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单词 That much
1. I don't have that much money on me.
2. I know that much.
3. It's monstrous to charge that much for a hotel room.
4. It didn't hurt that much - don't be such a baby!
5. No one expected it to cost that much.
6. I don't think it matters all that much.
7. It's highway robbery, charging that much for gas!
8. I didn't like the book that much.
9. The Home Office acknowledges that much crime goes unreported.
10. I like him but not all that much.
11. Oh stop blubbing! Your knee can't hurt that much.
12. He missed hitting the car in front by that much.
13. We now realize that much of Burt's research was presented with a statistical sleight of hand.
14. That much money is not to be tossed away lightly.
15. I wouldn't want that much pressure, but she seems to thrive on it.
16. Straight up? Did you really pay that much for it?
17. I didn't like it that much. Also, it was much too expensive.
18. He now frankly admits that much of his former playboy lifestyle was superficial.
19. It's never worth that much - I think he pulled a fast one on you.
20. Research workers are well aware that much of their time and effort is unproductive.
21. If you go on like that much longer, you will be punished.
22. Gwen had not seen her Daddy all that much, because mostly he worked on the ships.
23. I can't believe you paid that much. You got shafted .
24. It was obvious that much of what they recorded was far from the truth.
25. The speaker emphasized that much of South Africa's importance lay in its mineral wealth.
26. If you shirk your responsibilities/duties now,(http:///that much.html) the situation will just be that much harder to deal with next month.
27. Usually, I am sensible with money, as I have to be, given that I don't earn that much.
28. Well, he does admit it when he's wrong, I'll say that much for him.
29. You must be in dream-land if you think he'll pay that much!
30. He must be out of his mind to have spent that much money on an old car!
1. I don't have that much money on me.
2. I know that much.
3. It's monstrous to charge that much for a hotel room.
4. If you shirk your responsibilities/duties now, the situation will just be that much harder to deal with next month.
5. It didn't hurt that much - don't be such a baby!
31. When you pay that much for a meal you expect the best.
32. When she came back, she found that much had changed in the intervening years.
33. They're leaving on Tuesday - I managed to glean that much .
34. Only a mug would pay that much for a meal.
35. I knew it was going to hurt?but not that much!
36. No one in their right senses would pay that much for a painting.
37. I didn't know Ron had that much strength of character.
38. Let's be realistic - I just can't afford to pay that much money.
39. Nobody seems to mind that much.
40. Her back did not ache that much.
41. That helped but not that much.
42. I 'll give you that much, you did.
43. That much is certainly true enough.
44. I don't usually carry that much cash on me.
45. It was obvious that much could go wrong.
46. That much was very evident to Maggie.
47. It seems doubtful that much planning was necessary.
48. Even that much is hotly disputed.
49. Others, though, refused even to acknowledge that much.
50. The book doesn't really interest me that much.
51. £65! I don't want to pay out that much!
52. Indeed the Faculty encourages interdisciplinary activity and recognises that much innovative work has derived from the intellectual stimulus of multidisciplinary study.
53. The recent price recovery can not make up for that much lost ground.
54. If Jean could do that doctoring business, then it couldn't be too complicated, or do that much good.
55. Twenty-five years on from when I first started, things really aren't that much better.
55. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
56. Benjamin Ryan had had a skinful, that much was evident.
57. Curators feel that much harm has been done by the museum's failure to articulate two indisputable facts.
58. She needs to have added the caution that much depends upon the reasons why people are vegetarians.
59. And his complex emotional relationship with Elizabeth, which I had but glimpsed, made the situation that much more precarious.
60. And when you've claimed that much land, why not go the whole hog and put a roof over it as well.
61. All this made for a disappointing start but I am happy to say that much else is on an altogether higher level.
62. Does it really matter that much in the post-Cold War period?
63. But this justifiable pleasure does not disguise the fact that much was left undone.
64. The fact that he was in need of a straight jacket was making my job that much more dangerous.
65. An added bonus is that much faster input processing rates are possible with OCR than manual entry of the text.
66. However, we are not that much nearer to a world order dominated by a fair application of the rule of law.
67. It is quite certain that much of the ice-free material left behind by a dying comet is extremely weak and fluff.
68. The authors also point out that much more work needs to be done to maximise the use of educational materials.
69. However well they pay chaps like you to look after horses, it can't be all that much!
70. Perhaps television will eventually lead to better public comprehension of that much misunderstood institution of Parliament.
