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单词 And such
1 It's morbid to dwell on cemeteries and such like.
2 A victory for Brazil had been predicted and such indeed was the result.
3 As it happens to thee in the amphitheatre and such places, that the continual sight of the same things and the uniformity make the spectacle wearisome, so it is in the whole of life; for all things above, below, are the same and from the same.
4 If they tell you to arrive at such and such a time, just get there a couple of minutes early.
5 The ladies took only tea and coffee and such drinks.
6 The centre offers activities like canoeing and sailing and such.
7 They will ask you to come on such and such a day, at such and such a time.
8 Family therapy, difficult kids and such.
9 Arable land was such and such a percent.
10 The top was piled with pulp magazines and such.
11 Such a big strong bloke, and such a softie.
12 Taking charge of a child, and such a one?
13 Veggie burgers are made from herbs and such.
14 Such are the mysteries and such is the music which made Detroit techno the most innovative musical event of the last decade.
15 If such individuals and such imaginary conversations could provide Mrs Clinton with guidance,() she had every right to seek them out.
16 With such singers, such music and such a story, Mr Alden's approach seemed nevertheless too fanciful by half.
17 And such imploding partnerships can ruin all chances for success for both the people involved.
18 Such a thin strange quavering noise, and such a tense awkward atmosphere had built up.
19 Rivers also flood, and such floods are sometimes very costly in terms of loss of life and destruction of property.
20 No limits are in force and such students simply join the others already on the modules of their choice.
21 I said, 'Well what time'll I get to Leeds?' and he said such and such a time but I missed my connection.
22 They believe that the government does not spend enough money on health, education, and such like.
23 There's a big sports hall for tennis and badminton and such like.
24 It won't be anything special - just a few cakes and sandwiches and such.
25 I had never been spontaneously approached by a publisher and such condescension rather turned my head.
26 The Attorney-General has to consent to any prosecution under the Act and such cases have been fairly infrequent.
27 In other words, I can precisely measure this surface by looking down at it using laser scanners and such.
28 It exhorts the motorist to keep his car in good shape by regular maintenance and such.
29 It needed so many tents, so many shoes, so many uniforms, such and such supplies and equipments, etc.
30 There is obvious merit in good insulation, using only the most efficient kitchen appliances, heating systems and such.
1 I had never been spontaneously approached by a publisher and such condescension rather turned my head.
31 But the new law failed to change normal practice, and such cases remained rare.
32 And such circumstances of course, are not helped by low income and poor, overcrowded housing.
33 There are lots of stories about him and people still sing songs about him - folk songs and such.
34 But employment in the building trade is notoriously irregular, and such artisans alternate self-employment with wage-paid work on the building sites.
35 We are obliged to disclose the name of our client and such other relevant details concerning his business.
36 I'd love to know what his income is. He has so many new clothes and such an expensive car.
37 One could anticipate far more poisons being put down, and such activities must have a detrimental effect on the environment.
38 He was such a loyal, staunch and tender-hearted friend of my family, and such an outgoing man.
39 The graphics look extremely good with 256 colours and such large moving images.
40 The presence of significant amounts of haemoglobin F has a protective effect against sickling and such individuals express relatively mild disease.
41 I suspect that our generation, with so few and such honourable exceptions, knows less than theirs did.
42 It is sponsored by the old-line Protestant denominations, the eminently reasonable Congregationalists and Presbyterians and such.
43 We have waited so long for him to be born, and such fine promises rest on his shoulders.
44 He had deceived her utterly from start to finish, and such calculated deceit was a downright insult!
45 And such explanations only contributed to the existing capitalist social order.
46 Prices, however, reflected these origins and such goods were beyond the reach of average income earners.
47 My name's John James, your name is such and such.
48 She wants to make her own flavored olive oil with garlic to use for cooking, salad dressings and such.
49 The company needs to be sensitive to local preferences and tastes, and such things as company logos should incorporate local preferences.
50 The clergy are seen as above criticism in their religious statements, and such criticism can cause considerable distress to many people.
51 Typical thoughts for feelings of worry are: Wouldn't it be terrible if such and such happened?
52 This means they can move straight through woods and debris and such like.
53 And such fathers are more likely to support the opportunity for their wives to succeed in the workplace.
54 And such conditions, as noted previously, are an ideal medium for the cultivation of skewed or corrosive organizational beliefs.
