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单词 Wondering
1. I was wondering what the next station is.
2. Adrian spent a sleepless night wondering what to do.
3. We were wondering about next April for the wedding.
4. She sat immobile, wondering what to do next.
5. I am wondering if anyone would be glad to dine out with me?
6. They were wondering where to hold the office party and I suggested the Italian restaurant near the station.
7. I was wondering if you were doing anything this weekend.
8. She was wondering how to act to her superior.
9. Jane had been wondering that selfsame thing.
10. We were wondering whether to go today or tomorrow.
11. I was wondering what lay in store for us.
12. I'm wondering whose mother she is then.
13. I was wondering if I could borrow your car?
14. I'm still wondering about taking a further degree.
15. I was just wondering if you could help me.
16. I was just wondering about that myself.
17. I was wondering where to spend the weekend.
18. We were wondering about your being late.
19. I was wondering if you might want to take in a movie with me this evening.
20. I kept wondering if I was doing the right thing.
21. Your mother's been frantic with worry wondering where you've been.
22. In case you're wondering why Jo's here-let me explain ...
23. I was wondering whether you'd like to come to a party.
24. I'm wondering if "per capita" ought to have upper case,(http://) or should it be lower case?
25. This crisis has politicians scratching their heads and wondering what to do.
26. She was at her wit's end wondering how she'd manage it all in the time.
27. I went away wondering if I'd said the wrong thing.
28. 'Why do you want to know?' 'No particular reason. I was just wondering.'
29. "He claims to be her father," said Max. "We've been wondering about him.".
30. Stunned by the impact, he lay on the ground wondering what had happened.
1. I was wondering what the next station is.
2. Adrian spent a sleepless night wondering what to do.
3. We were wondering about next April for the wedding.
4. She sat immobile, wondering what to do next.
5. I am wondering if anyone would be glad to dine out with me?
6. 'Why do you want to know?' 'No particular reason. I was just wondering.'
7. They were wondering where to hold the office party and I suggested the Italian restaurant near the station.
8. She was wondering how to act to her superior.
9. I'm still wondering about taking a further degree.
10. I was wondering where to spend the weekend.
11. We were wondering about your being late.
12. Where have you been? Your mother has been doing her nut for two hours wondering.
31. If you give the police his name, you'll spend the rest of your life looking over your shoulder, wondering when he'll find you.
32. I'm wondering whether this really is a genuine Rolex. Do you think I've been sold a pup?
33. I'm sorry to disturb you so late, but my car's broken down and I was wondering if I could use your phone.
34. Where have you been? Your mother has been doing her nut for two hours wondering.
35. I tried to fantasize about Christine: those wondering blue eyes, that coppery red hair of hers.
36. You cannot help wondering about the pointlessness of it all.
37. I was just wondering.
38. I'm wondering whether to have the fish or the beef.
39. If you're wondering whether Grace will come to the party,(Sentence dictionary) I think the chances are against it.
40. He was left wondering what all the hubbub and expectancy had been about.
41. I was wondering if you'd like to come to the cinema with me this evening?
42. I was just wondering where Sarah was, when, right on cue, she came in.
43. People are wondering if they will ever see the fulfillment of the government's campaign pledges.
44. I was wondering if you'd like to come to dinner.
45. She caught herself wondering whether she had made a mistake.
46. He wrestled with the decision for several weeks, wondering what he should do.
47. We were wondering what had become of the other farmers when they suddenly showed up.
48. I've been wondering if you yourselves have any idea why she came.
49. I was wondering if there was anywhere I could go to get this mended.
50. I was wondering whether I could produce a meal out of what's left in the fridge.
51. I clenched my teeth,() wondering what to do now.
52. He waited, wondering, clutching his spear.
53. I sat up, wondering what the hell!
54. Wondering what the hell he's up to.
55. I gaze absently out of the window, wondering.
56. They will be wondering what has happened to you.
57. You can hear them talking in groups, wondering.
58. He was wondering why I hadn't returned his call.
59. Thwarted yet wondering, she chopped away with the hoe.
60. We're also wondering why the university is now covering its butt legally with this half-hearted gesture.
61. I took a sip of wine, wondering if there was anything else I might learn from him.
62. Some staff members must have been wondering if they should install ropes around the dais and call in boxing promoter Don King.
