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单词 Nonstarter
1. Your proposal is absurd; it's an absolute non-starter.
2. As a business proposition, it's a non-starter.
3. In its present form the scheme is a non-starter.
4. The United States is certain to reject the proposal as a non-starter.
5. After six months of work, we eventually wrote the project off as a non-starter.
6. The proposal was a non-starter from the beginning because there was no possibility of funding.
7. At the time, this was a nonstarter in Pyongyang.
8. In mammals, however, parthenogenesis seems to be a non-starter.
9. In practice the price obtained will be less than the generating cost, so as a business proposition it is a non-starter.
10. That would be a nonstarter with Democrats and the White House has backed away from seeking to make it part of a short-term stimulus package.
11. Unfortunately, this strategy is a nonstarter for fighting computer viruses.
12. But such a concept is a nonstarter as far as the developed world is concerned.
13. The issue of his failure to sell off stock portfolios is also a nonstarter.
14. Trying to find her way back out was obviously a nonstarter but staying here she would probably be spotted fairly quickly.
15. India, which has long harbored hopes of setting aside stockpiles as China started to do last year,(/nonstarter.html) may find its plans a nonstarter at current rates.
16. For starters, a college education is really a joint production between both the college and the student, so 'fit' matters greatly. The best college for one student might be a nonstarter for another.
17. Also, her parents were political friends of Ethan's parents, so that was a nonstarter.
18. Given the gravity of the issue, the notion of paying China to solve its environment problems may not be as much of a nonstarter as it sounds.
19. If the only thing that lives in his place other than him is the mold in the back of his fridge, he's a nonstarter.
20. But fitting Israeli equipment to a Saudi fighter is a nonstarter, so the British have opted to use the Damocles.
21. Any talk of residuals, past or future, was simply a nonstarter.
22. As these large and complex files became more the norm, the art of working on them manually was often a nonstarter for programmers and analysts.
23. Most Russian experts understand that a U. S. -Russian alliance against China is as much of a nonstarter as a Russian-Chinese alliance against the United States.
24. The Senate and the White House said it was a nonstarter.
25. This is an important ability because debugging the generated JavaScript on the client side is basically a nonstarter.
26. To give them more power to regulate is a nonstarter," he said.
27. Anything short of that, he said, is a " nonstarter. "
28. To Paul, the administration's health plan is simple and straightforward. To Keith, it is a nonstarter.
29. Given Seoul's vulnerability to North Korean attack, military strikes are a nonstarter.




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