1) In the short run, artful centrism clearly yields political benefits.
2) Their centrism made the team as unpopular on the left as on the right.
3) Al Gore may well have lost in November because he tried to lurch away from the muzzy centrism his boss had perfected.
4) The core symptom of narcissistic personality disorder is ego centrism.
5) Who says that liberalism is just another word for euro - centrism?
6) So soft against the kind of realism the West,(http:///centrism.html) represented by anthropology centrism of Western culture.
7) The saying central on "Science Ethic" has many kinds of ways to express, the representative paradigm are determinism of ethic, dualism assorting with science and ethic and anti-logos centrism act.
8) For Obama, his core principles are a mix of left and right, centrism and progressivism, laced with liberalism.
9) In practice, represent two extremities that the Centralism of AGM and the Centrism of the Board.
10) There are premised, culture diffused, and anti - Eurocentric Euro - centrism in the study of world history.