63. Maybe you are standing at the crossroads now, wondering which way to turn.
64. It's got to the point where manager Lennie Lawrence must wake up at times wondering which big game is next.
65. I was past putting the tent up, celebrating and wondering why my arms did not drop off.
66. She looked at him in silence, wondering if insanity was being used as an excuse for their previous closeness.
67. But looking at the past track record of the present Government, one can't help wondering.
68. For several moments he studied its blankness, wondering if he was not a bloody fool.
69. I take a long drink at the water fountain, wondering what virus I might catch.
70. I shared the joke, wondering just what fate might befall me later in the morning.
71. Some of the other men were worrying, expressing doubts about the weather, wondering if the hunt should be postponed.
72. Athelstan stood there dreaming, wondering what was happening in St Erconwald's.
73. They spend far more time plotting strategy than they do wondering whether they should do the deals.
74. Sherman stood with one hand resting on the door, wondering if he dared leave it here.
75. Corbett lay dozing on the bed, idly wondering what Maeve was doing, and thought again of Sister Agatha.
76. He glanced at her, wondering if this were the first she had heard of the proposal.
77. It involves wondering how to use hard-won resources to achieve something meaningful.
78. He seldom wasted time wondering why people wanted other people dead.
79. I rose to greet them, wondering how I would provide tea for such a multitude.
80. One inconclusive thought led to another, and I found myself wondering about Miss Macdonald's story of the office cleaner.
81. They were wondering where she was at that very moment.
82. He looked at me as if he was now wondering quite what it was he had invited into his home.
83. I was wondering if you fancied coming along for the ride.
84. Sister came out and took charge, and Juliet was left standing outside, wondering who she could ask.
85. I could see him wondering whether to warn the bursar he might be one or two fees short next term.
86. I may read the papers, or perhaps just stay in bed wondering if there's anything on the doorstep.
87. Then he returned to his house up the hill, perhaps wondering how lunch preparations were going.
88. She gave her letter to the postman with a heavy heart, wondering if she would ever see her sister again.
89. A lifeless performance left manager Lennie Lawrence wondering whether his players are suffering battle fatigue after a hectic cup-and-league programme.
90. She swallowed deeply, wondering just how far he would go in order to try to force her to comply with his will.
91. If you are wondering whether to renew your subscription, perhaps you would like to read page 19 before deciding?
92. But he could not quite help wondering if anyone would mistake him, Gabriel, for a naked lady.
93. Jimmy watched him, wondering how long it would be before he met up with this guy again on the street.
94. Hopelessly she walked outside and stood in bright sunlight wondering what to do; a few thoughtful seconds later she knew.
95. A decade from now we might, as you suggest, be wondering what all the fuss was about.
96. I was wondering if you had any openings for sales staff?
97. And standing in lifts wondering what people are thinking and watching how they carry themselves.
98. Those weeks, not seeing him, wondering, too proud to make the first move.
99. Isabel stared fixedly ahead of her,(http:///wondering.html) wondering if she had heard aright.
100. You may be wondering why we wired over the box we installed in the barn.
101. Some of those old guys are still around, shaking their heads, wondering how long this foolishness will continue.
102. Despite the gravity of the situation I can see Grant wondering if the blood will stain the seat's white plastic.
103. He smiled, pleased with himself, then sat back, wondering how generous Loehr planned to be.
104. I was wondering if there were any job openings at your company.
105. I was waiting, wondering how many security personnel would be in on the setup, and they were good.
106. As she stood, wondering how to sort out the tangle, the door bell rang.
107. But a man could go nuts sitting around wondering about what might happen.
108. I found myself wondering who that second concert ticket was intended for.
109. I was wondering, would you know if any other subscriber to the hunt had received similar hate mail?
110. But one was left wondering at the decision to commit time, money and talent to this dingy piece of hokum.
111. Delia looked hesitantly at Heather, wondering if she should have shared this knowledge.
112. Women spend more time waiting to get telephone calls and wondering if there will be another date.
113. Hasn't it crossed your mind that we will be missed, the others will be wondering what has happened?
114. She stifled a desire to turn and flee, wondering what was wrong with her.
115. But yes, he was wondering how painful the best might be.
116. What on earth, she was wondering, had caused that un-Jake-like reaction?
117. Rex mooched about the graves wondering when we were going to have lunch.
118. Now I am wondering about the other lists that he annexed to his letter, of suggested colleagues, procedures and methods.
119. He was pounding away, and. 1 was wondering if he would ever finish.
120. Her smile had been faintly wicked, as though she had been wondering what might be his reaction.
121. To avoid sitting in front of a blank piece of card and wondering what to do, you should plan your design in advance.
122. She spent the whole evening wondering why her date had stood her up.
123. The mind may still be active and alert. 9 Don't lie awake for ages wondering why you are not sleeping.
124. To add to his confusion, he still finds himself sat alone watching television and wondering where all these people are.
