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单词 Abstraction
1. The children are trying to get the abstraction of the juice from an orange.
2. After the abstraction of the juice from the orange, only a tasteless pulp is left.
3. The idea of redness is an abstraction.
4. The meaningless abstraction bespattered political and theoretical books.
5. "Third World" is an abstraction, a form of shorthand.
6. She was gazing in abstraction at the far corner of the room.
7. His abstraction was so deep that he did not eat for two days.
8. He wore a look of abstraction and I knew his thoughts ware far away.
9. She rocked the baby gently, gazing in abstraction at the flickering fire.
10. Some refuted the differentiation between abstraction and figuration.
11. Such figures are too vast an abstraction.
12. But what concrete reality lies behind that abstraction?
13. Come forth from slumbers of thy cold abstraction.
14. Language operates at various levels of abstraction.
15. In practical curatorial terms the abstraction of software is, in any event, something of a pseudo-problem.
16. Reflective abstraction is internal thought or reflection based on available knowledge.
17. Among other things, they remind you that abstraction had its roots in spirituality.
18. Abstraction is a wonderful property of the human mind, which has given rise both to language and to modern science.
19. Reflective abstraction always involves an abstraction from a lower level to a higher level.
20. Is it worth fighting a big war, in the name of an abstraction like sovereignty?
21. In economics, its use is a blend of two ideas, abstraction and pure problem-solving.
22. She was one of Britain's best-loved painters, whose art moved over six decades from semi-cubism towards pure abstraction.
23. It looks as if the concept of the isolated gene as a unit of selection is an idealized abstraction from reality.
24. Later wall engravings of women show even more symbolic abstraction.
25. His seeking for single solutions coarsened his thinking and sank into abstraction.
26. Greenfield takes this to be further evidence of the greater degree of abstraction being learnt in schools.
27. It was then but an intellectual elision to view abstraction as the purest of all styles, since it depicted nothing at all.
28. It will do this by lining them, piping water underground and, in extreme cases, revoking abstraction licences.
29. The results are exquisite-moving from ballads and other composed pieces through different grades of abstraction to total collective improvisation.
30. Figure 2.1 summarizes these methods of comparison by showing this tradeoff between the level of abstraction and the scope of countries.
1. The children are trying to get the abstraction of the juice from an orange.
2. After the abstraction of the juice from the orange, only a tasteless pulp is left.
3. He wore a look of abstraction and I knew his thoughts ware far away.
31. Reflective abstraction is the abstraction of new knowledge from editing knowledge gained by reflection or thought.
32. In objectification, the artefact appears to be instrumental in linking these major processes of abstraction and specificity.
33. And it is not some realm of pure mathematics, which is in itself a mere abstraction.
34. I brought him some geometric abstractions -- he was not into abstraction anymore -- he was very helpful.
35. Her early work depicted a dreamy hinterland between landscape and abstraction, like the molten scenes of late Turner.
36. This stage is seen as characteristic of other elements of abstraction, such as the growth of intellectual abilities.
37. Here is a place of pure abstraction and perfection, free of earthly contamination.
38. Exacerbated by drought, water abstraction has increased by 70 percent over the past three years to satisfy consumer demand.
39. These are an abstraction of real systems or processes which are used to represent the basic variable and constant features.
40. Dating from 1911 they not only show how he moved towards complete abstraction but also his unflagging inventiveness.
41. Generalisation and abstraction, which reflect real-world relationships where objects can inherit properties from their parents, are supported.
42. With Slavic delight in swerving to extremes, many an artist initially turned to abstraction.
43. Comrade Preobrazhensky preaches abstraction from politics but in point of fact, apart from politics, there is absolutely nothing in the work.