71. My own uncertainty in defending my position at the time made me that much more adamant and angry in response.
72. Yet with the development of improved risk management techniques, they find that much of the technological infrastructure is already in place.
73. But not all that much more, not at the actual scene.
74. That much must also have been clear to contemporary foreign observers.
75. Everyone remembers that much today, while few remember the substance of a debate that radio listeners thought Nixon had won.
76. The simple truth is you don't need to know that much to find your way around.
77. It made it that much harder for the Washington press corps to drop in and snoop.
78. The question is, will Congress pay that much for pure science, with no clear technological benefit attached?
79. He had been driving along the twisting mountain roads when he'd crashed; that much she knew.
80. I realize our team plays that much better when certain guys get into it.
81. The most dominant structural factor in the work is that much of it is cast in the form of canticles.
82. This ensures that much of the direct sunlight falls on the underside, where the most heat-resistant surfaces are placed.
83. There isn't all that much in the world of aviation safety that is left entirely to luck.
84. Similar views concerning conversion are expressed by Simone Weil who maintains that much missionary activity is both mistaken and dangerous.
85. There had to be more to the whole business than Himmler was telling him, that much was obvious.
85. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
86. We were three shots ahead, so perhaps Tom didn't need that much luck this time.
87. Yet it must be noted that much of the growing Bumiputra ownership was held in a series of trusts and pension funds.
88. It makes control of the fuel pump that much more precise.
89. The county was only expected to pay half that much for heating, Elrod said.
90. That much was not far out of the ordinary among Jesuit scholastics.
91. What's more, were I sure I was mispronouncing, I might not have worried that much.
92. Nowadays few of us have seen anyone who is near death, so we are that much more fearful of the unknown.
93. I never put that much stock in images, and to have him do that-that was just an eye-opener.
94. It is a pity that much of the work done has been linked to specific titles in an academic library setting.
95. She grumbles a bit about me waking her up, but I don't think she minds all that much.
96. The sun may not shine that much on Britain but that doesn't exclude us from using solar power.
97. Don't be afraid to give your best to what seemingly are small jobs. Every time you conquer one it makes you that much stronger. If you do the little jobs well, the big ones will tend to take care of themselves. Dale Carnegie 
98. It would seem that much effort up to now has focused upon information gathering to the neglect of the other two processes.
99. That much is clear, but how did the small landowner of a yardland or less fare in these circumstances?
100. It now appears that much of the change whose initial signs he spotted did in fact reflect a climatic shift.
101. These concepts are not however self-executing; that much is readily apparent from the previous analysis.
102. It expects to save that much each year by operating in Golden.
103. I keep the lesson simple because small kids can't absorb that much.
104. Virtual reality can be that much more convincing when the user is freed from the headset.
105. Valerie Wright is talented in every department and therefore infinitely better than Neuwirth, but Pope would have been that much better.
106. There was something about a telegram, I got that much, and my heart sank.
107. It would be useless to ask him; she had learned that much from experience.
108. A 200-gram tube of Colgate, the family size that is popular in cities, costs roughly that much.
109. Underlying the candidates' commuter campaigning is the fact that much of their air travel is subsidized.
110. That much of the decoration was shredded or defaced beyond hope of repair, Alexei thought, was quite clear.
111. If the assessed valuation of Los Angeles could be rapidly increased, its debt ceiling would be that much higher.
112. We are concerned that much public discussion of the future of Social Security is based on misinformation about its financing.
