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单词 positive discrimination
释义  Related topics: Law, Employmentˌpositive discrimiˈnation noun [uncountable] British English  SCLBEthe practice of giving a particular number of jobs, places at university etc to people who are often treated unfairly because of their race, sex etc 积极区别对待〔指向某些因种族、性别等经常受到歧视的人提供一定的工作机会、大学录取名额等〕 SYN American English affirmative actionExamples from the Corpuspositive discrimination• The report did not call for positive discrimination but suggested that male, old-school attitudes still prevailed in hospitals.• Inevitably it will include strong elements of positive discrimination.• This was a form of positive discrimination in favour of locals.• There may have been reasons for this lack of positive discrimination towards the older conurbations.• Even with a more aggressive policy of positive discrimination, it is doubtful whether geographical inequalities can be overcome.• The caste system, he says, will never be abolished by social reform or positive discrimination in favour of Untouchables.• This suggests positive discrimination in favour of older people.• There were, however, a number of variables other than positive discrimination policies, which accounted for this relationship.From Longman Business Dictionarypositive discriminationˌpositive discrimiˈnation (also reverse discrimination)HUMAN RESOURCES when one group of people are treated more favourably than another, often because they have been treated unfairly in the pastShe is totally opposed to positive discrimination in favour of women. → discriminationˌpositive discrimiˈnation nounChineseSyllable  particular at the of jobs, of Corpus Business a number giving places practice




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