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单词 In class
1. The students are listening to their teacher in class.
2. The professor will give a demonstration in class.
3. She keeps good discipline in class.
4. He takes notes in class.
5. We did a French dictation in class.
6. He forbids any talking in class.
7. I hate it when Jane cuts up in class.
8. The teacher told the children to stop chattering in class.
9. The teacher came down on her for talking in class.
10. He never paid attention in class and seemed to be in a permanent daydream.
10. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
11. John was always stirring up trouble in class.
12. He can only just rub along in class.
13. His daughter was classed in Class B.
14. Have you reviewed what we covered in class yesterday?
15. Your behaviour in class is monstrous!
16. The girls were gigging in class.
17. One boy had let off a firework in class.
18. Behaving provocatively in class is just inviting trouble.
19. There is lots of reading in class.
20. I was told off for talking in class.
21. We're having an oral test in class this week.
22. She works hard in class .
23. Eventually she managed to overcome her shyness in class.
24. You must keep alert in class.
25. He always used to fool around in class.
26. The authorities have placed the drug in Class A, the same category as heroin and cocaine.
27. He was unruly in class and made an enemy of most of his teachers.
28. Her disappointing exam results are entirely due to her inattention in class.
29. He's good at devising language games that you can play with students in class.
30. She completely lost it with one of the kids in class.
1. The students are listening to their teacher in class.
2. The professor will give a demonstration in class.
3. She keeps good discipline in class.
4. He takes notes in class.
5. We did a French dictation in class.
6. He forbids any talking in class.
7. I hate it when Jane cuts up in class.
8. The teacher told the children to stop chattering in class.
9. Her disappointing exam results are entirely due to her inattention in class.
10. He's good at devising language games that you can play with students in class.
10. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
11. The teacher came down on her for talking in class.
12. He never paid attention in class and seemed to be in a permanent daydream.
31. Don't shout out the answer in class, put up your hand.
32. Students who do well in examinations are the ones who ask questions in class.
33. His teacher described him as a noisy, disruptive influence in class.
34. In class, a child with poor eyesight can soon get left behind.
35. We'll start the exercise in class and you can finish it for homework.
36. I have my limits. You will not use that kind of nasty language in class.
37. She was kept in for an hour for talking in class.
38. No talking in class!
39. The teacher called me over to his desk in class.
40. He was too shy to come sit by me in class.
41. She had always kept herself aloof from the boys in class.
42. You can skip the next chapter if you have covered the topic in class.
43. There are a few new faces in class this year.
44. The tapes can be used in class or for independent study.
45. We had to go over the same ground in class the next day.
46. He's always getting into trouble for fooling around in class.
47. He is always fooling in class,[http:///in class.html] but the teacher will catch up with him some day.
48. Maybe you fall asleep in class because of uncorrected astigmatism.
49. If you paid more attention in class, you might actually learn something!
50. Doesn't he get tired of playing the buffoon in class?
51. The teacher threatened to confiscate their Yo Yos if they kept playing in class.
52. The exam is no more difficult than the tests you've been doing in class.
53. But then Wigan underlined the huge gap in class.
54. Lisa's one of the most popular girls in class.
55. Stephen's teacher said he was often disruptive in class.
56. Daniel was a quiet child who daydreamed in class.
57. They'd discussed it in class and made notes.
58. Handouts and additional reading will be provided in class.
59. For use in class, or for independent study.
60. I'm sure we read that article in class.
61. In class structure grammar these form a class.
62. The nation was organized not only in class terms but also in terms of gender and age.
63. Students who gagged at the farrago Jeffries was spooning out knew better than to let on in class.
64. Evaluation of how the plan has met these needs takes place in open discussion in class. 3.
65. At other times he laughs out loud in class for no apparent reason.
66. A variety of dialogues, drills and exercises are provided for use in the language laboratory, in class or at home.
67. Anna said they are the ones who score low grades and throw spitballs in class.
68. The law also restricts extra payments to shareholders named in class actions.
69. Clear, easy-to-follow teaching aids Each Resource Book provides clear, easy-to-follow lesson menus for you to use in class.
70. Language awareness sections explore the nature of language and communication,[http:///in class.html] and can be used in class or for self-study.
