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单词 recommend
释义  rec·om·mend /ˌrekəˈmend/ ●●● S2 W2 verb [transitive]  1  ADVISEto advise someone to do something, especially because you have special knowledge of a situation or subject 劝告;建议recommend (that) I recommend that you get some professional advice. 我建议你咨询专家的意见。 Doctors strongly recommend that fathers should be present at their baby’s birth. 医生极力建议孩子出生时父亲应该在场。recommend doing something I would never recommend using a sunbed on a regular basis. 我从来不建议经常使用太阳灯浴床。 Sleeping tablets are not recommended in this case. 这种情况下不建议使用安眠药。 It is dangerous to exceed the recommended dose. 超过建议剂量很危险。nrecommend somebody to do somethingn Students are recommended to make an appointment with a counselor.5 ► Do not say ‘recommend (someone) to do something’. Say recommend doing something or recommend that someone (should) do something不要说 ‘recommend (someone) to do something’. 而要说 recommend doing something 或 recommend that someone (should) do something► see thesaurus at advise2  SUGGESTto say that something or someone is good, or suggest them for a particular purpose or job 推荐,介绍 I recommend the butter chicken – it’s delicious. 我推荐黄油焗鸡,非常好吃。 Can you recommend a good lawyer? 你能介绍一位好律师吗?recommend something to somebody I recommend this book to anyone with an interest in chemistry. 我把这本书推荐给所有对化学感兴趣的人。recommend something for something/somebody Which type of oil do you recommend for my car? 你建议我的车使用哪种类型的汽油?recommend somebody for something I have decided to recommend you for the directorship. 我决定推荐你担任董事。highly/thoroughly recommend The hotel is highly recommended. 很多人都推荐这家宾馆。5 ► Do not say ‘recommend someone something’. Just say recommend something, or say recommend something to someone.不要说 ‘recommend someone something’. 只需说 recommend something, 或是说 recommend something to someone.► see thesaurus at suggest3  something has much/little/nothing to recommend it BADused to say that something has many, few, or no good qualities 某物有很多/少有/毫无可取之处 The town itself has little to recommend it. 这个镇本身乏善可陈。n GrammarPatterns with recommend (meaning 1)• In everyday English, you recommend that someone does something: I recommend that she speaks to a lawyer. ‘That’ can be omitted: I recommend she speaks to a lawyer.• In more formal English, you recommend that someone do something, using the base form of the verb (=the infinitive without ‘to’): I recommend that she speak to a lawyer. ✗Don’t say: I recommend her to speak to a lawyer.• In more formal English, you also use the base form of the verb when talking about the past: I recommended that she speak to a lawyer. • You recommend that someone should do something: I recommended that they should get insurance. • You can say it is recommended that someone (should) do something: It is recommended that everyone (should) take the test. Patterns with recommend (meaning 2)• You recommend something to someone: I recommended a book to her. ✗Don’t say: I recommended her a book.n COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 2: to say that something or someone is good, or suggest them for a particular purpose or jobadverbshighly recommendThis book is highly recommended by those who have used it.heartily recommend (=strongly and enthusiastically)I heartily recommend the cheese sandwiches.thoroughly recommendOverall I can thoroughly recommend this film to anyone with an interest in space travel.definitely/certainly recommendWe would definitely recommend these books to students in fourth to sixth grade.personally recommendAre there any hair colouring products you can personally recommend? THESAURUSrecommend to advise someone to do something, especially when you have special knowledge of a situation or subject 〔尤指对某情况或课题有专门知识的人〕劝告建议I would strongly recommend buying a good quality bicycle rather than a cheap one. 我强烈建议购买质量好的自行车,而不要买便宜的。The report recommended stricter supervision of the trade in live animals. 报告建议对活畜贸易实施更严格的监管。tell to tell someone that you think they should do something, especially in order to avoid problems 〔尤为避免问题〕指示,吩咐We’ve been told that we should start revising early. 我们被告知应尽早开始复习。I told you not to drink the water here. 我告诉过你不要喝这里的水。urge to strongly advise someone to do something because you think it is very important 竭力主张;强烈要求Her doctor has urged her to see a specialist. 她的医生催促她去找专家看看。Police are urging drivers not to come into London this weekend. 警方力劝驾车者本周末不要来伦敦。advocate to say publicly that something should be done, often something that a lot of people disagree about 倡导,鼓吹〔常指许多人不赞同的事物〕In 1984, he advocated the use of force against Nicaragua. 1984年,他主张对尼加拉瓜动武。I am surprised that dentists don’t advocate the use of fluoride tablets. 我很奇怪牙医不提倡使用氟化物片剂。endorse to say in an advertisement that you like a product and think that people should use it 〔在广告中〕宣传A lot of companies use sports stars to endorse their products. 许多公司用体育明星来为自己的产品做广告。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusrecommend• The hotel's restaurant comes highly recommended.• The prosecutor recommended a 15-year sentence.• Can you recommend a good hotel near here?• They would interview applicants and they would recommend a man to him.• The report recommends a number of changes in the existing law.• Ask friends to recommend babysitters. That's the safest way.• I would always recommend buying a good quality bicycle rather than a cheap one.• The first applicant was recommended by a friend of the boss.• The recommended dosage for children is 20 milligrams.• Who would you recommend for this job, Stuart?• I didn't recommend it because I had seen what it had done to sensitive artists like Scott Walker.• Corfu was wonderful - I'd recommend it to anyone.• And all over the nation, older women are getting far fewer than the recommended number of mammography exams.• McGehee advocates the creation of an independent Office of Ethics Counsel to interpret the rules, investigate complaints and recommend sanctions.• The Forsyth Report recommended stricter supervision of the trade in live animals.• Doctors recommend that all children be immunized against polio and tuberculosis.• For a number of reasons, therefore, planners may recommend that growth should be channelled into selected settlements.• The directors are recommending that shareholders accept Baldwin's offer.• I strongly recommend that you get your brakes checked before you go on a long drive.• Ask your tour guide to recommend the best places to eat.• In summary, it is difficult for this writer to recommend this book.recommend (that)• Ralph wants faster growth, so Steinmetz recommends a tougher investment strategy with an 8 percent return.• It should not be assumed, therefore, that it is legitimate to recommend excessively frequent dealing to a non-private customer.• They meet on call to present and analyze recommended improvements of the interaction of the teams or of specific production processes.• While the president has recommended targeted tax reductions for families with children and education, administration officials oppose across-the-board cuts.• The school might, for example, recommend that musical activity takes place on a weekly basis.• It was he who recommended that the fire be extinguished by dropping sand mixed with boron and lead on to the reactor.• For the virtuosi of this kind we recommend the Walter style of piano.• On Wednesday, the ethics committee is to begin considering what punishment to recommend to the House.recommend something to somebody• It's a children's book, but I recommend it to everyone.From Longman Business Dictionaryrecommendrec‧om‧mend /ˌrekəˈmend/ verb [transitive]1to advise someone to do something, especially because you have special knowledge of a situation or subjectMost brokers are recommending that investors take some cash out of money funds.2to say that something or someone would be a good thing or person to chooseCan you recommend a good lawyer?recommend somebody for somethingI would recommend Mr Bryant for the position of Assistant Manager.→ See Verb tablerec·om·mend verb →n GRAMMAR1 →n COLLOCATIONS1 →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  to advise someone especially Business Corpus something, to do




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