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单词 By definition
1. Neighbours by definition live close by .
2. A clinic for women would, by definition, deal with pregnancy and childbirth.
3. Psychology is by definition an inexact science.
4. Human perception is highly imperfect and by definition subjective.
5. Parallel lines are, by definition, lines on the same plane that never join.
6. Friends may be spread geographically. Neighbours, by definition, are nearby.
7. People say that students are by definition idealistic and impatient.
8. Community development by definition is constant change.
9. An incumbent by definition is the status quo.
10. Just by definition, they're going to be promiscuous.
11. Literacy, by definition, is shared knowledge.
12. Such pairs are by definition nomic correlates.
13. A white person was by definition somebody.
14. Self-defeating organizations are, by definition, averse to the truth.
15. Perhaps, by definition, it did.
16. Horned gods are by definition cuckold gods.
17. By definition the process excludes personal selling.
18. But the new Democrats are, by definition, new.
19. Our show by definition is about outrageous people and outrageous relationships.
20. That will not, by definition, come from the silent majority.
21. Cumulative Density Function By definition, an uncertain quantity is one whose value can lie anywhere along a specified range.
22. Graffiti, no matter how well painted, is vandalism by definition.
22. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
23. By definition, any successful denomination looks out for the welfare of at least its own devotees.
24. This mapping is by definition descriptive in character and as such unconcerned with the effects of the different organizational types it reveals.
25. By definition, a tease lasts about ten seconds or less and the information it contains works like a headline.
26. This system is, by definition, interactive since every input neuron can affect every output neuron.
27. By definition they are all high risk and there is thus no significance to the issue of false positives.
28. Most students, by definition, will be of average ability, with a smaller number below average.
29. By definition, many thirteen-year-olds in secondary schools will be achieving at the level of many sixteen-year-olds.
30. The psychoanalytical school, almost by definition has based itself on supra-historical assumptions which have been almost valueless in detailed analyses.
1. Neighbours by definition live close by .
2. A clinic for women would, by definition, deal with pregnancy and childbirth.
3. Parallel lines are, by definition, lines on the same plane that never join.
31. The way I see it, anything with wheels is by definition not carry-on luggage.
32. You must by now guess that this compilation is by definition a mixed bag, of mixed quality.
33. By definition, assets must equal the total liabilities plus equities.
34. These students not only were economically disadvantaged but were, by definition, academically disadvantaged as well.
35. The impure is what menaces order, since by definition it does not fit into the scheme of things.
36. By definition, a tax whose average tax rate rises as income Increases is called progressive tax.
37. By definition this is largely an enterprise of elders and women who are charged with transmitting these traditions to a new generation.
38. So by definition there are many gateways into the Kingdom of Gods chosen ones; and those gateways are you and me.
39. If a child is learning at grade level, by definition he or she must possess reasonably good intellectual abilities.
40. All cosmogonies, by definition, have as their crucial feature the giving of an account of the genesis of the world.
41. Goods which are completely rivalrous, by definition, can not yield external benefits.
42. By definition, all at-the-money and out-of-the-money options have intrinsic values of zero.
43. By contrast, most objects thrown away were by definition worn out, broken,() or regarded as useless.
44. By definition, an epidemic is any disease that is increasing in size within a population.
45. We sum vertically at a given quantity because everyone consumes the same quantity of a public good by definition.
46. Also by definition, of course, the conventional measures of company valuation went out of the window.
47. By definition they do not look backwards at the kinds of demographic transformations with which various societies have already coped.
48. Carnivores are by definition predators and usually like to eat moving, preferably live, foods.
49. For one thing, the data is by definition stored off-site.
50. To be here today by definition means to have survived, whether as dung beetle, mushroom, or human.
51. It is by definition a complex object, and all complex objects are explicable as logical constructions out of logically simple elements.
52. Anything that diverted him from his primary goals was by definition bad.
52. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
53. By definition, they are concerned only with the here and now.
54. Prejudice is by definition a strongly held view, often lacking flexibility.
55. When a clinical situation poses a genuine moral dilemma, by definition no right answer exists.
56. The NGOs are suspect because they are often foreign-funded and therefore, by definition, pursuing a foreigner's agenda.
57. The large company is by definition more difficult to run than the small one.
58. Slang is almost by definition undefinable, deliberately outside the dictionary.
59. By definition monetary stability has two dimensions: a price and an exchange rate dimension.
60. By definition, however reluctant people facing behavior-driven change lack both will and skill.
61. Obviously, local newspapers, by definition, have more community identification than local cable systems and radio and television stations.
62. A picture that hangs on the wall is, by definition, isolated from both room and people.
63. Therefore, a gene is by definition the descendant of a gene that was good at getting into future generations.
64. By definition, strategic planning is remote; about locating highways and airports.
65. In a closed economy, it follows that by definition, Investment is seen as an activity of firms.
66. When we are considering the support which passes between kin we can exclude the outermost circle almost by definition.
