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单词 Interest
1. Interest will not lie.
2. Fortune often rewards with interest those that have patience to wait for her. 
3. Do your parents take an interest in your friends?
4. The area is of great botanical interest.
5. The bank strongly resisted cutting interest rates.
6. We don't have the same commonality of interest.
7. It is a matter of great public interest.
8. Politics does not seem to interest him at all.
9. Her interest in art was stimulated by her father.
10. This subject is of great interest to me.
11. Interest rates are an important instrument of economic policy.
12. Interest accrues on a bank accout.
13. She takes an excessive interest in clothes.
14. The total cost was $10, 000, plus 14% interest.
15. Tax is payable on the interest.
16. She found it difficult to sustain the children's interest.
17. His report titillated the interest of the audience.
18. His interest in photography is only a passing fad.
19. Her latest film has generated a lot of interest/excitement.
20. The interest accrued over the months.
21. Their interest is listening to others.
22. He lost interest in much of his research.
23. I find no interest in such things.
24. She manifested little interest in her studies.
25. Ballet is essentially a middle-class interest.
26. The interest is exempt from income tax .
27. My parents encouraged my interest in science.
28. With close friends in their lives,( )people develop courage and positive attitudes.Teenagers have the moral support to assert their individuality;the elderly approach their advanced years with optimism and an interest in life. 
29. If a man empties his purse into his head, no man can take it away from him, an investment in knowledge always pays the best interest
30. The secret of a good momory is attention, and attention to a subject depends upon our interest in it-- We rarely forget that which has made a deep impression on our minds. 