113. Also in the intertidal zones, animals find that much of their work is done for them.
114. But there are still grumbles that much insider dealing goes unpunished.
115. Which I believe makes it that much more powerful than showing the vial and whatever.
115. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
116. The up side of a stock market crash is imagining the billions lost when Microsoft falls that much.
117. For all my stupidity, I was able to understand that much.
118. Lavandera has pointed out that much work on syntactic variation tends to focus on syntactic rather than social constraints.
119. That much was the least expected of a hunter who had made a bad shot.
120. To make matters worse it is clear that much troubadour poetry was concerned with adultery.
121. However, it is fair to say that much would have been lost to the county if they did not exist.
122. Mediobanca is being forced to acquire the 10 percent stake after secretly buying that much in October.
123. It was believed that much of the information was acquired by way of his employment as an investment banker.
124. We all stuck our noses that much deeper into the Colonel's Sumbanese rugs.
125. The frets are quite thin as well and it doesn't seem to go out of tune that much.
126. That much we can take away from this latest close encounter with planet Nirvana without fear of contradiction.
127. A spokesman for the airline said that much of the cost increase was caused by tightening of security.
128. Each plastic bag and drainage tile dropped in the coffin makes the world just that much more beautiful.
129. If all of the tax breaks are doing that much damage, go ahead and eliminate them.
130. It isn't that much cheaper - there's hardly any difference in price.
131. He is in good company when it comes to losing Tests that do not mat ter all that much.
132. Something terrible happens to your innards when you suppress that much anger.
133. A perusal of the medicine cabinet could have told them that much.
134. The problem which immediately strikes one is that much of the material is scanty, fragmented, and lacking unity.
135. The diversity of material was due to the fact that much of it came courtesy of local mill-owners.
136. Your drawing shows that much of the enamel is still intact.
137. The movie was okay, but it didn't excite me that much.
138. What is interesting about Michel Blanc's movie is that much of it works perfectly well.
139. And that much of that paper goes into the wastebasket to become just so much more environmental waste?
140. But that much money will not be paid in one lump sum.
141. They had wanted Leyland punished, that much I know, and to them, the system had failed.
142. I've always thought that much more undignified than going bald.
143. Somewhere along the line, some one had got their wires crossed, that much was clear.
144. It is envisaged that much of the assessment will be done by teachers as an integral part of their normal classroom work.
145. That much is clear from the bones he left at his campsites.
146. Stress and tension are implicated in causing illness,( ) and I believe that much modern health propaganda simply adds to that problem.
147. It has been enjoying spectacular growth for its sales of the super absorbent polymers which make nappies that much more comfortable.
148. It's not a phrase I've had occasion to use all that much.
149. He made it quite clear that much speech was beneath his dignity.
150. It might not be all that much, but it might be almost bearable if they didn't keep tormenting him.
151. Anyone would do as long as he was able to explain how that much money could be spirited away in under three months.
152. Freedom from the restraining hand of a squire or a parson no doubt encouraged enterprise but it meant that much activity went unrecorded.
153. He had not credited her with that much ingenuity.
154. That much, Iron Man knows.
155. Does your head ache that much?
156. Vampirism (When this creature deals combat damage, you gain that much life.
157. It means that much wasteful duplication of system programming effort will be avoided.
158. By comparison, a lead-acid battery in a conventional car costs less than $100 for that much capacity, although it is much too heavy to build an electric car around and not durable enough.
159. So for example, that might have a formal charge of negative 1, because to some extent it has gained that much electron density that it now has a formal charge that's negative.
160. I was about desperate to lose that much blunt, and be hanged into the bargain.
161. Yet the reality is that much of the country is still unimaginably impoverished — a third of the world's poor live in India, more than in all of sub-Saharan Africa.
162. Do you any solution to correct transaction handling with that much data?
163. And none of them were all that much cheaper or easier to build than a Quonset hut or a Butler barn.
164. But Lee, a pediatric endocrinologist at the Penn State College of Medicine, cautions that much more work lies ahead to fill in data gaps.
165. The starter solenoid is essentially a large electronic switch that can handle that much current.
166. Shirley Lyner: Paid fellatio isn't that much more humiliating than flipping burgers....
167. Indications that it had the ability to increase thermogenesis and decrease food intake made it that much more attractive for development.