71. By comparison with the caste, the rate of social mobility in class systems is high.
72. About my tendency to repeat things ... kids arriving late in class and how they affected it.
73. He still assigned writing, but he handed out grammar worksheets and went over the answers in class.
74. After they had used swear words once in class, he argued, they would never use them again.
75. In high school, we often got in trouble for talking in class.
76. He had beautiful eyes and the longest eyelashes of any boy in class.
77. If you listened in class you might get better grades.
78. I hate reading out my work in class - I'm scared that people are going to laugh at me.
79. During her first weeks she was noisy and disruptive in class.
80. The cultural divisions displayed in Table 6.1 are presented by Nizan in class terms.
81. I'd got fed up with her everlasting sweetness and shown her up in class the day before.
82. To provide an opportunity for pupils to use and extend inquiry and communication skills developed in class work. 3.
83. In class he never played the fool, never challenged the teacher.
84. We can read the books children are reading, find out what happens in class, ask what the guidance counselor said.
85. Please encourage class members, their photographic friends and relatives or anyone else wishing to snap subject matter in class.
86. She still wears them in class, closing her left eye to bring the blackboard into focus.
87. There is a colloquial standard to learn on the playground and a literary standard to learn in class.
88. Meanwhile, Sabino High, top-ranked in Class 4A, was beaten by Tempe and knocked out of the playoffs.
89. Can teachers be prohibited from promoting political candidates in class?
90. In class, Albers used a hands-on method to teach key ideas.
91. One of the regular assignments in class was to make a list of new words and phrases.
92. In class, we discussed analogies between human and animal behavior.
93. In class societies this process will obviously be mediated primarily - though not exclusively - through class relationships and class conflict.
94. So I went to school and sat in class and memorized more than understood and whistled past the academic graveyard.
95. I have never had anyone query this before, but some one did in class last year.
96. But a great many of them are deeply damaged and turn up in class with all kinds of emotional and behavioural disorders.
97. A recorded book allows them to participate in class discussions or do well on tests.
98. He had planned to have the students read passages, discuss them in class, and write essays.
99. The only possible way a woman could rise in class was to marry into a family of higher social standing than her own.
100. In class structure grammar these -ly adverbs are members of an open set.
100. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
101. Document-led exercises in history Documents can form the basis of many exercises or activities in class.
102. Teacher's notes give practical hints on developing reading skills, together with ideas for implementing play-reading in class.
103. In Class I compounds, electron transfer between the centers is slow, and the sites behave as if they were effectively independent.
104. New emphasis will be placed on training teachers to maintain order and discipline in class.
105. The dialogue-based text is ideal for reading aloud in class or for encouraging pupils to act out the stories.
106. Next comes a personal hygiene kit, including soap, towels, and lice-killing combs to help the girls concentrate in class.
107. Politicians analyze their support in class terms, and sociologists would be lost without it.
108. Teacher-pupil interaction Teachers spent a very high proportion of their time in class interacting with pupils.
109. Frye saw this same commitment in some of the immigrant students in class.
110. In recent years, there is some evidence of decline in class identifications and in the correlation between class and party.
111. Start in class by playing in your own instinctive style and gradually improve and fill it out.
112. The students completed their work in class with the teacher next to them, giving ample praise and encouragement.
113. It is intended to be used as supplementary material alongside any main course, in class and for homework.
114. But in class terms it marked a split within the ruling bloc, not the totalizing rupture from without that repealers claimed.
115. There was a dearth of pens that day in class.
116. Ann Tabachnikov often asked students to read in class the essays they had written at home.
117. During his parents' divorce, Robert began acting up in class.
118. "Shouldn't you be in class?'' Mr Harris asked the girls who were sauntering down the corridor.
119. In the week following this session Rosemary Frost successfully used the same in Class, amidst many giggles from her students.
120. Getting that diploma, conquering it, reeling it in class by class, semester by semester-those books tell us about ourselves.
121. Not even seeing them onstage, just in class, and there I was, eyes like saucers.
122. They are passing notes to each other in class with file names to call up or sites to visit.
123. Henry Arias, who never spoke in class, recited his lines almost flawlessly from memory.
124. In class they engaged in mock trials and small-group work.
125. She rarely speaks in class and had refused to write the short autobiographies the other students in Level Two were writing.
126. If you need to write, write notes on what is going on in class.
127. Parents of very quiet children might watch how a teacher encourages such individuals to become more involved in class.