125. Doubts came rushing in as she stared at her reflection, wondering what on earth had possessed her to buy it.
126. Now, people are wondering if those excitements may be a thing of the past.
127. Standing at windows was his favourite situation for brooding, self-examination, consoling or condemning himself ... wondering what to do next.
128. Forlorn figures with their boots under their arms wondering how to tell their family and friends their news of rejection.
129. I found myself wondering if he were really as indifferent as his expression and few comments suggested.
130. She walked on, wondering whose decision it had been to buy a retirement home in such an isolated spot.
131. I can't help wondering what happened to that little girl.
132. From this he deduced that the boiler was too small and this led him on to wondering why the engine was so inefficient.
133. In the event, the Ventura users are probably wondering what all the fuss is about.
134. One can not help wondering what future generations will think of our freaks and follies.
135. Now she was standing at the periphery of the crowd, wondering whether Cantor would even open the envelope she was clutching.
136. While John Carter waited in custody, local police began wondering about the strange disappearance of the farmer's second wife.
137. Wondering about grasshopper eyes, about segregated schools, wanting to know more about this journey to the West looking for work.
138. I woke the next morning, wondering if my father had come back or not.
139. As they crept along they could not help wondering what they would find.
140. Meanwhile the audience contemplates his grand opus, wondering what comes next.
141. His latest disciplinary bust-up has left senior Middlesex officials wondering whether they can ever tame the 22-year-old hothead.
142. I often caught myself staring into a mirror, wondering who that was staring back.
143. His mind seems currently more on organising Hollywood-type weddings, extended holidays and wondering about the legality of the World Cup draw.
144. You noticed a vaguely pained expression enter Jackson's eyes, as if he was wondering why nothing ever proved simple.
145. Wondering what the day held in store for us ... and worrying about Giles.
146. He was walking home in a thick fog, wondering when the crisp, blue skies of autumn might appear.
147. Annabel Hogan was wondering whether to change the main meal of the day to the evening.
148. I was wondering what would happen when Dolly came out on to the stage and said his piece.
149. I remember their leader turning to go and wondering whether that was his signal for an all-out attack.
150. The Sheldon family have spent the past month wondering why.
151. Several times during the morning he found himself consulting his watch, wondering how his daughter-in-law was progressing.
152. She sat in a fury of indecision and worry, wondering if he and Ace had met.
153. You may be wondering why I called the various machines by masculine names.
154. I have found myself wondering what would have happened if I could have taken lessons from Saul Goodman.
155. A second later and Fabia was wondering what on earth she was thinking about.
156. After weeks of wondering what to do, the engineers finally agreed on a solution.
157. Waking with a start, she lay in the grey half-light of dawn, wondering where she was.
158. Each pair of eyes questioned and then looked away, wondering.
159. Staggering up, I leaned against the wall, panting and gasping, wondering how severely I was hit.
160. I felt the material again and again, wondering if in the United States everybody wore clothes made of such beautiful cloth.
161. Michael stared up, wondering how Peter could be so calm.
162. Wondering what had caused this sudden transformation I stepped inside the caravan.
163. They were thinking of wives and little ones far away, and wondering if they would ever see them again.
164. Instead, I find myself wondering what Tom Fairfax was concealing behind the seal face and marine eyebrows.
165. Slowly she replaced the receiver, wondering why did the past always eventually find you-sometime?
166. John Garner is losing sleep these nights, wondering what to do with his dwindling herd of cattle.
167. Perversely, the sight set me to wondering if I had written anything that could be misconstrued.
168. Blake was skeptical, wondering if it were really an evil spirit.
169. I was wondering if you know this guy Wilkinson,() I forget his first name.
170. I was wondering if you have, or know where I can get, an instruction book.
171. Stuart had fumbled nervously in his pockets, wondering how much he should give, just change, surely.
172. Gabby found herself wondering how Jane put up with them at all.
173. Ruth went down, then climbed up again into the dunes, wondering how she was going to find Adam.
174. She began to cook the meal, briefly wondering how her own household was coping without her.
175. She lay in absolute stillness, trying not to breathe, wondering what he was going to do with her.
176. I spent as much time wondering how the dome was held together as I did actually climbing.
177. Outside Phoebe's open bedroom door Rachel paused, wondering if her daughter had heard the explosion and responded to it.
