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单词 Many an
(1) He caused many an offence during the Christmas period by openly stating his hatred of the Geldof coup.
(2) Many an old story was retold, and ancient conundrum repeated.
(3) Many an academic will have enjoyed the hospitality of envoys who thought we were worth cultivating.
(4) With Slavic delight in swerving to extremes, many an artist initially turned to abstraction.
(5) Their thunderous charges have broken the back of many an invading army.
(6) Customer service has become the gospel of many an organization, and with good reason.
(7) This unavoidable routine is a whirlpool through which many an interesting outfit loses all they originally used to gain initial recognition.
(8) But Ray had outwitted many an opponent in the Olympics.
(9) He can play many an instrument.
(10) Many an evening was spoilt by their intrusion.
(11) We spend many an afternoon shopping, drinking coffee and checking out the available talent.
(12) Many an evening by the waters did we watch the stately ships.
(13) Many an initiate of ascension complains of difficulties with manifestation.
(14) Increasing your brainpower has been the subject of many an ad and infomercial touting herbs and other products designed to make you smarter for a price.
(15) How many an innocent - looking apple harbouring a worm in the bud.
(16) But talk to many an inhabitant of today's big cities and you soon detect a rural background,() and often a slight wistfulness with it.
(17) Like many an iconoclast, Mr Zhang's roots lay in the things he despised.
(18) The scholar pointed many an angry word at Booker T. Washington, believing his philosophy angled toward keeping blacks in rural jobs and their aim low.
(19) How many an afternoon Antinia and I have trailed along the prairie under the magnificence.
(20) For many an invasive corneal transplant was the only option – until now!
(21) That question, which has figured in many an antiperspirant commercial, has received surprisingly little scientific scrutiny.
(22) On grey mornings of rain I have crooned many an idle song.
(23) Often the initial struggles of such programs show a passionate commitment which somehow overcomes many an uncertainty and lack.
(24) The ability of the markets to override the will of the people has unsettled the inner Jeffersonian of many an American.
(25) This dear child, tripping about always at thy side, hath caused me many an alarm?
(26) Practicing an early form of nonalignment , the new nation discovered the benefit of neutrality as a bargaining tool, just as many an emerging nation has since.
(27) The old man is good - heart, and I have seen him do many an act of kindness.
(28) Alcedo atthis (also known as the Eurasian, European, or river kingfisher) has inspired many an obsession.
(29) Its two steilstufen ( steep steps ) have made many an excellent skier fall.
(30) That sense of humour has helped the group survive many an erroneous rumour.




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