44. Successive abstractions: these define the situation in terms of higher and lower levels of abstraction.
45. But she senses my momentary abstraction, thinks she's won the fight and lets her guard slip.
46. Beauty had become an abstraction; she was never caught off-guard by it.
47. Bourdieu implies the same Romantic preference for the work ethic and antipathy towards abstraction as Veblen.
48. Such abstraction is essential to human understanding, and it has opened up comprehension of natural processes in an amazing way.
49. Loyalty to the person of the monarch gave way to allegiance to the abstraction of the state.
50. If I choose abstraction over reality, it is because I find it the lesser chaos. Robert Brault 
51. The problem has been compounded by other factors, including increased water abstraction and land drainage.
52. Until now, our generation only knew war as an abstraction.
53. It is a concept, an abstraction, a term with no single precise and agreed meaning.
54. Academic, or theoretical,[http:///abstraction.html] discourse is not privileged but is instead a form of accounting which uses abstraction to illuminate.
55. A process or an abstraction has to be caught on the wing.
56. During that time, he has pursued his own path, favouring lyrical abstraction at the expense of changing fashion.
57. Freud came very close to seeing the individual of modern Western society as being an abstraction from group psychology.
58. At first glance, his trademark paintings and sculptures seem to be the simplest form of abstraction.
59. Every general term and every abstraction is an elaboration of this, and is matched by reality with its often indeterminate borders.
60. This produces structures of different detail at varying levels of abstraction.
61. Class is an abstraction and the concept acquires meaning only as a result of the socialization process just outlines.
62. Yet this is not the cold, off-putting abstraction which arouses incomprehension in the ordinary spectator.
63. Abstraction and disinterest were prized over concern, or even fitness with the real world.
64. The seduction hypothesis is merely a formal abstraction.
65. Abstraction and grammaticalization have similarity in some respects.
66. The narration is from abstraction to concretion.
67. Does Struts provide the correct level of abstraction?
68. Implementation is the code level of abstraction.
69. Andrew noticed her abstraction and asked, "What's bothering you?".
70. Data abstraction, exception handling, control logic and concurrent processing.
71. Software standard is made from abstraction of those artifacts.
72. Iteration abstraction, Data abstraction, Procedural abstraction, Type abstraction.
73. We all know about type checking, separate compilation, user-defined types (classes today), and abstraction.
74. A mathematical definition of variable minimal unsatisfiability (VMU) is introduced to drive this abstraction refinement process.
75. As a software layer between embedded operation system and hardware in embedded system, HAL(Hardware Abstraction Layer) is a key problem of embedded application.
76. Hardware Abstraction Layer has three models of internal communication, virtual driver and equipment management.
77. Objective To research the way of abstraction from Hippophae rhamnoides L.
78. A community - type, as a class - concept, is inescapably an abstraction.
79. In the late 19th century, the English philosopher Jeremy Bentham, in discussing the abstraction of equality, believed it to be insatiable, and asked where it would all end.
80. Super extra strength! Super anti-scrub wear! Super anti-high temp! Super heat abstraction! Super hard surface, super tough inside ! With 300000 km durability!
81. Object description again became to be focused by the poets, and they also attached importance to the image abstraction, making effort to fulfill harmony of the whole artistic conception.
82. Establish a uniform and flexible abstraction and interoperable schema for defining digital items.
83. Now we will learn about procedure definitions , a much more powerful abstraction technique by which a compound operation can be given a name and then referred to as a unit.
84. In C ++ an abstraction is formed by creating a class.
85. It is pointless to discuss the "function of the university" in abstraction from concrete historical circumstances[http://], as it would be a waste of effort to study any other social institution in this way.
86. The tenth and its relevant regulations of "The Law of Bill" of China should not been considered as negation of the abstraction of bill.
87. Related to abstraction, the idea of leveling is to place information items into peer categories at the correct level in the hierarchy.
88. The abstraction and analysis of compositions of carotene from Rhodopseudomonas Palustris strain B.
89. This is because virtual database abstraction in Slice follows a composite design pattern.
90. Also the practical implementation procedure adapted to alteration information abstraction is explored.
91. Functional programming represents the next abstraction leap: ceding more mundane details such as iteration, concurrency, and state to the runtime as much as possible.
