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单词 Structuralist
1 There are two main structuralist techniques incorporated into critical social research.
2 Thus the department's structuralist lectures on structuralism, the department's feminist lectures on feminism, and so on.
3 In structuralist theory the language of criticism ends up posing as many problems as the language of literature.
4 For example, rationalist, functionalist, and structuralist approaches take such a position.
5 They have broken the mould of the old structuralist and determinist urban sociology.
6 The real question in structuralist theory is how literally the linguistic model should be applied.
7 The Pluralist concern with management is, for the Structuralist, simply another means of ensuring the continued dominance of the rich.
8 However, structuralist Marxists fail to carry through their qualification of economic determinism.
9 Genette's largest contribution to structuralist narrative theory is his Narrative Discourse.
10 The structuralist brief, then, is to map out the conventions and rules governing all aspects of social behaviour.
11 The structuralist view of language also yields a much more flexible and wide-ranging view of the relationship between literature and reality.
12 Lacan transposes these structuralist accounts to the level of individual psychosexual development.
13 The more recent Structuralist perspective looks at international relations from the perspective of the less-developed nations.
14 Structuralist poetics has formed the theoretical background of literary competence.
15 Originally labelled a structuralist , the French philosopher and historian Michel Foucault came to be seen as the most important representative of the post- structuralist movement.
16 In contemporary west, the structuralist model plays a more important role than other models.
17 To write a treatise on the structuralist elements in Heidegger.
18 This was primarily a semantic and structuralist approach to understanding how similar films convey meaning.
19 Or is it a universal meaning that is potentially available to all but in practice is available only to the structuralist?
20 What strengths do the Marxist approaches contain, whether they be structuralist or instrumentalist?
21 It might be argued that it is. but it is worth dwelling briefly on the insights which structuralist Marxist accounts contain.
22 In this basic sense both historical materialism and Marxist political economy are undeniably structuralist.
23 So, any systematic extension of Saussurean concepts may, broadly speaking, be regarded as structuralist.
24 The only rational alternative, I shall argue, is to adopt a structuralist approach.
25 Even if literary texts were not seen as copies of reality, they were nevertheless regarded as copies of structuralist models.
26 As far as literary theory is concerned, it is perhaps this more than anything else which constitutes the structuralist revolution.
27 In Chapter 14 I sketch out the fundamentals of a structuralist theory of truth.
28 But here, similarly, Ancient architecture is humanist and modern architecture structuralist.
29 A simple natural, board type loose, comfortable to wear a structuralist style, and in the course of the often have with the design.
30 The late transformation of narratology has to some extent concealed the important status of structuralist approaches.
31 Structuralist linguists are influenced by the behavioristic view that one learns a language by building up habits on the basis of stimulus-response chains.
32 That is the unconscious, in other words, of the story which is brought out, brought to the surface, by a structuralist analysis of the myth.
33 Structuralist teaching materials are arranged on a basis of underlying grammatical patterns and structures.
34 Roman Jakobson' s structuralist poetics is the early stage in the development of structuralist literary theory.
35 Kevin Harte's idea of creation and the post structuralist theory of criticism are consistent with each other.
36 Laming-Emperaire's structuralist methodology is still in use,(http:///structuralist.html) much facilitated by computer science.
37 The theoretical framework of instructional scaffolding, based on Vigotsky's concept of approximate development area, is apposed to Piajet's structuralist cognition which emphasizes learning process.
38 How about the position of literary competence in Structuralist Poetics?
39 The structuralist dream of a fully analyzable language is now lost.
40 This book is a sequel to my Structuralist Poetics, though both the method and conclusions are different.
41 Some scholars pave the way for the collective property right on folk literature by borrowing the structuralist literature theory and criticizing the individualist authorship notion.
42 Yes, I can say it's a structuralist idea, but I really believe it because I've seen it in operation.
43 Abstract : Structuralist linguistics represents a new, dualistic approach to the speech acts of human beings.
44 The school of Glossematics (Copenhagen), established in the 1930s, is one of the important structuralist schools.




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