168. So: can music really improve the mood that much(), and have anappreciable difference on whether or not you get it on?
169. I think His Holy Father will be pleased to know that much of our foreign policy is based on the admonition to whom much is given, much is required.
170. What struck me was his comment that much of the alleged work protecting Canada's biodiversity was being done by-- get this -- "environmental philanthropists".
171. However, in laying out enablement workflows to collect, assemble, plan, and support activities and events, we found that much of the work resembled that which is normally carried on in an EPMO.
172. From this came the additional idea that much of what we call Hindu culture was in fact Dravidian, and later borrowed by Aryans who, however, never gave the Dravidians proper credit for it.
173. I believe that much of this is native idiocy: the infantile blathering of people who have no idea how to engage in debate.
174. The major tenet of RISC states that much of the static runtime complexity can and should be handle prior to runtime by an optimizing compiler.
175. An application built around expat is happy to pull off a few tags of interest as it reads through that much XML,(http:///that much.html) likely utilizing orders of magnitude less memory than the document size.
176. It's not that much of a personality test, and we don't believe that there are people who consistently always notice these things.
177. No one is immune to a lay-off, but if you'll be a key player in company achievements, your job will be that much safer.
178. We are logically thinking animals, so it only matters that much more that we try to be moral and not completely act on instinct .
179. At least, it is not the across-the-board panacea that much of the left touts it as.
180. Also, China's poor rapeseed crop has made the oilseed market that much tighter.
181. We are thinking animals, so it only matters that much more that we try to be moral and not completely act on instinct .
182. They also demonstrate that much of pragmatic inferencing is metonymic in nature and believed that indirect speech acts can be described in terms of metonymic models.
183. But are the ads about self-care and feminine indulgence all that much better?
184. Clary sage is an essential oil that much like sage has a cleansing affect upon one's field and environment and has a sweet smell.
185. Sibling rivalry ? Very interesting! You sure you hate your brother that much?
186. Unlike the decade it took many in this room to adapt to the reality of multichannel television, we don't have that much time.
187. I didn't think a dishwashing liquid could make that much of a difference, but after reading the reviews for this I decided to give Dapple a try.
188. It reveals that much of nano-sized carbides of interface precipitation and supersaturated precipitation generating in the ferrite matrix when the isothermal temperature is low.
189. GWEN OUTEN: In nineteen fifteen, Georgia O'Keeffe decided that much of what she had been taught in art school was of little value.She decided to hang recent work she had done on the wall of her home.
190. Pediatric surgeon Kevin P. Lally, MD, agrees that much uncertainty remains. But he says parents should not lose sight of the fact that surgeries often save the lives of very sick babies.
191. You increase as a spiritual being and your progress is made that much quicker and easier.
192. To tens of millions of users. No design reviews, no product analysis, and to be honest, not that much testing.
193. Industrialist Henry J . Kaiser believed that much of his success appositive use of daydreaming.
194. Greene shook his head. " The Corleone Family don't have that much muscle anymore.
195. “That much ordnance going off would be the equivalent of an earthquake ” Cartwright told me.
196. So that much of the expertise in seasoning is devoted to achieving the maximum drying rate.
197. Some critics estimate the true cost is as much as twice that much.
198. For those who can't handle that much minced lamb and chicken tandoori, a night at Bukhara can still have a Clintonian cast.
199. To most Afghan eyes, watching heavily guarded foreign aid-workers glide by in their Landcruisers, it is obvious that much of the money is going straight back out of the country.
200. It's repulsive to think we have to suffer that much.
201. Masoud: Security has not seen that much of change in Java EE compared to other services and components.
202. Now, Mr. Dagan’s statement suggests that Israel believes it has gained at least that much time, without mounting an attack.
203. But I have to pay for food, rent, playgroup for my daughter — things like that — so it's not really that much money.
204. She says that much of her self-sufficiency derives from being a latchkey child when she was young.
205. I can't afford to pay that much right now. May I pay by installments?
206. The very nature of strategic intelligence means that much of what researchers discover is new and surprising.
207. In the early twentieth century, however,(/that much.html) it was discovered that much of the High Plains was underlain by a huge aquifer (a rock layer containing large quantities of groundwater).