55 Neither the federal copyright law nor guidelines mentioned above apply to copying computer software, and such copying is not fair use.
56 Not the real thing, of course, but rather a pandemic of stories about anarchists and conspiracies and such.
57 It comes complete with the links to download the software that needed for video phone calls and such like.
58 There was a war on and such emotional family matters were really of no account.
59 So may demonstrations, mass boycotts of elections and such like political activities.
60 It was hard to believe that something the size of an acorn had released such copious liquid and such a stench.
61 Wisdom consists in putting some distance between the soul and such destruction.
62 The main criticism seems to be that he wanted to change things, forms of service and such like.
63 This other party passes on the notes and such to the folks with the cash.
64 Recently my grandfather died - it was sudden and such a shock after my grandmother's death.
65 And such a short time ago, a few centuries, less than a dozen lives at three score years and ten.
66 Each had its own little store for beer and sodas and such things.
67 And such ways of life still continue, the dark underside of surface prosperity.
68 He says, I got ta friend of mine in such and such a room and his name is Jack Legs Dime.
69 Your profession is not what brings home your weekly paycheck, your profession is what you're put here on earth to do, with such passion and such intensity that it becomes spiritual in calling. Vincent van Gogh 
70 I can picture it now, a fine velvet cord and such bonny colours.
71 And such a world will have to get used to the social and political instability which these crises leave in their wake.
72 Local authorities could be brought into that and such an amnesty would need Home Office funding and improved publicity.
73 The result: plenty of fresh produce for the kitchen and such delights as crab apple and quince jellies and pickled walnuts.
74 I longed for a bar of chocolate, but this was wartime, and such luxuries were not available.
75 For her, the acceptable role for women has yet to be defined, and such a definition denies women's complexity.
76 And such habits of mind survive the passage of time.
77 Local government depends upon central government for much of its finance and such dependency will limit the scope of local government work.
78 And such changes mark a decisive shift away from local democracy.
79 You feed them swill and such stuff?
80 In such and such a place, he answered.
81 The literature of a young and free people will of course be declamatory, and such, so far as it is yet developed, is the character of its own.
82 All worship creates a form of arrogance in those whom are worshipped, and such arrogance causes the dance of self-mastery to cease!
83 By the feedback test of computer system,(http:///and such.html) the deviation has been verified and such optimum operational program that could control the minimum operation c...
84 You must also be careful check the terms of your loan for penalties, mortgage insurance requirement, payment schedule and such clauses.
85 Most people get caught in "when" thinking -- "When Iget such and such, then I'll be happy."
86 If the answer is you're waiting for such and such to happen, now is the time to stop waiting and take action.
87 Forms the sharp contrast with this is the State Theater and such the luxurious project and the jerry-built projects.
88 TCL has now mastered some advanced technologies, including the production of ISDN digital telephone sets, HIDs (Household Information Displays) and such solid-state polymers as lithium batteries.
89 What if I were to try such and such a thing?
90 This can save time for the users then they are creating new tasks from scratch (if they need to manually add projects or related request, and such).
91 Polydicyclopentadiene (PDCPD) is a novel engineering material synthesized by reaction injection molding (RIM) method and such reaction mechanism is ring-opening metathesis polymerization.
92 It would seem that socialists, however self-complacent, could not avoid seeing this monstrous legal plunder that results from such systems and such efforts.
93 That means, changes in earnings and other data had typically been extracted onto paper and such document faxed or mailed to Storebrand ASA for manual input.
94 The roads are bad, and such being the case, we must drive slowly.
95 I then print X's now such and such, initializing dot, dot, dot.
96 The brickmaking , smelting, china, filature , weaving and such handiworks had appeared early in the Ming Period.
97 Non-physical harm is generated through electricity that often runs through humans at low initiatory levels, and such energy mutilates the field of another.
98 Such and such a phrase produces upon you the effect of the shoulder of a thief branded with the fleur-de-lys, which has suddenly been laid bare.
99 This demonstrates COSCO's ability to embrace and digest new information, and such openness and learning ability are essential to the sustainable development of transnational enterprises.
100 And such a democracy should be based on a full - fledged legal system.
101 The same one word may have more than one meaning. This is what we call polysemy , and such a word is called a polysemic word.
