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单词 Big bucks
1. We're talking big bucks here.
2. She'll be earning big bucks soon!
3. Her parents spent big bucks on her wedding.
4. Sports stars earn big bucks for pushing everything from shoes to soft drinks.
5. Want great graphics without spending big bucks on software?
6. Become a student and get paid the big bucks.
7. For instance, the network has shelled out big bucks to snare Bill Cosby for a new sitcom in the fall.
8. And there are big bucks to be had, from $ 350 for first place to $ 50 for third.
9. Either pay some one big bucks to do it for you, or learn what it takes and do it yourself.
10. Fans pay big bucks to watch them, and a $ 65 hockey ticket comes with a license to boo.
11. The big bucks have not changed her life much either, Brandt avers.
12. Meanwhile, the corporate-finance deals that had been generating big bucks for Wall Street's investment bankers were starting to dry up.
13. Brokers hope that corporations will spring for the big bucks necessary to secure one of these behemoths.
14. This means big bucks for someone.
15. Young people often spend big bucks on entertainment.
16. And forget paying big bucks for designer wear.
17. NFL players and movie stars make big bucks.
18. Hi - tech companies are making big bucks nowadays.
19. You want to earn big bucks without hard work? Not a chance!
20. Venture capitalists therefore pay big bucks for large networks,(http://) no matter how shallow.
21. He likes to show off by blowing big bucks on dinner.
22. Using celebrities in advertising is guaranteed to pull in big bucks.
23. Then he told the truth: He and the wife were giving a speech for big bucks in California.
24. The industry also has become more cautious about spending big bucks to explore for oil and gas.
25. At the same time, employees see their CEOs raking in the big bucks.
26. The pair are said to dislike each other intensely - only the lure of the big bucks they make keeps them together.
27. And it provides lists of San Francisco Bay area residents who have handed big bucks to candidates.
28. Maybe it's the nations healthy suspicion of flash gestures and big bucks.
29. Most of the Hong Kong upper crust may have lost big bucks in this folly.
30. Even in the bearish market decline, Soros also give a short selling skills after the big bucks.
1. We're talking big bucks here.
31. Jim: Andrew again. He's got expensive taste. Thank god he brings in the big bucks.
32. Moline gave a great example. (Not) I have 3 relative that live in China, they are all Americans, but chose to live there because they are making the big bucks.
33. She gets paid big bucks to worry about stuff like that.
34. "Web specials" can save you big bucks if you have a flexible schedule.
35. What big bucks ? Think of your home as a stock fund with an exorbitant expense ratio.
36. Here's how one GRS reader uses haggling to save big bucks.
37. He had access to an Arab prince to come up with the big bucks.
38. My life was in good shape, then I went for the big bucks and ruined everything.




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更新时间:2024/7/9 7:44:24