92. He came to the United States in 1935 to abstraction architectonics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (B. Arch. 1940) and the Harvard Graduate School of Design (M. Arch. 1946).
93. The model reveals evolution patterns of the unexpected event and the event chain structure formation mechanism, realizes commonality abstraction about evolution of unexpected event chain.
94. But the observation of its close quarters is crossed however much academic place abstraction, fictitious change.
95. NTLDR pulls in the proper Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) and all boot drivers.
96. The virtual memory abstraction is implemented by using secondary storage to augment the processor's main memory.
97. Using a function as a function argument, or returning a function as a value, elevates this abstraction into the realm of higher-order functions.
98. Taking the abstraction of geological strata as a starting point, early models had, describes Kim, "a layered or stratified stone ground plane that stepped down with the sloe of the canal."
99. In the application shown in Figure 2, the GUI relies on an abstraction -- a data access object or DAO.
100. At this stage the network of other users is a theoretical abstraction.
101. Active free radicals in the photochemical hydrogen abstraction reaction between benzophenone and aromatic amines have been studied systematically by combination of spin trapping reagents and ESR.
102. Chinese Abstraction GetFont. exe running, it must document library copy of the current directory.
103. Virtual Manufacturing (VM) can be defined as abstraction of logical operation on the real manufacturing function processing product and process information. It is an effective way to realize agility.
104. Polymorphism is the third essential feature of an object-oriented programming language, after data abstraction and inheritance.
105. The fundamental ideas behind classes are data abstraction and encapsulation.
106. Figuration in Ming's painting thereby into abstraction, without either being clearly separate.
107. The identity design became a tribute to the line and the "geometric abstraction" of Bauhaus artist and teacher Josef Albers.
108. The Yuan Art Museum has successfully held exhibitions such as The Culture After Culture, The Great Abstraction from Heaven and Spring Equinox among others and numerous cultural activities.
109. Topics include control structures, built-in data structures, simple sorting and searching procedural abstraction, and paradigm-specific concepts and constructs.
110. Enables you to define the actual hardware abstraction layer (HAL) to be loaded at startup.
111. This article presents an abstraction that can solve the problem: a signal multiplexer.
112. The method of dialectical thinking is the foundation of harmonious aesthetics, which consists of two principles: from the elevation of abstraction to concreteness, unity of history and logic.
113. Statics, the physicist knows, is only an abstraction from dynamics.
114. A abstract algebra group composed of one element is the highest abstraction of the mathematical models researched in this paper.
114. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
115. The struct sockets object is just a quick abstraction of an input/output port.
116. I apperceive a bit about shoes and I can see the quality in the abstraction and bond.
117. So, they make their personal or dynastic rule absolute based on loyalty to them as individuals and not to the state as some sort of abstraction.
118. After the abstraction of the juice from the orange, only a tasteless pulp was left.
119. NET Micro Framework applications or solutions both at the managed system libraries level and in the runtime or in the underlying hardware abstraction layer.
120. The decomposition reaction of the produced species by H-atom abstraction is the main path of DME consumption at high temperature.
121. The latter arises from abstraction of the somewhat lesser activated C - H bond in the dioxolane.
122. Regardless of the advantages of the black-box abstraction, facts show that it is difficult to meet different demands of various clients if a model only exposes its functional interface.
123. This section examines the aspects of substitutability, life cycle, state, and abstraction to generally differentiate coarse- and fine-grained components.
124. The mixture of chloroform and anisole is used to replace chloroform or acetone with better results in cantharidin abstraction efficiency and reappearance.
125. For resolving the problem with admission of water and abstraction of waterlog of coastland, each marine estuarine has built the floodgate.
126. The coding system of design features is given by means of function abstraction.
127. With abstraction you are attempting to reduce and factor out details not immediately related to the functionality that you are attempting to code.