102 There are not only illite, but also asphalt, microcrystalline quartz, dolomite, calcite, anorthite, gypsum, and such as potential damage materials.
103 The results show that HIP ferrites have an improved mechanical properties and such ferrites are very good magnetic head materials for high density recording.
104 "We want to tell them don't urinate in public, don't spit, keep your houses and shops clean, keep public transport safe and such things," Delhi tourism chief Rina Ray told the Hindustan Times Friday.
105 And such as the pale yellow Y , Wei Xiang, it is reinforced.
106 Up to the present, we have not be so close to world pulse's jumpiness and such deep feel the global competition and various culture.
107 However, its ethyl caproate content decreased in shelf period and such decrease had no correlations with liquor alcoholicity.
108 Among such friends, however, and such flattery, he did revive.
109 I could say such and such a film or something, but I can also say that it has been to overcome situations that would make me unhappy.
110 Too amazing, this is the first time I see your image through the paper-cut forms, and such like!
111 And such a democracy should be a full - fledged legal system.
112 When the deformation method was used for concrete stress calculation, it was assumed that the stress increased suddenly at each stage, and such an assumption led to certain errors.
113 Now, Puss, tell me true,(http:///and such.html) do you understand his folderol about books and poetry and music and oil paintings and such foolishness?
114 The properties of the hybrid, such as greater vigor and adaptability, are retained in the allopolyploid in subsequent generations and such organisms are often highly successful.
115 " Only sheriffs and bishops and rich people and kings, and such like.
116 He tries to convince me such and such is true.
117 Come now, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit" — yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring.
118 And such an inhibition might necessitate de novo protein synthesis.
119 Suitable for the packing of biscuit, bread, moon cake, candy, medicine, ordinary paper boxes or salver and such kinds of solid regulated materials.
120 Customers can log on to CarSpace and say, I just test drove such and such car, who else did and what did you think?
121 Since each music has its matched "Sound Perception Logic" and such perceptual ability, accompanying the creation and appreciation of music as a kind of "intention", plays a dominant role.
122 Major products: all kinds of bases , supporters, sling wheel , swing yardstick , and such indication lock.
123 Sorry we couldn't be more specific on the details and such, but trust us, the blinder you are going into this, the happier you'll be in the long run.
124 To digest the rationalism further and return to the classical political philosophy are the two main shake-off strategies, and such a manner is taken by contemporary western thinkers.
125 A merry road, a mazy road, and such as we did tread.
126 Major products: all kinds of bases, supporters, sling wheel, swing yardstick, and such partition hardware as indication lock.
127 All costs incurred by the Company as a result of the failure to take delivery shall be deemed as freight earned, and such costs shall, upon demand, be paid by the Customer.
128 For a place with such a grand history (home of William Gladstone, the Beatles and colossal merchant wealth during Britain's imperial period), and such a strong sense of identity, it is frustrating.
129 Such is the power of a single prayer in desperation - and such is the benediction moon of Krsna's causeless mercy.
130 1UP: Well, as the market exists now with the third-party demos and such, maybe using the DSi Shop as another delivery service...
131 Linda Or we say, "Linda, hey, conjugate such and such a verb in French."
132 O. k. , my dad's a custom contractor and does big houses around the galleria and such and custom ranch houses.
133 Linear fuzzy error correcting code is discussed and such basic properties of linear fuzzy error correcting code as generator matrix, dual code and so on are studied.
134 And such parallel sanctions bite more quickly than those negotiated tortuously among the six.
135 This converter deals with grouping (such as commas), number of decimal digits, currency symbols, and such.
136 I've tried to eliminate some of those really awful outfits out of my closet — the stuff with unmendable wholes and such.
137 Static languages still dominate the overwhelming majority of language use (source: Tiobe) and such languages depend on code generation techniques for programmer productivity.
138 They agreed to meet at such and such an hour.
139 Serjeant said I was too young, that I'd only waste it all on whores and such.
140 This equipment has the function of the ultrasonic cleaning, spray, the wind shearing water, drying, with net belt continuous transmission, and such the functions.
141 And such artists as Max Weber and Georgia O'Keeffe painted in styles that seemed to come more from their own imagination than from reality.
142 This well - contacted to and also well - cooperated with judicature , industry , commerce, bank, media and such departments.
