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单词 Decisively
1. The plan was decisively rejected by Congress three weeks ago.
2. He clearly and decisively came down on the side of President Rafsanjani.
3. Yet again, we have failed to act decisively .
4. The proposed bill was decisively defeated in Parliament.
5. She shook her head decisively.
6. The French have acted swiftly and decisively to protect their industries.
7. His penalty kick placed the ball decisively in the back of the net.
8. She is busy watching the team pull ahead decisively.
9. It was only decisively ended by the Revolution of 1688, Muddiman having become too closely associated with the fallen regime.
10. They had broken decisively with the conventional wisdom of the traditionalist and mercantilist society.
11. Government is still free-and required-to move decisively to end discrimination when it happens, case by case, he said.
12. He had decisively taken the edge off trade union power.
13. Pressure to act decisively came, among others, from Mr Smith's predecessor,(Sentencedict) Neil Kinnock.
14. And more decisively, they imposed a withholding tax to deter foreign residents from buying domestic deutschmark bonds.
15. Thirty years ago, farmers say, the government acted decisively and quickly to contain hoof and mouth.
16. Had he broken away more decisively earlier, the outcome might have been different.
17. We built more hospitals and moved decisively away from the terrible stop-go years of the 1970s when capital budgets were slashed.
18. "I'll call for you at half ten," she said decisively.
19. She reflected no longer than a second before she decisively slit the envelope.
20. George was a superb dean(), not least because of his capacity to listen to colleagues and then make up his mind decisively.
21. The groves elysian departed from the New World as decisively as they had from the old.
22. There had been speculation that publication of the documents would decisively alter the course of the drawn-out inquiry.
23. But many critics claim the policy of a strong currency has decisively contributed to sluggish growth and record unemployment in both countries.
24. The media magnate's air of invincibility evaporated on Monday when voters decisively rejected candidates who campaigned under his banner.
25. The bluelight was supposed to give her foreknowledge so she could act decisively.
26. Outstanding differences on the border dispute between the two countries failed, however, to be resolved decisively.
27. If the attempt was made and failed, the organisation would be discredited and no longer able to intervene decisively in Ulster affairs.
28. On his eighteenth birthday, his parents had believed it necessary to commit the act that would decisively save their only child.
29. When he felt fully in command of the situation, he acted decisively.
30. Too few managers and supervisors had learned to act decisively not withstanding their new decision-making authority.
1. The plan was decisively rejected by Congress three weeks ago.
2. He clearly and decisively came down on the side of President Rafsanjani.
3. The proposed bill was decisively defeated in Parliament.
31. The heads of Great Groups have to act decisively, but never arbitrarily.
32. He saw his way clear to act decisively.
33. "Then let's hop to it, " Rick said decisively.
34. Celia shook her head decisively.
35. Attacks involving roadside I.E.D.s (improvised explosive) or suicide bombings are the norm as opposed to armies that once clashed directly—and not infrequently decisively—with each other.
36. Mr. Cohen's recent jaunt to Beijing was intended to convince the Chinese government that it must decisively curtail its ties to Tehran, or face real economic costs.
37. A town of northern Ethiopia south of Asmara. Emperor Menelik II decisively defeated the Italians here in 1896 to secure recognition of Ethiopia's independence. Population, 21,107.
38. The weaponry carried by an aircraft decisively affects its combat capability. Shown here is a smart bomb.
39. She asking questions so brusquely and giving orders so decisively Pork's eyebrows went up in mystification.
40. " Nothing doing . If you don't go, we won't go either, " retorted Chueh - hui decisively .
41. " I know nothing whatever about mechanics, " he said decisively.
42. On investigation, we find one outstanding wordsmith whose prose decisively influenced the lovely cadences of the King James translation.
43. "I can't be nicking rounds out here, I've got to be winning them decisively, " Macklin told BBC WM.
43. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
44. In the economic sector, the market economy is decisively established.
45. There was no hope of catching her. She beat me decisively.
46. The monopoly process is clear when one paper pulls ahead decisively.
47. A person who doesn't act decisively is unlikely to succeed.
48. The HR board was congratulated for acting decisively in ousting the formerly heroic CEO.
49. Germany had been decisively beaten and disarmed; Russia was in chaos.
50. It would insist upon waging war, decisively and finally, against Japanese aggression.
51. An owner can make decisions quickly and decisively without having to consult others.
52. Anything outside that time - frame means you must reassess your position and act decisively.
53. My first day in office I will bring the joint chiefs of staff in and I will give them a new mission, and that is to end this war, responsibly and deliberately, but decisively," said Mr. Obama.
54. A town of southern Czechoslovakia. Nearby, on December 2, 805, Napoleon decisively defeated the Russian and Austrian armies of Czar Alexander I and Emperor Francis II.
55. "It should formulate effective and practical measures decisively, such as an annual review of the minimum wage policy and the amount of social security allowances," she said.
56. He lost decisively to Scipio's ally Masinissa at the Battle of Zama, but escaped.
57. In a dramatic political U-turn, Ireland has voted decisively in favour of the Lisbon treaty just 16 months after it first rejected the European Union reform plan.
58. " It's a bitch,' said Tom decisively. " Here's your money.
59. To his unfeigned astonishment the questions were answered promptly, simply, and decisively, and when the interview was ended my companion naively expressed his wonderment.
60. He courageously and decisively confronted their challenge to his authority.
61. Decisively , but awkwardly, she left the bathroom, her stride hampered by the long ugly skirt.
62. Next time you make a mistake, act quickly and decisively.




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