208. The appearance of Ahab was so striking that for the first few moments I hardly noticed that much of his fierceness was due to the white leg upon which he stood.
209. But unless and until they do so, the burden on monetary policy will be that much bigger and there seems little to lose by cutting by the full 100 basis points next week.
210. And it is proposed that much improvement of the range profiles can be achieved by using the vibration compensation of the main rotor of the helicopter in forward flight.
211. "Whatever restructuring has to be done, it should occur before 2013. Otherwise it will be that much more painful," Sapir said.
212. It seems clear that much better experimental investigations could be mounted if they were focused specifically on the measurement and characterisation of holographic noise and related phenomena.
213. We were near a boat at one point, I know that much—rang their foghorn .
214. Blood- insatiate (When this creature deals damage, you gain that much life.
215. But while the adverse situation was supposed to be unlikely, it is not that much worse than what has happened so far.
216. Even thought I did think he asked too straightly and directly, but did not really mind that much since I myself is also a straight person, whatever he asked I just answered with fact.
217. My limited, initial time with the device proved at least that much.
218. John Constable, its director of policy and research, said: "It's not surprising they are this tall because the location is a long way south and a long way inland where there is not that much wind."
219. But at least one federal official who helps coordinate nanotechnology research says that much of what the report advocates is being done already.
220. It will take years before engineers can shrink computer circuits to a size small enough to store and transmit that much information within a tiny implant in the eye.
221. McGowan argues that much joking and tall tale development involve the tellers playing with these four maxims of Grice's cooperative principle.
222. Computer's have just made Law, the Lawyering and the Policing that much more of our OCD culture.
223. That David Letterman makes that much more than a school teacher?
224. Industrialist Henry J. Kaiser believed that much of his success was due to the appositive use of daydreaming.
225. Many of the domestic scholars have made a detailed study of collage students' anxiety, and most of them hold the view that much anxiety comes from learning pressure and social relations.
226. There is no turning back. That much, Iron Man knows.
227. Most problematically, setting a precedent of blocking websites simply makes it that much easier for a government or ISP to extend filtering as they wish.
228. To be sure, nudists have been around since Adam and Eve, but the Internet has made finding like-minded clothes shunners that much simpler.
229. Previous studies of primates had been confined to captive animals but Leakey believed, presciently, that much more could be learned by studying them in the wild.
230. Then, begrudgingly, I clean up - which doesn't really take that much time.
231. It was not an errand that much pleased the doctor.
232. Now that these dog tags are highly customized for your own play style, it helps make things that much more personal, so the only way to gain one is to get the jump on your opponent.
233. Results show that much better Zn deposit can be obtained in cyanide bath with fine crystallized layer and excellent coverage.
234. The speaker emphasized that much of South Africa's importance lays in its mineral wealth.
235. On this Earth Day, a year after the Deepwater Horizon explosion(), scientist Samantha Joye is convinced that much of BP's spilt crude still lies at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico.
236. These studies illustrate that much remains to be ununderstood about these disorders and their impact on pregnancy and pregnant women.
237. I & iexcl ; & macr ; m not paying that much money for that ring . It & iexcl ; & macr; s highway robbery.
238. Life, at times, is a paradoxical poetry. Being in this new country does not westernize my way of thinking that much but ties me tightly to the country lying on the other side of this world.
239. Lally, MD, agrees that much uncertainty remains. But he says parents should not lose sight of the fact that surgeries often save the lives of very sick babies.
240. Violinists had a harder time to make pure music than pianists, because pianists cannot really do that much on the piano.
241. This study shows that much of our meat and poultry is contaminated with multidrug-resistant Staph.
242. "Among other things, the hobbit find hints that much of what researchers thought they knew about the timing and nature of humanity's initial dispersal out of Africa is wrong, " notes Wong.
243. But, casque dr dre, to be fair, the British can't hate cats that much.




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