143 "Romans" were used to write popular stories involving chivalric or courtly love,(/and such.html) and such tales became known as romances.
144 She was the author of'sweetheart, " and such she was .
145 The black thing on the shaft is a stick-on rubber foot with a hole poked through it, of the kind you put on the bottom of electronic project boxes and such.
146 The curtain, over which she had presided with such talent and such success, went off with her to her cottage, where she happened to be particularly in want of green baize.
147 The purveyance of digital information is by ESD or downloading through internet network and such way is increasingly acceptable to the most consumers.
148 If you're trying to buy vibrators , blow-up dollars, hot oils and such, make sure your Security settings can support it.
149 In Chinese, a sentence can be embedded in a noun phrase to modify its head noun and such a process is called relativization. Relativization usually results in relative clauses or adjectival clauses.
150 The constitution of crime, the classification of the crime, the suspended state of crime and such issues, are unavoidably to involve the theory of perilous crimes.
151 The Commission recognizes that manufacturers do not necessarily control where a product will be placed in a retail establishment and such lack of control will be considered.
152 NRC If you get into trouble the NRC can issue what is called a Confirmatory Action Letter which basically says you must do this by such and such a time or you'll be shutdown.
153 We can see if you are spiritually evolved, and such souls emanate such a powerful Light.
154 And such error can not the calculation method ameliorated the truncation technology of boundaries was employed.
155 The therapist says reassuringly that it is a natural to have such curiosity and such wishes.
156 When one invokes "I intend such and such", one directs the nonphysical soul, oversoul and source associated with one's life dance to take action to manifest the request made or intention voiced.
157 So we are continuously testing their behaviour, making them smart enough to defeat the unaware player but also believably "human", making mistakes sometimes and such.
158 If you emphasize the word my enough, nobody can do much of anything for me and still have it be my such and such.
159 The actual meaning of the digital signature should be understood as: "a person who claims to have such and such e-mail address certified this file, and it hasn't changed since then."
160 Of course, the rich, hard-to-get-into schools would have to take the lead: Amherst, Yale, Stanford, and such should set a new standard of seriousness about learning.
161 It is compounded by the necessities of organization structure and such other factors as personality considerations.
162 Sucrose synthase activity of EP-6 fruit was higher than that of ZR-2 and such difference might be one of main reason resulting in cucumber parthenocarpy.
163 The research results of this paper have important application values in intelligent transportation, environment detection, ecological protection, nature disaster forewarn and such kind of areas.
164 In the Wei-jin dynasties, because of ideological trend, political and social environment, creation pattern, and such, four-character verse throve further with its potential exploding.
165 There was novelty in the scheme; and as, with such a mother and such uncompanionable sisters, home could not be faultless, a little change was not unwelcome for its own sake.
166 Qin Hui : It's a travesty that people are still being penalized for their words and such.
167 Indeed, one occasionally reads in the newspaper about this sort of thing where you can get tested for such and such a disease.
168 Relating to these increases, the market is saying the investment amount, $400,000 currently, would also be increased to such and such in correspondence to the net worth threshold increases.
169 BP managers say they frequently hear that 'Potus has ordered' such and such, 'Potus' being Washington shorthand for 'president of the United States.'
170 The cracking of alloy with very low stress-corrosion resistance, welded and stored in open air for a long time, is caused by the welded stress and such a fracture is a typical intergranular fracture.
171 The famous local brands are " parasitized " by fake goods and such cases infringed often take place, which make the local brands' reputation down and the invisible assets lost.
172 By the feedback test of computer system, the deviation has been verified and such optimum operational program that could control the minimum operation cost has been set up.
173 For example, "what does it cost me to run such and such at that computing site?"
174 This is the usual justification for antitrust laws and such regulatory agencies as the Interstate Commerce Commission and the Civil Aeronautics Board.
175 Masterly I call it, and such it must appear to any dispassionate thinker.
176 And such a prophecy would not have been an altogether vain one.
177 String theory or one of its cousins might allow the calculation of all inputs—not only the electron mass and such quantities but also the existence of spacetime and the rules of quantum theory.
178 The modification was nearly negligible in which the full adder cells are substituted by cells termed modified full adder and such design has not any additional critical paths inside the adders.
179 Television has featured many great entertainers and such brilliant singers as Renata Tebaldi and Leontyne Price.




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