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单词 Round-trip
(1) He made a round-trip to the terminal and back.
(2) Mexicana Airlines has announced cheaper round-trip tickets between Los Angeles and cities it serves in Mexico.
(3) The round-trip fare to Havana is 550 Irish punts .
(4) In return for shepherding a parcel round-trip.
(5) Bhikhu said they did not buy round-trip tickets.
(6) The ferry costs only two dollars round-trip per person.
(7) Advance-purchase, round-trip fares start at $ 965.
(8) It might be that two round-trip tickets that include Saturday stays would cost less.
(9) Round-trip van fare is $ 76; round-trip fare from Colorado Springs is $ 62.
(10) For the poorly paid, the twelve-cent round-trip fare could eat up 10 percent or more of their wages.
(11) Passengers receive round-trip coach travel from any Amtrak city to the QE2 for either of two 12-day sailings.
(12) Included in the cost are round-trip airfare from New York, hotel accommodations, kosher breakfasts and dinners, sightseeing and transfers.
(13) Some estimates of the round-trip transactions costs involved in stock index arbitrage are set out in Table 5.1.
(14) The promotion includes round-trip flights such as Los Angeles to New York for $ 388 with no advance purchase requirement.
(15) Round-trip train fare was about $ 3. 50(), admission $ 7. 50.
(16) How much is a round-trip ticket to Kaoshiung?
(17) A round-trip ticket is about one-thousand dollars.
(18) His round-trip commute to work is less than that.
(19) Mike: Shall I buy a round-trip ticket?
(20) I'd like a round-trip ticket to Paris.
(21) Round-trip ticket price: 4290 yuan.
(22) How much is a round-trip ticket to London?
(23) The time taken for this round-trip of request and acknowledgment determines the network's latency.
(24) But two years ago the airlines, looking to boost revenues, capped the commission on round-trip domestic tickets at $ 50.
(25) Passengers flying to Rio from other cities for the cruise will receive free round-trip economy air fare.
(26) A one-way fare is $ 10 more than half the round-trip fare.
(27) Continental begins service to Lima on March 14 with an introductory offer of $ 558 for a round-trip ticket.
(28) It would take them 12 hours even if they had $ 50 for a round-trip ride on a passenger boat.
(29) He checked the contents of his billfold and prayed over his gas gauge, that it stay above Empty round-trip.
(30) Stay alert for airline specials; you can often find amazingly low weekend round-trip fares.
(31) The round-trip group ticket booking service for migrant workers provided by Beijing Railway Administration and Guangzhou Railway Group will be extended to big stations with originating trains.
(32) If nobody else has updated the dispenser object in the meantime, our later updates will only cost a single round-trip.
(33) However, with high-speed networks, such as Gigabit Ethernet and 10 Gigabit Ethernet, the round-trip time (hence retransmission timeout) is expected to be much lower.
(34) I want to buy a round-trip ticket for the Sentosa ferry.
(35) At that time, Fermi scientists may do more than just uncork the champagne; they can start reserving themselves a round-trip ticket to Stockholm.
(36) The engineering team would need to fully understand round-trip engineering, debugging, profiling, and more.
(37) TRA provides passengers with a 10% discount on the round-trip ticket.
(38) First, aroused by the self-similarity of RTT, we propose an algorithm of round-trip time (RTT) estimation based on adaptive filtering.
(39) I exchanged my coveted parking spot at work for a free gym membership and five monthly round-trip passes on Atlanta's mass transit system.
(40) The round-trip pattern can be used as an aide when one of the better methods cannot be used.
(41) Part 3 is particularly important because, when combined with this article, it illustrates round-trip data access between relational databases and XML.
(42) We simulated 100 ms round-trip latency and 3 Mbps network bandwidth for these tests.
(43) So I don't want to round-trip the entire form to server just to validate a single field, or download the thousands of possible airport IATA codes to the client each time.
(44) The SLA should specify an average round-trip latency and packet loss over a given time period -- within a month, say.
(45) Celia:Hello, I'd like to book a round-trip ticket to Hong Kong on Asia Air, please.
(45) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
(46) You can compare latency in online games to the round-trip time it takes parents to drive from home to the store and back.
(47) And he paid only $110 for the round-trip ticket to Paris.
(48) Otherwise, any information gathered in one round-trip transaction is dumped at each "Close".
(49) First, an individual's quotation for each group tour includes the cost of transportation, accommodation, meals, sightseeing, tour-guide service and round-trip international airplane tickets.
(50) Can I have a round-trip ticket to Central Park, please?
(51) On the other hand, if you can use hints from the client and server, so the server can prepare for the incoming late-model, high-performance sports car, then round-trip time can be reduced.
(52) The entire round-trip for this SLS operation can take less than 15 microseconds and therefore the agent likely doesn't need to yield the CPU.
(53) In what is called round-trip development, the developer uses part of the top-down process followed by parts of the bottom-up process.
(54) Other details might include customer address, billing details, round-trip delays, encryption, and service credit details.
(55) Finally, avoid round-trip approaches altogether due to the problems with the inconsistencies and development drawbacks in the approach.
(56) Could you please tell me how much is a round-trip ticket to Los Angeles?
(57) Harvard wins a double-magnum of 1999 Lafite ($3, 500)[], seats at Vinexpo's Chateau Haut-Brion press dinner and round-trip tickets to Bordeaux on Air France.
(58) Additionally, EMC EFDs safeguard data with full round-trip error correcting code (ECC) data integrity protection and destage power backup.
(59) Growing up in a remote section of Oregon, Peterson, his parents, and his five siblings would pile into their wood-paneled, nine-seat station wagon on Sundays for an 80-mile round-trip to church.
(60) To stoke U.S. interest, FIFA pressured Emirates airlines, a World Cup sponsor, to slash the price of its New York-Johannesburg round-trip flights to $2, 000, from $3, 000.
(61) The time for the first retransmission attempt is adjusted according to the calculated round-trip time and the resulting stretch of time that those attempts take varies accordingly.
(62) A round-trip ticket to the heaven and a round-trip ticket to the Hell.
(63) Tony gave him a round-trip ticket and a small package.
(64) For instance, your correspondent's home in Los Angeles is 400 miles from a colleague's in San Francisco. In theory, then, the shortest round-trip between the two locations is 4.3 milliseconds.
(65) The infrastructure uses an exponential back-off algorithm to determine when to retransmit, based on a computed average round-trip time.
(66) But if you "ping" the other computer, you'll get a round-trip time of typically 700 milliseconds.
(67) Isentropic claims a round-trip energy efficiency of up to 80% and, because gravel is cheap, the cost of a system per kilowatt-hour of storage would be between $10 and $55.
(68) It recalled that stormy night and enclosed a round-trip ticket to New York , asking the young man to pay them a visit.
(69) Instead, he found a $289 round-trip ticket from JetBlue Airways Group Inc. four days before leaving.
(70) The round-trip fare to Havana is 550 Irish punts ($673).
(71) As you know, TCP dynamically calculates timeout based on the round-trip time measured by TCP.
(72) You can buy a round-trip ticket. A round-trip ticket saves you about 15% of the fare.
(73) The effects of round-trip optical length fluctuation (ROLF), assumed to be an ergodic random process, on a fiber-optic ring resonator (FORR) are analyzed in detail.
(74) I'd like to book a round-trip ticket to Hong Kong on Asia Air, please.
(75) Judy, could you please book a round-trip ticket to Hong Kong for Friday at 3 pm?
(76) Even simple round-trip tickets are usually less expensive when purchased outside of North American and Europe, so even when traveling to or from the U.S., I make sure to buy the ticket elsewhere.




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