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单词 Shucks
1. The lifeguard shucked off his sweatshirt.
2. Shuck your dirty shirt and put on a new one.
3. On a good day, each employee will shuck 3,500 oysters.
4. You should not shuck a little child.
5. He shucked his coat and set to work.
6. She shucked off her jacket and ran upstairs.
7. Shucks, I wish I could have gone to the party with Jessica.
8. They seem to be able to just shuck off guilt.
9. Terry actually says "Oh, shucks!" when complimented on her singing.
9. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
10. Booties, coats and gloves were carefully shucked.
11. Well, shucks, why pay for one when you can just borrow mine?
12. Hong Kong wanted to shuck its image as a producer of cheap merchandise.
13. To the horror of friends and family, many of those unhappy lawyers are shucking their partnerships.
14. Our enjoyment of many of the oysters we were served was diminished by inept shucking.
15. Taylor tells the story anonymously, with an aw shucks bravado.
16. He shucked off his wet coat and hat in the hallway.
17. Church ain't shucks to a circus.
18. The corn shucks kept it safe from the fallout.
19. " Oh , shucks, I'll be just as careful.
20. shucks! what do you want to slope for?
21. Shucks! Now you tell me how Bob Tanner done it, Huck.
22. Oh , shucks, I'll be just as careful. Now lemme try.
23. Shucks, I'd sooner spend my money on a cow, said the farmer.
24. It's not worth shucks.
25. The group shucks its body armor and marches into an auditorium filled with poker-faced men in su its or clerical garb and women with covered heads.
26. Cruelty shucks to can ruthless ground the word that people packs meticulously with the euphuism.




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