128. A conceptual data model is a canonical data model viewed at the highest level of abstraction.
129. This paper studied the influences of temperature, ionic strength (acid, alkali and salt) and microwave treatment on the abstraction of polysaccharide from root of lentinus edodes.
130. Image processing, feature abstraction and classification of plant leaf shape with computer recognition system were discussed in this paper.
131. Fairley's chapter on design concentrates on modules and structure, stepwise refinement, and abstraction -- methods that have been either superseded or greatly improved upon since then.
132. Due to the abstraction of logic topology, the algorithm is a framework for broadcast algorithms.
133. In this way, it's less a kernel and more a hardware abstraction layer (HAL).
134. It includes abstraction layers and classes witch provide extra functionality.
135. Still others would say that ESL refers to anything that's at a higher level of abstraction than register transfer level (RTL) representations.
136. In Listing 13, we have introduced a new abstraction: a helper function for taking a collection of Thing objects and concatenating the result of calling getName() on each Thing.
137. Unimolecular ethanol decomposition and H atom abstraction from ethanol result in branch chain reaction,() the development of branch chain reaction is determined by the isomers of C2H5O.
138. Procedural abstraction, abstract data types, and, most recently, objects and components are all examples of such abstractions.
139. Text automatic abstraction text classification text clustering and text retrieving are important text processing technologies.
140. This paper raises the question of abstraction and embodiment and stresses the conclusion that words are token, and lexeme is type.
141. To find another life this century as intensely devoted to abstraction, one must reach back to Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951), who stripped his life bare for philosophy.
142. One must also develop a denotational semantics for function abstraction and application.
143. Chimps can do all sorts of things we thought that only we could do – like tool-making and abstraction and generalisation.
144. For example,[] will graph - theoretic abstraction of network topology eventually be insufficient?
145. The material that sends in sea language teacher is very important, those are grind to taking an examination of the abstraction of outline, review rise to also have a key quite.
146. This metadata abstraction enables the storing of information that is the intersection of that which is specific to neither the class nor the interface.
147. In the conventional analysis of pyrethrin residues, the extractions are treated for purification by method of abstraction for many times.
148. With the development of network, electronic text grows rapidly. Since automatic abstraction is superior to manual abstraction for its speed, convenience, efficiency, and impersonality .
149. Such a primary force would be really no more than an empty abstraction, with as little content as the abstract thing-in-itself.
150. Might we conclude that a service is a reification, that by naming it we have given thing-like existence to an abstraction?
151. Whether they will succeed, remains to be seen, but it is definitely a very promising and arguably a much needed layer of abstraction on top of the "traditional" BSD sockets.
152. Held is also hostile to geometric abstraction, in particular Minimalism, because of its reductiveness and flatness.
153. ADEOS is a hardware abstraction layer (HAL), or nano-kernel, that provides real-time capabilities in the Linux kernel.
154. The average yield of abstraction phytin form the delipid corn blastula was 75%, and the average yield of conversionphytic acid from phytin was 77.02%.
155. As we noted earlier, this abstraction layer also complicates the use of advanced security controls, such as hardware security modules, possibly leading to poor key management procedures.
156. The specification of an executable statement that forms an abstraction of a computational procedure.
157. Summary: All great architects have mastered the ability to conceptualize a solution at distinct levels of abstraction.
158. In this paper, the principle to implement the FPGA Waveform Portability and the definition of the hardware abstraction layer for FPGA in SCA is introduced.
159. As a rule, we take no account of the fact that the doctor who practises catharsis is not just an abstraction which automatically produces nothing but catharsis.
160. This paper proposed a mutual information based method for generating video abstraction.
161. A network file system is a network abstraction over a file system that allows a remote client to access it over a network in a similar way to a local file system.
162. Objective To design an automatic segmentation algorithm for lung region abstraction from CT images in computer-aided diagnosis(CAD) of lung diseases.