1. Do your parents take an interest in your friends?
2. The area is of great botanical interest.
3. The bank strongly resisted cutting interest rates.
4. We don't have the same commonality of interest.
5. Politics does not seem to interest him at all.
6. Her interest in art was stimulated by her father.
7. Interest rates are an important instrument of economic policy.
8. The total cost was $10, 000, plus 14% interest.
9. Tax is payable on the interest.
10. She found it difficult to sustain the children's interest.
11. Her latest film has generated a lot of interest/excitement.
12. The interest accrued over the months.
13. I find no interest in such things.
14. The interest is exempt from income tax .
15. My parents encouraged my interest in science.
16. I was perturbed by his lack of interest.
17. The interest on the money is exempt from tax.
18. The trip was cancelled through lack of interest.
19. At university she developed an interest in etymology.
20. It appears unlikely that interest rates will fall further.
21. I've always had an interest in astronomy.
22. He showed a lively interest in politics.
23. Observers are predicting a fall in interest rates.
24. He lent me the money at 5 percent interest.
25. Don't let this interest of yours become an obsession.
26. They wooed customers by offering low interest rates.
27. The exhibition has stimulated interest in her work.
28. I've lost interest in my work.
29. Contrary to expectations, interest rates did not rise.
30. Interest rates have been fluctuating wildly.
31. I was perturbed by his lack of interest.
32. The interest on the money is exempt from tax.
33. The trip was cancelled through lack of interest.
34. At university she developed an interest in etymology.
35. It appears unlikely that interest rates will fall further.
36. I've always had an interest in astronomy.
37. He showed a lively interest in politics.
38. Observers are predicting a fall in interest rates.
39. He lent me the money at 5 percent interest.
40. Don't let this interest of yours become an obsession.
41. They wooed customers by offering low interest rates.
42. All the men eyed the beautiful girl with interest.
43. The exhibition has stimulated interest in her work.
44. The interest accrued to our account.
45. I've lost interest in my work.
46. Contrary to expectations, interest rates did not rise.
47. Interest rates have been fluctuating wildly.
48. There was a downturn in interest rates this week.
49. The central bank has put up interest rates.
50. A rise in the interest rates seems inevitable.
51. He took an avid interest in the project.
52. High interest rates make credit expensive.
53. Just out of interest(sentence dictionary), how much did it cost?
54. I have lost my interest in chemistry.
55. Her fellows share her interest in computers.
56. Matt's behavior was arousing the interest of the neighbors.
57. I want to interest you in our new project.
58. The rebels want another 1% cut in interest rates.
59. He shows a precocious interest in the opposite sex.
60. Her interest in him is purely sexual.
31. A rise in the interest rates seems inevitable.
32. He took an avid interest in the project.
33. Just out of interest, how much did it cost?
34. I have lost my interest in chemistry.
35. Matt's behavior was arousing the interest of the neighbors.
36. The rebels want another 1% cut in interest rates.
37. Her interest in him is purely sexual.
38. Lower interest rates pleased millions of mortgage payers.
39. The area is of special historic interest.
40. She pretended an interest she did not feel.
41. The Treasury has decided to raise interest rates as a pre-emptive measure against inflation.
42. The event has been postponed indefinitely due to lack of interest.
43. The administration has no vested interest in proving whether public schools were good or bad.
44. Her interest in politics began to overshadow her desire to be a poet.
45. Why would the closure of hospitals be in the public interest ?
46. The possibility of an interest rate cut is a major talking point in the City.
47. Can I interest you in our new range of kitchen fittings, madam?
48. You can choose either a fixed or floating interest rate for the loan.
49. A number of potential buyers have expressed interest in the company.
50. He's never shown an iota of interest in any kind of work.
51. There is no doubt that grades have improved and interest in education has revived.
52. His interest in the project declined after his wife died.
53. Interest will be refunded in the event of early repayment of the loan.
54. As a matter of interest, what time did the party finish?
55. A simple mathematical formula has been devised to allow you to calculate the interest due.
56. He has a vested interest in Mona leaving the firm.
57. The President has chosen to kick-start the economy by slashing interest rates.
58. The area has now been formally designated as a Site of Special Scientific Interest.
59. Sarah was becoming increasingly impatient at their lack of interest.
60. By that time I had lost interest in the idea.
61. A childhood journey sparked his lifelong interest in railways.
62. Building societies' investment accountsyield high interest.
63. Lower interest rates pleased millions of mortgage payers.
64. The area is of special historic interest.
65. She pretended an interest she did not feel.
66. The Treasury has decided to raise interest rates as a pre-emptive measure against inflation.
67. Advice to investors was based on the premise that interest rates would continue to fall.
68. The scheme offers seed corn finance with loans at only 4% interest.
69. The exhibitors at the trade fair passed out free samples to stimulate interest.
70. It's a bad lookout for the company if interest rates don't come down.
71. The event has been postponed indefinitely due to lack of interest.
72. The administration has no vested interest in proving whether public schools were good or bad.
73. Her interest in politics began to overshadow her desire to be a poet.
74. Why would the closure of hospitals be in the public interest ?
75. The possibility of an interest rate cut is a major talking point in the City.
76. Can I interest you in our new range of kitchen fittings(), madam?
77. You can choose either a fixed or floating interest rate for the loan.
78. A number of potential buyers have expressed interest in the company.
79. Many businesses cashed in on the massive public interest in her death.
80. I was quite deflated by her lack of interest in my suggestions.
81. He's never shown an iota of interest in any kind of work.
82. There is no doubt that grades have improved and interest in education has revived.
83. His interest in the project declined after his wife died.
84. Interest will be refunded in the event of early repayment of the loan.
85. As a matter of interest,(/interest.html) what time did the party finish?
86. A simple mathematical formula has been devised to allow you to calculate the interest due.
87. He has a vested interest in Mona leaving the firm.
88. The President has chosen to kick-start the economy by slashing interest rates.
89. The area has now been formally designated as a Site of Special Scientific Interest.
90. Sarah was becoming increasingly impatient at their lack of interest.
61. This return to realism has produced a revival of interest in a number of artists.
62. The rise in interest rates had a direct bearing on the company's profits.
63. The company is highly leveraged and struggling with interest payments.
64. He urged further interest rate cuts in a bid to kick-start the economy.
65. Interest in the project fizzled after the funding was withdrawn.
66. His specialization is too narrow to be of interest to more than a handful of students.