128. Back in class, Miss Grimhle gave a lecture on racial harmony.
129. Diana would never shout out answers in class or volunteer to read the lessons at assembly.
130. He was dead serious in class and was the one that passed the exams.
130. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
131. Francesca also feels the burden of challenging stereotypes in class.
132. Relying on math formulas or drills in class, the study suggests, bores many students and undermines their performance.
133. This boy likes to rubber-neck in class.
134. Do you sometimes doze off in class?
135. I often play Hangman in class.
136. You're very welcome, Carlos. See you in class Monday.
137. Can a tired overworked voice command attention in class?
138. It's impolite to mutter to one another in class.
139. Her mistake in class no laughing matter.
140. She was admonished for chewing gum in class.
141. Due date: Session # 26 , in class.
142. We all use an electronic dictionary in class.
143. We miss your laughter in class. Get well soon.
144. Other readings to be out in class or electronically.
145. In class, Rufus inattentive, angry, and unresponsive.
146. Details of the assignments will be circulated in class.
147. Our teacher outlined Napoleon's Russian Campaign in class.
148. There are thirty students all told in Class One.
149. DD pays attention in class.
150. A teacher should act according to circumstances in class.
151. The professor took a spectrum analysis in class.
152. There will never be a sit-down final in class.
153. Some journal assignments will be given out in class.
154. Some students often doze off in class.
155. Paper chromatography is a simple experiment and easy to do in class.
156. She got cold feet when asked to recite in class.
157. Many school for the deaf use sign language in class.
158. He is an active student, but he was uncharacteristically listless in class today.
159. This is an applet that students use to respond to questions in class.
160. Teacher Cassie Krause knows by their lunchroom talk which of her students play video games,[http://] and many of them are her most outgoing in class.
161. In class we should not talk at the same time; we should take turns.
162. She tried to constrain herself from a cough in class.
163. A good teacher should be packed with the talent of encouragement so that students would like to stay in class.
164. He increasingly misbehaved, acting out in class and stealing from neighbors.
165. Tom: Mrs. Li says second reading will help you consolidate what you've learned in class.
166. Watch Ricky. He sometimes likes to act up in class.
167. Every guy in class thinks he's in love with that little tart.
168. To complicate matters further, the company registered their trademark based on the service of a private detective agency in Class 45 of the Nice Classification.
169. Which I designed the equipment transformer factory planning ranked first in class and I spent most of the time and half of the students.
170. The disadvantaged students in class are existed in the school.
171. Make sure that you know the metalinguistic terms used in the text as we refer to them in class.
172. The third written assignment will be to design a two page research proposal outlining a set of experiments that follow-up on a topic or paper discussed in class.
173. Explore your activeness, think hard , attend to discussion in class.
174. They're also a study in class mobility: 59% come from lower-middle-class or blue-collar families, and almost half hold advanced degrees.
175. Kindergartener is the main body in teaching activity. Teaching art of teacher influence teacher-student relation and teaching quality in class directly.
176. One day, he said undersurface this story versus a student in class mission school.
177. And she was terribly intimidated in class, so she never was able to communicate that she simply didn't get the basic phonic concepts.
178. Young kids, energetic, rambunctious , cooped up in class, yearn for the relative freedom of the football field, the basketball court, the baseball diamond.
179. It's hard to imagine that with all the magical gadgets, the eager, studious types would still whip out a notepad, pencil, and highlighter–and take laborious, wrist-twisting notes in class.
180. Now children, I want you to be all ears in class.
181. Those supporting them are engaging in class warfare of the worst kind.
182. If students do not wear the same uniforms, students wearing cheap clothes may have the feeling of self-contempt and be diffident about expressing one's opinions in class.
183. Supported by common pedagogics in teachers' college, it developed teaching practice through researching study in class and term case study .
184. For homework you can write up the rough notes you made in class.
185. a tennis ball in class like this, then the whole trajectory is... the whole trajectory is in one plane in the vertical plane.
186. The components of the course include three parts: lecturing in class, experiment in laboratory and practice in field. Chinese-English is mainly bilingually adopted in the lecturing part.
187. He is not a good student; he can just rub along in class.
188. W Output Amplifier of Portable Radios in Class B Push - pull Operation.
189. Film in Class : Black, S . Life and Debt . About Sweatshops in Jamaica.
190. In Class View[Sentencedict], examine the proxy classes created for each connection point.
191. The cultivation of learning ability is mainly completed through teaching in class and learning developmental model.
192. In class discussion Mike is always quick on the trigger.
193. She suspects all the symptoms were aroused due to stress in class lessons. Physical examinations revealed the skin was sweaty, slight exophthalmos , and tremor of fingers.
