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单词 Punitive damages
1 The jury awarded punitive damages .
2 He was awarded punitive damages .
3 Punitive damages are designed to punish and deter misconduct.
4 Punitive damages in libel cases are a legal anomaly.
5 He is asking for punitive damages of $ 6.9m.
6 Florida law prohibits punitive damages that bankrupt companies.
7 As Baker repeatedly told jurors, the intent of punitive damages is to punish, not destroy.
8 Both victims' estates have filed claims for punitive damages, which are designed to punish the killer and deter future slayings.
9 The company was ordered to pay punitive damages in a sex discrimination case.
10 In Texas, for instance, the total amount of punitive damages awarded between 1968 and 1971 was $ 85, 000.
11 Deliberation on punitive damages begins today in 20 blast victims' lawsuit against Seminole Pipeline Co.
12 The recommendation of a national standard for punitive damages would block states from preventing such awards.
13 But the estate also is asking for punitive damages, designed to punish Simpson for his conduct.
14 Punitive damages can be awarded when false statements are made maliciously.
15 Separate trials on actual and punitive damages would then be required.
16 Insurance companies pay most punitive damages because they themselves are the defendants that juries are most likely to punish substantially.
17 The punitive damages that we awarded is a deterrent for other murders, not just Mr Simpson.
18 The jury awarded punitive damages of £40,000 against Irving, and a further £40,000 against Cassell.
19 Fearful of punitive damages, companies will avoid doing anything that might later be seen as an admission of guilt.
20 Business groups had repeatedly pressed for punitive damages to be limited, complaining of the increasing size and frequency of such awards.
21 Punitive damages potentially could be much more costly to cigarette companies than compensatory damages.
22 Some of the negotiators, however, said the stalemate over the issue of punitive damages seemed especially intractable.
23 She is seeking $ 700, 000 in compensatory and punitive damages.
24 While the jury was unanimous last week in finding Simpson responsible for the slayings, one jurors voted against punitive damages altogether.
25 Negotiators said Wednesday that the main sticking point was still whether the industry should be exempt from paying punitive damages.
26 The jury deliberated seven hours over two days before awarding Jackson $ 850, 000 in compensatory and punitive damages Thursday.
27 The trio seeks $ 25 million in damages, plus unspecified punitive damages.
28 Simpson is being sued by the families of the victims, who are seeking compensation for their loss and punitive damages.
29 The jury did not find that Saab acted maliciously or with oppression, however, and refused to award punitive damages.
30 He was awarded $ 335, 000 in compensatory damages and $ 300, 617 in punitive damages.
31 After hearing further evidence, they will rule on punitive damages.
32 The Oregon Supreme Court upheld punitive damages award.
33 Apple filed a patent suit against Samsung, claiming the company's Galaxy smartphones and tablets infringe on several patents and asking for injunctions, actual damages and punitive damages.
34 Punitive damages system hasn't disaffirmed the rationality of traditional complementary damages system when it came into being and developed, hotly makes an exception on the general damages system.
35 The social standard of modern civil law is the legal basis of punitive damages.
36 The plaintiff in the court case was awarded punitive damages.
37 In common - law system, especially in American law, the punitive damages responsibility is an important institution.
38 In American law of punitive damages is a controversial problem.
39 Yet there is need for some tort reform because there is too much litigation, compensatory damages are often too low, and punitive damages have sometimes been grossly excessive.
40 If the behavior of someone who commits a tort is outrageous, that person can be made to pay punitive damages (also called "exemplary damages").
41 Punitive Damages are a civil compensation system which exceeds the actual damaged value.
42 At the same time, civil proceedings in the substantive law of fraud should provide punitive damages measures to allow victims to bear more than the actual loss compensation.
43 Punitive damages refer to the part of the payment which exceeds the actual damaged value.
44 Over the centuries, the institution of punitive damages derived from and developed in Anglo - American law system.
45 In 1993, The Consumer Protection Law firstly defines the provisions of the Double Compensation, which has been seen as creating a precedent for Punitive Damages.
46 Subjects include compensatory damages, special and general damages, pain and suffering, and punitive damages.
47 That's the same thing that happens when punitive damages are limited.
48 Then it introduces the punitive damages of American Legal System, and puts forward some lawmaking suggestion.
49 The system would be working well if any underestimated compensatory damages were just about offset by inflated punitive damages.
50 The EEOC sued Alamo on her behalf, and nearly six years later, a jury awarded the Phoenix woman $37,640 in back pay and compensatory damages and $250,000 in punitive damages.
51 Unlike a fine paid in a criminal case,(http:///punitive damages.html) punitive damages go to the injured party.
52 Now, bedbug-related lawsuits can lead to thousands of dollars in punitive damages for mental anguish, embarrassment or humiliation.
53 The so-called punitive damages refer to besides actual damages, the court orders the perpetrators to pay additional monetary compensation to the victims.
54 At the same time, the paper discusses the relationship between Punitive Damages and compensatory damages and mental damages.
55 News Group Newspapers is strongly contesting the action, which includes an unprecedented claim in a privacy case for exemplary or punitive damages as well as compensatory damages.
56 The condition for punitive damages include four aspects such as illegal act , wrong of willfulness , the actual damages and the link between the reasons and results.
57 Our country has been gradually introducing punitive damages policy in law-making process, and has got some certain social effect.
58 Punitive damages are often requested by a plaintiff in a lawsuit against the defendant for his misconduct, and are awarded with an amount beyond the plaintiffs actual loss.
59 In addition, relationship between punitive damages and compensatory damages is a ratio that has been addressed by the Supreme Court of the United States.
60 This section first discusses the concept of punitive damages and characteristics, followed by analysis with compensatory damages, moral damages, fines or penalties systems of relationships.
61 Punitive Damages is a special kind of damages both in American Law and Chinese Law.
62 Punitive damages has great influence on jurisprudence and practice of civil-law countries. Punitive damages has been applied in judicial practice in some countries like Germany and Brazil.
63 Sphere of application of punitive damages should not be only in fraudulent relations with consumers.
64 The punitive damages system has its special value and effect as being a widely adopted system in the civil prejudication of the damage and compensation in the common law system.
65 Otherwise the unit should take the responsibility of punitive damages. If the recruiting unit discriminate those laborer, they also must bear the responsibility of compensate.
66 This system is applicable to determine punitive damages in all civil spheres possibility.
67 Chapter two: the academic base of the system of Punitive Damages in tort law.
68 He may be sentenced to few years of imprisonment, plus some punitive damages.
69 There should be four elements in the liability of punitive damages, deliberation, illegal acts, actual damages, and cause-effect-relation.
70 The application of punitive damages should take such factors as the reprehensibility of the action, the wealth of the defendants and the litigation costs into consideration.
71 In June, a Phoenix jury awarded Nur more than $287,000 in back pay and compensatory and punitive damages.
72 In the Anglo-American press infringement cases, there are three basic kinds of damages: general damages, special damages and punitive damages.
73 At the same time, the paperthe relationship between Punitive Damages and compensatory damages and mental damages.




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