67. We have no interest in interfering in the internal affairs of other countries.
68. The Consumer Federation claims banks are ripping you off by not passing along savings on interest rates.
69. Food, like sex, is a subject of almost universal interest.
70. It's a subject which has aroused a lot of interest.
71. I watched with interest.
72. A gleam of interest in the matter came into her eye.
73. I owed £5,000 — part of this was accrued interest.
74. The aim of the cruise was to awaken an interest in and an understanding of foreign cultures.
75. Her visit caused no more than a ripple of interest.
76. Appreciation of works of art is bound to be dominated by a particular kind of interest.
77. The Town Council spent a lot of money to preserve the old castle and other places of historic interest.
78. While his interest in these sports began to wane, a passion for rugby developed.
79. Once we make the adjustments for inflation, the fall in interest rates is quite small.
80. Their money problems were further aggravated by a rise in interest rates.
81. Interest rates have stayed in single figures for over a year now.
82. We have to show that publishing this story is in the public interest .
83. What is/lies at the root of the problem is their lack of interest.
84. Hopes of an early cut in interest rates bolstered confidence.
85. Is this interest in health foods just a passing craze?
86. Since he owns the strip of land, Cook has a vested interest in the project being approved.
87. A rise in interest rates would severely retard economic growth.
88. The story will only be of marginal interest to our readers.
89. His instructor offered a more prosaic explanation for the surge in interest.
90. A gleam of interest came into his eyes.
91. By that time I had lost interest in the idea.
92. Now he's grown up he no longer takes any interest in his stamp collection: he's lost all interest in it.
93. Their failure to reply to our letter seems to imply a lack of interest.
94. This return to realism has produced a revival of interest in a number of artists.
95. The rise in interest rates had a direct bearing on the company's profits.
96. He looked indifferently upon subjects that did not interest him.
97. The company is highly leveraged and struggling with interest payments.
98. My interest is in the future because I am going to spend the rest of my life there.
99. He urged further interest rate cuts in a bid to kick-start the economy.
100. Interest in the project fizzled after the funding was withdrawn.
101. His specialization is too narrow to be of interest to more than a handful of students.
102. Something approaching a lynch mob has been gathering against the Chancellor for even daring to consider higher interest rates.
103. We have no interest in interfering in the internal affairs of other countries.
104. The Consumer Federation claims banks are ripping you off by not passing along savings on interest rates.
105. Food, like sex(), is a subject of almost universal interest.
106. The purchasing power of people living on investment income has fallen as interest rates have gone down.
107. It's a subject which has aroused a lot of interest.
108. A lot of companies will profit from the fall in interest rates.
109. A gleam of interest in the matter came into her eye.
110. I owed £5,000 — part of this was accrued interest.
111. Rising interest rates were an outward indication of the change in government attitude to economic controls.
112. The aim of the cruise was to awaken an interest in and an understanding of foreign cultures.
113. Her visit caused no more than a ripple of interest.
114. Appreciation of works of art is bound to be dominated by a particular kind of interest.
115. The Town Council spent a lot of money to preserve the old castle and other places of historic interest.
116. While his interest in these sports began to wane, a passion for rugby developed.
117. Once we make the adjustments for inflation, the fall in interest rates is quite small.
118. Their money problems were further aggravated by a rise in interest rates.
119. We have eliminated all statistical tables, which are of interest only to the specialist.
120. The police were starting to take a close interest in the company's activities.
91. She viewed his new interest in her with cynicism.
92. Interest in the sport is decreasing.
93. My interest in him chiefly centres in his quick mind.
94. Most readers are likely to lose interest when he descends into the realms of rhetorical terminology.
95. Sensing the interest of the audience, the speaker warmed to his topic.
96. You can take a gamble on getting a higher rate of interest by putting it into high - risk shares.
121. Interest rates have stayed in single figures for over a year now.
122. We have to show that publishing this story is in the public interest .
123. What is/lies at the root of the problem is their lack of interest.
124. Hopes of an early cut in interest rates bolstered confidence.
125. Laws stipulate the maximum interest rate that banks can charge.
126. Is this interest in health foods just a passing craze?
127. Since he owns the strip of land, Cook has a vested interest in the project being approved.
128. I sincerely feel a grateful interest in each return of this happy anniversary.Send you a birthday card and the accompanying gift is a token of my best wishes for your success and happiness.
129. A rise in interest rates would severely retard economic growth.
130. To interest my heart and soul in my work, and aspire to the highest efficiency in the achievement of results. To be patiently receptive of just criticism and profit from its teaching.
131. From his youth Nobel had taken a serious interest in literature and philosophy.
132. The story will only be of marginal interest to our readers.
133. His instructor offered a more prosaic explanation for the surge in interest.
134. This phenomenon piqued Dr Morris' interest.
135. We'vegot stable labor, decreasing interest rates, low oil prices.
136. What was it that sparked your interest in motoring?
137. I take no real interest in monumental sculpture.
137. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
138. Interest is payable on credit balances.
139. The prevalent view is that interest rates will fall.
140. A flicker of interest soon turned into the burning flames of desire.
141. First, interest rates may take longer to fall than is hoped. Second, in real terms, lending may fall. Third, bad loans could wipe out much of any improvement.
142. The party was pre-eminently the party of the landed interest.
143. He had retained a keen interest in the progress of the work.
144. Lowering interest rates could have disastrous consequences for the economy.
145. After the deduction of tax at 20 per cent, the interest rate will be 6.2 per cent.
146. It may interest you to know that Miss Woods, the housekeeper, witnessed the attack.
147. They suggested that she make a dignified exit in the interest of the party.
148. Hopes for an early cut in German interest rates lit the market's fuse early on.
149. The authorities have to manoeuvre the markets into demanding a cut in interest rates.
150. Mildred and I are very compatible. She's interested in the things that interest me.
151. His interest in writing came from a long correspondence with a close college friend.
152. Minebea ended up selling its controlling interest in both firms.
153. He sought to extract the maximum political advantage from the cut in interest rates.
154. Their failure to act is indicative of their lack of interest.
155. She worked indefatigably and enthusiastically to interest the young in music.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 3:38:12