dinosaur Cove are embedded in hard sandstones.
155. It is shown that: the matrix landscape in this area was garden plot and woodland, which were embedded by other landscape patches.
156. Idioms that have become accepted on a PC are completely inappropriate on an embedded device.
157. It removes deeply embedded dirt and grease so allowing your horse's skin to breathe more easily.
158. It also is embedded module compilation and call in two ways.
159. That terrible day will be for ever embedded in his memory.
160. Another distinct difference between embedded systems and desktop applications is the importance of environmental context.
161. The doctrine of uniform circular motion became embedded in Greek thought.
162. To prevent this from happening, the team embedded the viruses into a microgel matrix, which preserved their light-collecting abilities.
163. A digital aircraft anti - skid braking controller based on embedded DSP - TMS 320 LF 2407 was introduced.
164. This has been the result of two main factors: the cost of graphical display hardware and the lack of GUI software suitable for use embedded systems.
165. The distal end of the kinetochore tubule is firmly embedded in the pole.
165. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
166. Cuticular cell organization and embedded material call the skin to protect wet organization jointly.
167. Real-time data processing plays a key role in embedded real-time software testing environment.
168. Results showed that the shear strength increases metal bar embedded in fillet triangle.




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