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单词 It is estimated that
1. It is estimated that every year 50 unaccompanied children arrive in Britain.
2. It is estimated that the company will last 10 years based on the current burn rate.
3. It is estimated that four million viewers watched the programme.
4. It is estimated that 5,000 bank staff could be lining their own pockets from customer accounts.
5. It is estimated that 60,000 shops open every Sunday and trade by exploiting some loophole in the law to avoid prosecution.
6. It is estimated that over half the legal executives working in solicitors' practices hold no formal qualification in law at all.
7. It is estimated that about a third of these accidents result from damaged pavements.
8. It is estimated that as many as half the young men in the community are habitual drug users.
9. According to the first figures available, it is estimated that the national bank's exchange reserves equal a month's imports.
10. It is estimated that this will cost 10 times as much as the original research.
11. It is estimated that its completion alone will increase lorry traffic across frontiers by between 30 and 50 percent.
12. It is estimated that 40 percent of Zulus support chief Mangosuthu Buthelezi.
13. It is estimated that approximately 17 percent of the labor force works less than thirty hours a week.
14. It is estimated that the IRS miscalculates interest charges 25% of the time.
15. It is estimated that lead reaches toxic levels in the blood of 17 percent of urban children under school age.
16. It is estimated that keg beer is twice as profitable as cask beer,[/it is estimated that.html] lager four times as profitable.
17. During this period, it is estimated that half a million people were slaughtered in the communal violence that flooded the country.
18. It is estimated that only 20 percent of cases of sexually transmitted disease are seen in the specialist clinics.
19. It is estimated that as many as 13,000 have died and 270,000 are victims of the syndrome.
20. It is estimated that three-quarters of the region's population eat pies regularly both at home and outside. 3.
21. It is estimated that over thirty million people are now infected with the virus.
22. At the St Pierre Park it is estimated that the oven system will have paid for itself inside 18 months.
23. It is estimated that this element would bring the total to over 20,000.
24. It is estimated that there are 6.5 to 8.5 million pavement accidents perannum, many more than road accidents.
25. It is estimated that over 30 species have become extinct while waiting for a listing.
26. It is estimated that this August, a third of all new L registration cars will be bought by women.
27. It is estimated that one heavy rainstorm could bring disaster.
28. Even with the present trade restrictions it is estimated that we spend more than £350 million on liquor abroad every year.
29. It is estimated that every chlorine molecule has the ability to destroy 100,000 ozone molecules.
30. If that rate of increase continues it is estimated that methyl bromide could account for one-sixth of ozone loss by 2000.
1. It is estimated that every year 50 unaccompanied children arrive in Britain.
31. It is estimated that for every cigarette you smoke you shorten your life span by five minutes.
32. It is estimated that 10 to 30 percent of adults snore and have no serious medical consequences as a result.
33. It is estimated that every thirty minutes a major network links into the Internet.
34. It is estimated that the 150 men could produce 10,000 tons of coal a week.
35. It is estimated that processing an electronic transaction costs six times less than the cost of processing a check.
36. It is estimated that world cereal production, which totalled billion tonnes in 1990, will top 3.25 billion tonnes by 2060.
37. It is estimated that 10 % of offenders accumulate at least half of all serious convictions.
38. At the height of his fame, it is estimated that 500 million people watched his show.
39. It is estimated that in 1986 the money flowed in at the rate of about half a million dollars a day.
40. In my local authority it is estimated that only 9 percent. of overall income will be raised by the council tax.sentence dictionary
41. In 1991 it is estimated that the young elderly represent 56% of all elderly persons, and further proportionate falls are anticipated.
42. It is estimated that approximately 500,000 adults in Great Britain suffer from agoraphobia to some extent.
43. It is estimated that for each defense job lost, nearly one additional job disappears.
44. After break-even analysis and sensitivity analysis, it is estimated that method will bring great economy profit.
45. It is estimated that the person would like to sign a private ideograph on this money. Then this banknote will always belong to him as a matter of course.
46. As the trench coat, then the world's most durable weather coat, was popularised, it is estimated that between 1914 and 1918, 500,000 military trench coats were worn by combatant officers.
47. It is estimated that 1 in 10,000 adults taking PTU develop PTU-related acute liver failure, which may occur at any point in therapy with a sudden onset and rapid progression to liver failure.
48. Acuteness of sight is difficult to define but if we were endowed with the eyesight of a kestrel it is estimated that we could read a newspaper at a range of 25 yards.
49. "Although survey data is still lacking, on the basis of aggregate income growth it is estimated that between 2000 and 2005, poverty may have declined by as much as 10 percent," Sundberg says.
50. It is estimated that nearly 40 per cent of graduates are not productively employed.
51. It is estimated that the protein, ricin, found in the castor bean plant is as much as 6,000 times more poisonous than cyanide.
52. It is estimated that more than 50% of new infections occurred in between the husband and wife or cohabitant .
53. It is estimated that one in four women in the US has had difficulty achieving orgasm in the past year, while between five and ten percent of women suffer from anorgasmia and cannot climax at all.
54. According to Cornell entomologist David Pimentel, it is estimated that only 0.1% of applied pesticides reach the target pests.
55. It is estimated that 40% of women under the age of 35 do not have a regular smear test.
56. It is estimated that during the winter of 1874–1875, not less than 3,000 buffalo and mule deer suffer even more severely than the elk, and the antelope nearly as much.
57. It is estimated that 30 % epileptic patients fail to achieve good control with antiepileptic drugs ( AEDs ) treatment .
58. Last year, it is estimated that about 200 of Tsvangirai's supporters in the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) were murdered in violence perpetrated in the name of Mugabe's Zanu-PF.
59. It is estimated that up to 100,000 people watch or take part in fox hunting.
60. It is estimated that the full size of the wild Chinese alligator population is about 122, distributed in 16 plot-like habitats.
61. It is estimated that the meeting will last four days.
62. It is estimated that the gross annual value of industrial and agricultural output will be quadrupled.
63. It is estimated that at the time of replacement, the value of all Hungarian currency in circulation equaled less than one-thousandth of one US dollar!
64. In the major palm oil producing regions, Indonesia and Malaysia, it is estimated that almost one-third of forest loss in the past 10 years has been due to the expansion of oil palm.
65. Combined with dithionite-citrate-bicarbonate ( DCB ) extraction, it is estimated that iron bounded with magnetite occupies only a small portion of total iron oxides (10 % on average).
66. It is estimated that 70 percent of all marine life in the ocean is directly dependent upon seagrass, according to U.S.-based Seagrass Recovery (




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