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单词 Needless
1. But his death was so needless.
2. Banning smoking would save needless deaths.
3. All this, needless to say, had been culled second-hand from radio reports.
4. It is needless to add that you are in want of a second.
5. Needless to say, any contributions of money will be gratefully received.
6. Needless to say, theory and practice sometimes diverged.
7. Needless to say, I survived.
8. Your joke spared her needless embarrassment.
9. The problem, needless to say, is the cost involved.
10. Needless to say, he kept his promise.
11. "I have never knowingly exposed any patient to needless risks," he said.
12. Charles hates needless waste.
13. Needless to say, the students who had studied mathematics before did better in the statistics exam.
14. All that needless worrying over what I'd say to him at the party, and he wasn't even there!
15. Needless to say, he'll be off work for a while.
16. We need to bring to an end these needless deaths.
17. The report caused needless anxiety to women who have attended the clinic.
18. Take care to avoid needless misunderstandings.
19. It was needless to say a team effort.
20. Needless to say, the top subsequently shoots off.
21. Needless to say, it sometimes confuses the diagnosis.
22. Their deaths are needless and preventable.
23. Needless to say, we're on a very tight budget.
24. Needless to say I was staggered at this result.
25. Basil, needless to say, has found the butter.
26. The whole thing, needless to say, is demoralizing.
26. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
27. There was no bathroom, needless to say.
28. All of these, needless to say, without cream.
29. He got home from the party the next morning. Needless to say, his parents were furious.
30. Our budgie got out of its cage while our cat was in the room. Needless to say, the cat moved quicker than me and caught it.
1. But his death was so needless.
2. Banning smoking would save needless deaths.
3. All this, needless to say, had been culled second-hand from radio reports.
4. It is needless to add that you are in want of a second.
5. Needless to say, any contributions of money will be gratefully received.
31. With your help we can end this needless tragedy.
32. Needless to say, some did survive and prosper.
33. Citric comes from citrus fruits, needless to say.
34. Needless to say, this is nonsense.
35. Needless to say, it was a winning combination.
36. All those years of scrimping may have been needless.
37. Needless to say, she was not in the chorus as she had legs like inverted beer bottles.
38. Needless to say, swing has been enjoying a rebirth lately, with ordinary folk getting into the craze.
39. Needless to say you can link directly to the vendor's Web site from the listings.
40. A pied-piper's trail of opportunity discarded, needless abasement endured, and a grievous ransom paid in blood and treasure.
41. Any good ante-bellum history will detail the stupidities that led to this utterly needless conflagration.
42. There is, needless to say, some bitterness and disappointment that no system emerged after considerable expenditure.
43. Needless to say, cigarette vending machines in the United States dispense packs of 20.
44. Why take needless risks?
45. Needless to say, the band was run on cooperative lines with no one in particular leading.
46. They suggest avoiding the roll-on may resolve the problem and save thousands of needless biopsies each year.
47. Needless loss of life resulted from a policy that emphasized backing away from provocation and discouraging self-defense.
48. Needless to say, no lunch for him, as he retreated amidst hoots and laughter, carrying the offending object.
49. We hear so much talk about cost effectiveness yet every time the management structure changes, resources are wasted on needless things.
50. Needless to say, nothing was officially published on modernism in those years, apart from paranoid diatribes in the press.
51. Needless to say, frequent arguments broke out as to whose turn it was to ride or pull.
52. Needless to say, this system by no means produced the religious liberty for which people had originally fought.
53. Needless to say it has so far proved difficult to find any sacrificial lambs among the building trade.
54. Needless to say, this is not going to be the last word in the debate between the constructivists and the nativists.
55. I strongly disapprove of needless bloodshed, be the blood flowing from human veins or otherwise.
56. Needless to say, there are many possible ways of turning this rule into practice.
56. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
57. Needless to say, I wasn't asked for a repeat performance!
58. Needless to say, all that was left was a blank paper where all his hard work had been.
59. Needless to say, we received a final test score of 100 percent as well as a pat on the back.
60. Needless to say Kyle would push his hand away or quickly grab the train back and put it back where it belonged.
61. The black polish, needless to say, was still in the bag.
62. Needless to say the ref blew the whistle exactly on time.
63. And needless to say, in the tiny teahouse I was myself the proverbial bull in the china shop.
64. Needless to say, virtually all debtor governments are counting on continued negotiations with their creditors to alleviate their debt burdens.
65. Needless to say, the use of offshore centres is never far from being a controversial matter.
66. Needless to say, Hollywood doesn't give away presents without asking for something in return.
67. Needless to say, entire platoons of soldiers set up camp at his tomb before battle.
68. "I am very saddened by this needless loss of life,'' the president said at a news conference Tuesday.
69. And speaking of needless repeats, do you think this owner is trying to make a point?
70. Janice, needless to say, was quite unaware of her presence.
71. Needless to say, Jane slept badly: all her past life rose before her and condemned her present feelings.
72. Needless to say I have not been asked to endorse anything.
73. Needless to say, those who lived in the inner cities had a high index of deprivation.
74. Needless to say, Lleland became enraged at the idea and told me to mind my own business.
75. Needless to say, this discrepancy served to boost my sense of superiority.
76. Needless to say, there is a continuous and lively debate about whose model is the best.
77. This is needless and removes stones and rocks from their natural location and further damages the environment.
78. Needless to say, it shows that oil is a bargain, though perhaps less thirst quenching.
79. Needless to say, I went home and apologised for being late.
80. Rather than giving in and losing face, she carried on her needless quarrel with her father.
81. Needless to say, it is still a fervent catch-cry in the Boston schools.
82. Needless to say, the rising of the sun was a welcome sight.
83. Jaq similarly drew the line at wine, which could fuddle the senses and put a person in needless peril.
84. Needless to say, they usually undervalue the property and never inspect it thoroughly.
85. Needless to say, the dish is rarely presented in its original form.
86. Needless to say, I learned about getting things done, the hard way.
87. He accused the local council of allowing a needless tragedy, through a policy of not fitting smoke detectors to council houses.