67. But something that is by definition inefficient is fairly certain also to be undignified.
68. Galactorrhea, by definition, is the nonpuerperal secretion of milk.
69. By definition, this way of life is parasitic.
70. The evidence, by definition, is not likely to be conclusive.
71. It's impossible to rehearse the best responses to wild-card interview questions, since, by definition, they are unpredictable.
72. By definition , interplanetary travel is travel between bodies in a given star system.
73. I mean, FogBugz On Demand is a cloud computing service by definition.
74. By definition, the ASCII character set is a subset of all multibyte character sets.
75. Scientific theory BY DEFINITION must be duplicable, testable and refutable.
76. By definition an exclusively difunctional monomer can only give rise to a linear polymer.
77. These are problems that many of us can't or don't want to engage with, but games can change that because, by definition(), any successful interactive system will make people want to engage.
78. By definition, a data mart is a subset of a data warehouse designed for a specific group of users or a particular subject area.
79. Remember that by definition a model is a simplification, so it makes sense that a model, even a refined one, should not include all of the nitty-gritty implementation details.
80. It marks the day President John F. Kennedy told the US Congress: 'Consumers by definition, include us all.
81. Thumb through any dictionary, and you will see pages of words followed by definition.
82. At one level this a truism: By definition,[Sentencedict] people must be selling when prices fall.
83. Such awkward syntax is common to coverage of drones: these do not, by definition, fire by act of will.
84. Analysts say this is positive for the short-term budget picture but is by definition providing only temporary relief.
85. I'm certain of it because the entirety of the intermediate state used in its processing is held on the stack in parameters, and therefore, by definition, cannot be accessed by multiple threads.
86. By definition, the future beyond the Singularity is not knowable by our linear, chemical, animal brains, but Kurzweil is teeming with theories about it.
87. Incremental costs by definition related to the additional costs of making a change, such as increasing the level of activity adding a new product line.
88. This gave Marshall the chance to urge that the Supreme Court at last rule that segregated facilities were, by definition and as a matter of law, unequal and hence unconstitutional.
89. Mass culture is supposedly a leveler and globalizer - by definition, we all share mass cultural references.
90. EVS is defined in IBM's Enterprise Target architecture as a key SOA "Enterprise Component", which by definition designates it for reuse by all of IBM's business units.
91. " Digital communication by definition has higher fidelity, " Mr. Neuman said.
92. Future problems by definition are not felt in the present, and so it is difficult to mobilize public opinion in support of solutions unless they are costless.
93. The public corporation almost by definition, carries a fragmented set of owners.
94. Biodynamics embraces a holistic view of nature: it is by definition organic but it also involves biodiversity and – strangest of all – astronomy.
95. By definition a cataract is an opacity in the lens.
96. By definition, it takes get-up-and-go to get up and go , which is why immigrants are abnormally entrepreneurial.
97. Computer games are solitaire; solitaire gamers have, by definition, no audience.
98. If there is no acceptance, by definition there ia no contract.
99. A desolate place has, by definition, no inhabitants. It is characterized by abandonment, joylessness and barrenness.
100. Magnetics are by definition polar. Crystalline energy is non-polar, zero point !
101. They are classic members - honorary members by definition - of China's new people's army of volunteers.
102. But the exchange rate is just one of myriad variables that determine a country's current account balance, which, by definition, reflects the difference between domestic savings and investment.
103. Diagnosis simply imprisons the individual by definition and they will never believe in their possibilities. Bob Bornt, MFT www.
104. But a financial institution that is systemically important by definition risks more than its own money.
105. During the late '90s, XML had become the new silver bullet of the computing industry: Almost by definition, if it was XML(), it was good.
106. Obsessive-compulsive disorder assistance, by definition refers to the help of OCD patients.
107. By definition, the numeric value of a relational or logical expression is 1 if the relation is true, and 0 if the relation is false.
108. There is one catch: Bayard writes in French. Of course, that hardly matters as, by definition, you're not going to crack the spine.
109. By definition, replacement in kind is a change that is of the same exact specification, including material of construction, size, capacity, operating range, and control.
110. That is to say, if Israel's army occupies the West Bank, Israeli civilian pizza-eaters and disco-dancers cannot, by definition be victims of terrorism via a suicide bombing.
111. By definition, a superpower has to sally forth into the world.
112. Part of the reason was quality control: by definition, an Easter egg is an untested feature. It's a loose cannon that could, in theory, interfere with other, more important parts of the program.
113. One word of warning, however: Low-band DX antennas by definition have a low angle of radiation.
114. By definition their collective hive mind must transcend their small bee minds.
115. Then by definition of the retrial procedure, the trial monitor program, the appeal, the application retrial sues,[] it clarifies some fuzzy understandings in the civil retrial procedure.
116. Finding the stuff is damned tricky because dark matter , by definition , cannot be seen.




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