194. It mainly analyzes the beauty covered by the teaching materials, at the same time it tells us how to acuate the aesthetic education in class and the wrong areas in teaching.
195. For the plaintiffs, for groups seeking back pay in class actions, and for class actions in general, it was a bad day in court.
196. He slept badly at night and couldn't concentrate in class at daytime.
197. The article mainly presents the key problems in class III bio-safety lab, including air-flow distribution, pressure gradient of the room, and the stability of pressure.
198. My father-in-law in class of 59 and I attended his 53 union last May and got the introduction of my life to Princeton activity.
199. I will amend my ways and stop talking in class.
200. Right - click on a symbol in Class View and select Find All References from its shortcut menu.
201. The exercises are varied to suit the topics and the needs of the user and are suitable for use in class and for self-study.
202. He's not a good student; he can only just rub along in class.
203. With regard to solid-state microwave power transistor operating in class C, reducing the operation voltage is an efficient means to improve the transistor reliability.
204. Do you usually take notes in class with a pen or pencil?
205. There is no significant different between the methods in class and the procedures in traditional program, while the class and cluster level testing encounter the new problems.
206. She would humiliate her victims without mercy if, for instance, they wet their pants in class, as happened right before recess on the first day to the unprepared Tess Wodehouse.
207. This project is meant to be a substantial independent research or engineering effort related to material we have studied in class.
208. He did not care a snap to talk loudly in class.
209. Which one of the binary number ranges shown below corresponds to the value of the first octet in Class B address range?
210. In class discussions Xiao Wang is always quick on the trigger.
211. Watch Ricky, he sometimes likes to act up in class.
212. Watch Ricky. He at whiles likes to act up in class.
213. Note: The voltage divider equation derived in class doesn't work for circuits B & C.
214. By way of exception , no such instructions for use are needed for devices in Class I or Class IIa if they can be used safely without any such instructions.
215. There are 25 girl students in our class as against only 5 in Class Two.
216. It also makes it possible to retain metadata at source code level in class files, and at runtime controlled by a retention policy.
217. Then data models, including common data model, material data model and unit data model, are demonstrated in class diagram.
218. My mother a businesswoman and my sister is in class 5.1.
219. If teenagers awaken for school before the final phase of sleep is complete, grogginess in class is inevitable.
220. You may submit the paper in class day before the due date, or by email attachment.
221. You can go to a function declaration by double - clicking on the function name in Class View.
222. If you have questions to ask in class, put up your hands.
223. SAMIA ABDUL-KADIR: "It helps me because sometimes when we're doing it in class, I don't hear the teacher very much and I don't understand, but online is better.
224. Her introverted personality inhibits her from asking questions in class.
225. When she appeared in traffic court, she asked the judge for immediate attention to her case as she was due to be back in class.
226. We have quizzes and writing practice in class. Absence without leave will affect your grades.
227. Teacher reviews the words the sentence pattern,[] and the chant that students have learned in class.
228. Next. i will toe the mark in class, i will be a good student.
229. I continue to address unruliness in class, talking in class, visiting other students during class time etc.
230. With a quick look the teacher reproved the child for whispering in class.
231. I continue address unruliness in class , talking in class, visiting other students during class time etc.
232. But a former classmate, Ben Stillman, described his presence in class as Hemingwayesque.
233. Picture teaching is a kind of vivid and imaginal teaching method, which can stimulate students learning interest , enhance teaching effects in class and improve the quality of English teaching.
234. Please make reservation at 2793 - 9957 for Walk - in class office hours : 10:00 am to 5:00 pm Mon. to Fri.
235. All non - invasive devices are in Class I, unless one of the rules set out hereinafter applies.
236. This article would try to probe into the teaching art in class through such ways as teaching speech handling, teaching posture handling, teaching rhythm handling and teaching predigestion handling.
237. So if your child snoring at night, and concentration in class, sleepiness, decreased memory, poor academic performance, we should first check to the otorhinolaryngology and nasopharyngeal tonsil.
238. Of course, we were wishing him the best, but there is a huge difference between a good American player in the Italian second league and the best in class in the N.B.A.
239. Doze off in class.




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