88. Musical value, needless to say, usually ends up being the last thing these folks consider.
89. It seems almost needless to say nowadays that exposition repeats are faithfully observed.
90. This policy is inflicting needless pain on thousands of American families.
91. Needless to say, the result is an extremely grateful patient.
92. The armed robber, needless to say, did not stay around to be sued.
93. Needless to say, most sociologists are reluctant to relax into this supine position - and with good reason.
94. Needless to say, the material failure has had its political dimension.
95. Needless to say though she left the studio offering no apologies, no thanks, no farewells.
96. Needless to say, he fails, and she is condemned to be executed.
97. But, needless to say, things can get a little crazy in the 24-hour news biz.
98. Needless to say, the lesions on the skin in the recurrent phase are still infectious.
99. As a nation, we are right to finally confront the stark reality of needless suffering among the dying.
100. Jack and I felt that sparing our parents needless anxiety was an important step in becoming adults.
101. Needless to say, additional funding to set up these units is often slow to materialise.
102. Needless to say, starting that particular sewer again is very time-consuming, and the whole thing's against the clock!
103. Needless to say, all such anecdotes and surveys are fallible.
104. More importantly, the report caused needless anxiety to all the women who have attended the centre.
105. Needless to say, it was a very scary time for me.
106. Needless to say, the research literature is full of argument and counter-argument about the explanations of agreed associations between factors.
107. This kind of banter, needless to say, is not acceptable flirting behavior.
108. Needless to say, this causes duck producers much concern and limits the potential enjoyment of this marvelous bird.
109. Needless to say such a constraint does not apply with electric locomotives.
110. Needless to say, I never wore the hat and it eventually went into one of my charity bags.
111. On our wish-list, needless to say, we would name only serious writers, rather than hacks or functionaries.
112. Needless to say, it will tend to be the highest calibre individuals who choose another career.
113. Needless to say, this is not to the exclusion of men but in co-operation with them.
114. Needless to say, the police were already familiar with the thief and absolutely delighted upon the production of such unambiguous evidence.
115. Many officials believed that these disturbances were prompted by needless interference with traditional society.
116. Needless to say, learning without thinking is useless.
117. Use the active voice and omit needless words.
118. Last night we all had a needless scare. ".
119. Needless to say, he never came again.
120. Needless to say, I agree.
121. Never a needless jar was made.
122. Needless to say, I agree with you.
123. It is needless to sweep a clean floor.
124. Needless to say, we rejected the Soviet definition.
125. The result can be a lot of needless prevarication.
126. He crossed off the needless words in his composition.
127. It was a needless endeavour.
128. You cannot even being yourself, needless to indoctrinate others.
129. Prevent oily recipe brand-newly, prevent skin excretive grease and opaque particle to condense, avoid needless awkwardness .
130. Contested Guardianship proceedings will result in your Estate incurring needless expense.
131. If one is enough, a second although useful is needless.
132. It's in that context, needless to say, that I'd like to take a look at these two interesting passages on the sheet that has Anton Chekhov on one side and Henry James on the other.
133. Needless to say, navigation safety of marine train ferry represents the main focus of the development.
134. Needless to say, since it's a sacred scripture, the meaning of it is important to you.
135. Contemporary in decorating, contracted creed the brief, slam the door with pursuit bedroom space is needless " buckish " and be popular.
136. " Needless to say, you'll be the lucky one,'said the voice of Ming - feng , with a giggle.
137. Needless to say(), his executors didn't adhere to the 500-year diktat and the American public continue to adore him regardless.
138. Needless to say monetary union was a significant surrender of monetary sovereignty.
139. Needless to say, Chinese prose is all consisted by Hanzi.
140. Needless to say, the landowner was bitterly distressed about this behaviour.
141. DSLs tend to create more compact code, boiling away needless verbose syntax.
142. To avoid neatless needless treatment, scientist scientists have developed a blood test.
143. Needless to say the performance was lacking so with the G4 I began making custom built intake manifolds.
144. Needless to say, we shall refund any expenses you may incur.
145. Needless to say the Golden there're company is zillionaire Smith company because of the popularity of potato chips and profit from it.
146. The only thing he could regret was his needless dread.
147. Needless to say perspiring ,[] we are not afraid of shedding blood or sacrificing ourselves.
148. That tactic, needless to say, leads to endless acrimony at the IWC's meetings.
149. "Certain environmental cues can trigger your reflexive brain into needless panic, while others can prime you for creative thinking or calm reflection, " Achor notes.
150. Needless to say, the delay in delivery has put us to great inconvenience.
151. Those in the West who rightly praise Mr Kagame for his achievements in development must also loudly lambast him for his loathsome and needless tendency to intolerance.
152. Needless to say, it was a grand opening befitting an equally grand occasion.
153. By purism is to be understood a needless and irritating insistence on purity or correctness of speech(H. W.
154. Butcapitalism is incapable of inventinga future which does not ritually reproduce its present. With, needless to say, more options .. .
155. Needless to say, you have to see a podiatrist if you experience consistent pain in your feet.
156. So much needless repetition makes the article long - winded.
157. Be careful in defining terms , avoiding needless use of inflammatory words.




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