163. The maximal number of steps involved may be defined to be the abstraction degree deg (X) for x.
164. This paper also realizes the hardware layer and the hardware abstraction layer of the home server according to the home server' s framework.
165. Addressability. Everything in REST is based on the concept of a resource, which is an abstraction not unlike objects or nouns in OOP and must be addressable or reachable via a URI.
166. These works refer to the contents of software maintenance models, program viewing, program database, hypertext, program high-level abstraction, and decompiler.
167. This tutelary theory is a pure mathematical fiction. From the start it has been founded on a formidable abstraction.
168. Drivers, even though they execute in kernel mode and can therefore talk directly to their hardware, use facilities provided by the hardware abstraction layer (HAL) to access hardware.
169. Procedural Abstraction aims at replacing the machine-dependent objects of a procedure with representations, which are machine-independent.
170. Instantiation is the process of creating a concrete object from the class abstraction.
171. The LLD provides an abstraction from the common mid layer to the device-specific HBA.
172. After passing old test and verify, he discovers, rice wine is in the process of abstraction, after fermenting via natural microzyme , can produce a kind of transparent liquid metabolization substance.
173. The Java Message Service (JMS) framework is a Java application program interface (API) abstraction on the MOM model.
174. You might be groveling around in low-level bits and pointer arithmetic, then zoom out to an abstraction that's close to the business domain. You're always bopping back and forth. That's hard.
174. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
175. In computer grading system for beef, the segmentation of rib-eye image of beef carcass and the abstraction of marbling are the objects of inspection for beef carcass grading based on computer vision.
176. Without exception, all great architects have mastered the ability to conceptualize a solution at distinct levels of abstraction.
177. S. To construct an enemy includes two dimensions, abstraction and dehumanization of the enemy, and personification of the nation.
178. In domains where data is king, or where data privacy is king, it's not very comforting, or copacetic, to just send it off to the ether-like abstraction of Bigtable.
179. Objective:With the local lobster shell as the raw material, we inquire into the abstraction and preparation of chitin and chitosan to develop a new raw material resources for chitosan.
180. Logical volume management is a disk abstraction layer that allows you to group physical disks into a single entity called a volume group.
181. I would like to see a hardware abstraction layer installed similar to what Fedora uses for hardware recognition.
182. To determine the content of laetrile by orthogonal design and study the preparation technology of Bizhike capsules to select the best production technology and abstraction technology.
183. Then it comes to a conclusion that the news' subject tends to be prototypic, and news comment be topical which functions as the state, abstraction, comparison and raisin-to-subjective participation.
184. I be apt most, rove all over the world , be in a state of blissful abstraction!
185. Those of you familiar with the API have been working at the highest level of abstraction, and from there you can follow your nose down into the lower levels according to your interests.
186. Government's blur abstraction, multi-dimension, high position and its non-selectivity character lapse from the criterion of credit body and can not be with the criterion in a comfortable state.
187. Or else, the abstraction may throw away so much information that the theorem prover may yield results that are correct for the abstraction, but incorrect for the program being analysed.
188. This idea is useful automatic abstraction , but also in automatic classification and document retrieval.
189. From the special angle of abstraction, this paper discusses artistic works of common types, describing their general features, ideographic functions, aesthetic meaning and their limitations.
190. As this method exposes hierarchical structure of video, used to generate different precision of video abstraction.
191. InfoQ: In your article you focus on three main use-cases: "standards-based endpoint abstraction, broad data and transport mediation capabilities and dynamic, intelligent message routing".
192. water abstraction from rivers.
193. Conclusion:The kind and number of effective components of summer and winter fruits of acer saccharum are different(), but both can be used in Abstraction and have pharmacy value.
194. A data management system(DMS) for engineering design can support hierarchical decomposition, multiple levels of abstraction, concurrency control and design evolution.