178. All of which leaves many observers wondering what on earth is the appeal of such violent, repellent music.
179. Carolyn stood by the table, sipping her new tea and wondering what she could cook.
180. Undoubtedly they deserve their success, but you can't help wondering how on earth they did it.
181. Past champions also watched, wondering if history would be made on this day.
182. The coroner woke like a child, mumbling to himself, wondering where he was.
183. I was wondering about the possibility of a wholly natural course on it, a course tended largely by sheep.
184. She lay in the raw dark, wondering if even her internal organs were warm.
185. I replied, wondering whether I should even try to embark upon the convoluted saga of Dad and his assumed name.
186. Confidence just got wise and the guys it got wise to are wondering where it has gone.
187. Breeze partook of this refreshment wondering if she had stepped into the pages of Cranford.
188. She slid him a sideways glance, wondering how he'd react if she announced she was leaving immediately.
189. Belinda shifted her sandalled feet nervously, wondering suddenly if Deana had decided to hang around until the mythical sailor showed up.
190. Madeline was wondering how to approach the delicate question of her salary with her new boss.
191. He leaned back puffing at it wondering which one to tell.
192. Being nobbut a sprog, I remember wondering why bassist Bruce was playing a guitar.
193. Perhaps she was wondering if some one had remembered to switch the electric blanket on.
194. I sometimes nudge Miles and Evan to join me in wondering what 47 will happen next in a story.
195. I stroked the long handle of the trowel, wondering if my father had a name for that stick of his.
196. Duncan lay still, confused and wondering why the Army had moved in from the south.
197. Thistle's early season promise has evaporated, and debutant Julian Broddle must be wondering what he's let himself in for.
198. All the same, she wondered; and wondering, heard the noise from downstairs even more clearly.
199. Donna looked at him again, wondering why she felt so guilty to be sitting at the table with this man.
200. Observers of the seven-month trial are left wondering who edited out the intrigue.
201. And then she found herself wondering what had prompted her to utter remarks concerning his private affairs.
202. I watched the ravens returning to roost on many evenings, always wondering if Jack might be among them.
203. Fergus woke in utter darkness, wondering where he was; he felt as though he was falling backwards for ever into darkness.
204. She walked slowly through the quiet streets, wondering if Dana and Roman would be cosily together in her flat.
205. Wondering this, I knew it would be harsh of me to blame him.
206. After all, the inspector himself admitted wondering whether Nicola had learnt or been given something that put her in danger.
207. Twenty years ago we would have turned up the sound, wondering what caused the explosion.
208. I was still thinking about that, wondering what it really meant.
209. The market has been getting overheated, traders said, and investors are wondering how much better it can get.
210. And so they wait for the ax to fall, wondering why they get more depressed and sick.
211. Here's an end to worrying about totting up the calories in food and wondering whether you are eating the right thing.
212. A rather curious look from Prince Philip wondering, no doubt, how this lowly two-ringer got into the act.
213. You step through the gate, wondering if anyone is going to say anything.
214. In mounting anger she glared up at the taunting dark face, wondering how she could ever have thought his laughter attractive.
215. The Ducks sit on the sidelines looking uncomfortable, like children at a grown-up party, wondering when they can go home.
216. Yet wondering what your fellow citizens got up to in the war is a barrier to any sense of community.
217. I lingered on the sidewalk outside the old house, wondering who lived there now.
218. George Grindal returned to the doorway and fumbled around on the wall, wondering if there was a light switch.
219. Loucks drew a breath, still peering at me, wondering perhaps how good a student I might be.
220. She glanced down, dusting the dirt from the pebble off her hands, wondering how to answer such an unanswerable question.
221. Managers found themselves wondering whether a conventional approach could replace the neural network.
222. Miguel stared at him through the beads of drizzle on the window, wondering what to do.
223. Naturally this started everyone wondering about the amount the boat had sunk, and trying to remember the previous watermarks.
224. He'd been staring at the blank page in his typewriter and wondering where he could find the enthusiasm to write.
225. We both pissed ourselves laughing afterwards, wondering what all the fuss was about.
226. Rose, watching him across the shining mahogany table, guessed what he was wondering.
227. For months, I have lain awake nights, wondering why this critical cultural need was not being addressed.
228. "Did you find yourself wondering what went wrong?"— 'Precisely.'.
229. I'm wondering whether to scatter your brains over the room.
230. Yes, certainly, everybody was still wondering at Nana's total eclipse.
231. I was wondering whether to go upstairs or whether to follow Maxim to the library.
232. Gabriel turned sympathetically away, wondering when he dared look at her again. When he turned back, she.
233. I was wondering if I might talk to you for a moment.
234. I'm wondering if that was the spirit in the courtroom,[http:///wondering.html] too.
235. I know you're wondering if this badge is real, right?
236. "I'm waiting for Mary Ann," she said, "in case you're wondering.".
237. Ralph lay in a covert , wondering about his wounds.




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