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单词 Occupier
(1) Are you an owner - occupier or a tenant?
(2) The letter was addressed to the occupier of the house.
(3) Would a reasonable occupier have drawn the inference that there was a danger and that the presence of the trespasser was likely.
(4) The document has to be signed by the occupier of every household.
(5) An occupier of residential accommodation at a rent for a term is either a lodger or a tenant.
(6) Once the relationship of occupier and trespasser is established, there is not automatically a duty.
(7) The occupier of the premises owes a common duty of care to all lawful visitors to the premises.
(8) The occupier of the next seat move upon your armrest the moment your vigilance flags.
(9) There was no mail except the usual junk addressed to the occupier.
(10) A lawful visitor is a person who has the permission of the occupier to enter the premises.
(11) The mere fact that a warning has been given will not be sufficient to absolve the occupier.
(12) This is an objective test which does not depend upon either the skill or the resources of the particular occupier.
(13) The types of annoyance to the quiet enjoyment of an occupier are infinite.
(14) If a person was injured by broken glass left there, the relevant occupier would be the local authority.
(15) This enables the landlord to seek forfeiture against any occupier of the leased premises.
(16) If the test is objective, then it is based on the beliefs of the reasonable occupier.
(17) The would-be objector must be either an owner or an occupier of heritable property.
(18) The area will face a herculean task if it is to find a new occupier for that factory.
(19) This is the so-called Action Level beyond which the occupier is advised to reduce the radon level.
(20) An estate in land is not necessary in order to be an occupier and neither is physical possession.
(21) "The Only Solution Is Jihad Against the Invaders," says one. "Mullah Omar Is a Dagger Raised to Strike Each Occupier," says another.
(22) Korea had been divided at the 38th parallel following the defeat of its occupier Japan in the second world war; the Soviet Union administered the North and the United States the South.
(23) For new buildings, construction company or the building owner or the building occupier?
(24) It is a matter of private arrangement between the Candidate and the owner or occupier.




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