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单词 Chain letter
(1) We received a frightening chain letter yesterday.
(2) Some consider the chain letter itself to be the "virus"that wastes Internet bandwidth and the reader time.
(3) Hint: look at any chain letter that has circulated the Internet, those all have headlines that bring about either curiosity, fear, promises of great benefit.
(4) The forwarder : sends on every idiotic chain letter and joke they receive, apparently without exercising their judgement.
(5) Every speculative bubble resembles a chain letter in that profit are provided by late entrants to the market.
(6) Every speculative bubble resembles a chain letter in that profits are provided by late entrants to the market.
(7) "The Taliban has since been removed from power, " says BreaktheChain[sentencedict .com], an anti-junk-mail site. "Too bad this chain letter can't similarly be 'removed.'
(8) Thousands have downloaded appeal posters and forwarded an email chain letter started by Madeleine's family.
(9) Perhaps that's why so many people think that an electronic version of a chain letter will help them tap into his bank account.
(10) In some ways it 's just a mimic of an old-school snail mail chain letter .
(11) Most recently, Mitch Richmond helped produce the horror flick, Chain Letter.




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