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单词 Volitional
1. Developed intelligence an wisdom among them, reflected tough volitional quality, reflected great patriotism mind.
2. The suicide is by him insurant volitional place decides, is not cause by ab extra element.
3. The image consists in our rational, volitional, affective faculties, and in our bodies.
4. Chinese herbs combined by volitional movement could make the patients remove urinary calculus more quickly.
5. When cannot be avoided, want to use volitional power, prescind, change attention to other thing or other interest.
6. The Buddha explains nirvana as "the unconditioned" (asankhata) mind, a mind that has come to a point of perfect lucidity and clarity due to the cessation of the production of volitional formations.
7. The fourth aggregate is the sankhara - khandha , the aggregate of volitional formations.
8. The endurance of setbacks is a standard mat can evaluate the volitional character of a person.
9. After revision, the evaluation results showed that the Cognitive - affective volitional Model could effectively explain the data.




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