195. Then the design and realization of the hardware abstraction layer in the model is also presented.
196. In concrete style oil painting, abstraction factors are very important painterly language. In this essay, I mainly study how to realize the abstract imagination in concrete oil painting.
197. This higher level of abstraction will be flexible enough to support it.
198. The humic acid bonded silica gel has characteristics of larger penetrating capacity, high adsorbance per unit quality and high selectivity when it is used for solid phase abstraction.
199. A hypervisor is a software virtualization program that provides a layer of abstraction between operating systems and physical resources on a machine.
200. In the material composed of the concept with the high level of abstraction, pupils tend to use hybrid strategy and conjunctive strategy.
201. As a dialectical method of thinking, it embodies the intermixture and interaction of abstraction and concretion, analysis and synthesis in the process of cognition.
202. The following flags control vertex processing behavior for the hardware abstraction layer ( HAL ) and reference devices.
203. At present, phytosterol mainly abstracted from deodorizer distillates of soy bean oil in our country, There have few report on phytosterol abstraction from deodorizer distillates of rapeseed oil.
204. An SOA design and development platform should allow for the semi-automatic transformation of models from higher to lower levels of abstraction, and eventually to code.
205. Moving towards higher abstraction levels and languages, that mapping becomes one-to-many; the number of machine instructions generated from a design level construct rapidly increases.
206. The hypervisor, or VMM, serves as an abstraction between the platform hardware and the operating systems.
207. This sort of abstraction is more useful in Java or other strongly-typed languages, because the calling code really does have a dependency on the cache object's type at compile time.
208. Sometimes the abstraction itself may be so large that the theorem prover may take an inordinate amount of time and resources to complete the proof.
209. Among them, conceptual structure design is the process forming a conceptual data model independent of a specific database system through synthesis, induction and abstraction of user requirements.
210. Euclid geometry can be regarded as an abstraction of nature. Comparing to Euclid geometry's simpleness, Fractal geometry reflects natural contexture more veritably.
211. The traditional context may turn to cognitive context by the process of abstraction and internalization.
212. Earth art acceded extremely the abstraction of brief art, simple modelling form, shirt-sleeve the thought of process art, concept art, make a bridge that artist sortie landscape designs.
213. The abstraction , generally as the opposite the real, is mostly misunderstood as absence of content.
214. Represents an abstraction of an access control entry (ACE) that defines an audit rule for a pipe.
215. However in this module abstruse the intellectual dot with abstraction is more, it is more difficult that in schoolteaching process we feel student understanding rises apparently.
216. Circuits described are modeled to behavior sets after abstraction, and can be replaced by their behavior sets during functional test vector generation procedures.
217. A de facto standard description language in this domain is WSDL, which was created to provide an abstraction layer around a service's interface and implementation.
218. The best systems are those that allow you to work at multiple levels of abstraction within the metaprogramming system itself.
219. It is briefness, symmetry, harmonious, because of sententiousness; It's harmonious and abstraction, because of oneness; It's interesting and ingathering, because of fantasticality .
220. On the basis of resolving to Chinese character stroke, this thesis presents the abstraction algorithm which recognition code used according to the character characteristic.
221. A virtual processor is an abstraction for a processing resource and maps to a hardware thread on the underlying system.
222. Mendelian gene is not a real physical entity but an abstraction or symbol.
223. Co-work with hardware engineer and customer to provide well-defined API to encapsulate the hardware registers operation to a hardware abstraction layer.
224. PADDA - PADDA is a database abstraction, user authentication, data bound form builder, menu builder, and templating system for PHP.
224. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
225. HAL is a specification and an implementation of a hardware abstraction layer.
226. The hardware abstraction layer mainly realizes the boot technology of the operating system.
227. Human learning is distinguished by the range and complexity of skills that can be learned and the degree of abstraction that can be achieved compared with those of other species.
228. For example, a requirement may be described at a high level of abstraction in business terms, but another one can be a very detailed technical description.




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